Chapter 939

[Group reminder: The commission issued by group member "Bai Chen" has been completed, and the reward settlement is in progress...】

[The settlement of this event is as follows...]

[The group member "The Queen Who Wants to Love" has an excellent rating and gets +1200 points. 】

[The group member "Spirit of Time" has an excellent rating and received +1200 points. 】

[The group members' "Extra-staff Giving" rating is average, and they get +600 points. 】

Non-staff individual: "I don't accept it! Why do I only get so many points?"

The Spirit of Time: "Maybe it's because Miss Jibril lost her battle strength in half the time?"

Non-staff individual: "But the last sky strike did a lot of damage to the two-headed dragon!"

The Spirit of Time: "But that's just a two-headed dragon, not a three-headed dragon?"

Non-staff individual: "I'm still not convinced!"

A seventeen-year-old girl: "Ah, you can earn hundreds of points just by going there, which is already a pretty good deal.

Bai Chen: "Having said that, it must have certain value. If you only paddle around for fish, the rating of the 080 chat group will only be lower."

Little Spider: "Maybe I have to give the points back to the boss."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Absolutely, is this the loan to work?"

Little Spider: "If anyone wants to watch the recording, I have a recording of the 8K original painting here.

Die Qi: "Give me a copy, thank you."

Best-selling novelist: "Give me a copy, too."

It was not the right time to join the group before, and I happened to miss the most exciting part.

Watching more recordings will give you a better understanding of this chat group.

Best-selling novelist: "By the way, do you need money for recording and broadcasting?"

Southern Rihe was a little embarrassed.

Although in her own reality, she earned a lot of money by writing novels and bought a house and a car in a high-end residential area in Tokyo, but in the chat group, she is a downright poor person.

After learning from Butterfly Ninja that the points needed to be exchanged, he began to look for a way to collect the points.

But after searching for a long time, I found that there was nothing of value beside me.


To be precise, there is still one (cbcd).

That is the copy personality of the shadow Ryunosuke temporarily residing in her body.

Perhaps because of the rarity of the item, this two-dimensional planar creature can be exchanged for two thousand points each.

But after thinking about it, Nanfang Rihe still gave up.

After all, after getting along for so many years, he can be regarded as his younger brother.

And even though it was a shadow, he wouldn't usually appear without his permission.

Unless she allows it, all actions of Shadow Ryunosuke are under her control.

Things like being seen by shadows while taking a bath are also impossible to happen.

After all, even if the other party was his own younger brother, Nanfang Rihe would not allow such a thing to happen.

Little Spider: "Of course you don't need it, it's just a recording of the group members' live broadcast. If you still charge money for this kind of thing, this spider will look down on you!"

Little Spider: "By the way, I still have the previous recordings, do you want to send them to you together?"

Best-selling novelist: "Thank you very much, five-body cast.jpg."

I don't want to go to hell: "The newcomers are getting used to using emoticons so quickly."

Best-selling novelist: "Although I am not as good as the seniors in the group, I am also a novelist who has come into contact with modern society, and it is easy to come into contact with new things."

Princess in military uniform: "Please give me a copy too, thank you.

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Please also bring a copy for my concubine, I can see the heroic appearance of the group members when I have nothing to do."

Blue Slime: "It's not so much the heroic appearance of the group members, it's better to say that most of them are the big guys pretending to be real."

Chaos Evil: "Don't forget me? Anyway, I am about to save the Master of Humanity. I have participated in many singularity battles."

Little Spider: "There are all of them. I have a good recording of every live broadcast of the boss, and the recordings and broadcasts of other group members."

Railgun: "All the group members except Bai Chen have become other people."

Little Spider: "Of course, only the boss is special to me!"

Blue Slime: "It's a pity that Sister Pao didn't live broadcast at that time, otherwise I really want to see what the live broadcast of the emoticons looks like?"

Railgun: "Shut up! Shameless old thief!"

The battle with the three-headed dragon has only passed for a few days.

The follow-up effects will also ferment after a period of time.

But Bai Chen didn't care about the future of Little Garden.

Soldiers come to block, water to cover is his plan.

Anyway, he is not only a domineering god now, but also holds two simulated star creation charts, even if he faces a group of millions of gods, he is not afraid.

In addition, the most important point is the particularity of Bai Chen.

Crossbow was judged by Hakoba as having a three-digit spiritual status, but his existence will not cause the collapse of the upper layer environment just like other three-digit numbers.

One can imagine.

Even if some group of gods wants to make small moves, it is impossible to act rashly without thoroughly understanding his details.

Ever since.

As the biggest contributor to this incident, Bai Chen naturally enjoyed the celebration held for him by the City of Brilliant Flames.

Before that, Estes and Jibril had been sent back by Bai Chen, but Tokisaki Kurumi stayed temporarily and spent several sleepless nights with him.

after this.

Tokisaki Kurumi returned to his original world, and Bai Chen also temporarily left Hakoniwa, sent Algar to the game life world for maintenance, and then returned to the world of Godslayer to spend a few days of peaceful daily life.

After cultivating feelings with the girls for a period of time, Bai Chen went to the world of game life and devoted himself to the research of the simulated star map.

Simulated Star Creation Map-"Void Star Taisui", and Simulated Star Creation Map Avesta"

The former is the cosmology held by Taoism, which has the power to seal the strongest species other than the dragon species into the fictional world.

If the opponent is not the strongest species, it will exert the effect of halving the spiritual capacity.

Although the three-headed dragon Azdakaha has the appearance of a dragon, it is not the strongest species of pure blood of the dragon. It is perfect to seal it with "Void Star Tai Sui".

As for "Avesta", Bai Chen has already experienced the power of this simulated star creation map.

If my own "outflow" system did not belong to the universe view of humans and gods observed by Hakoniwa, it would be really difficult to solve this demon king.

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