Chapter 945

The plot changed unexpectedly.

In the original trajectory, after Gatanjar defeated Tiga and turned it into a stone statue, he just sank it to the bottom of the sea.

But this time, Gatanjae learned the lesson.

Not giving the Giant of Light a chance to counterattack, just like Gorzan did to the other two stone statues except Tiga at the beginning, directly ruined the other side - the possibility of standing up.

This scene broadcast on TV was broadcast to the whole world in real time.

It was supposed to be the moment when a miracle happened, but Gatangey directly poured cold water on it.

Seeing the fragments of the stone statue of the giant of light sinking into the bottom of the sea with the ocean currents, Gatanjeh even waved his tentacles, as if celebrating that the light was wiped out by the darkness.

At the same time, Zoga all over the world, under the order of Gatanjaer, attacked more intensely in frequency and degree.

They are no longer limited to destroying cities, but purposefully searching for hidden human sanctuaries.

After destroying the hope of mankind, and then destroying mankind,

It is the will of Gatanjah to make this planet completely surrender to the domination of darkness.

Looking at the bad news coming from the branch, Director Sawai's face became more and more ugly.

But now that Tiga is dead, what else can he do.

The light of hope for mankind cannot revive Tiga who has been reduced to pieces.

"We humans have already done all the things that we humans should do. For the rest... contact the various departments to carry out the final resistance. No matter what, we must preserve the human fire, even if there is only one.

"Director, news just came in that the U.S. imperial government dropped a nuclear bomb on New York just five minutes ago.

"Actually put that kind of weapon in your own country!"

"It's crazy!"

"The result?"

"It's not optimistic. The rocket equipped with a nuclear warhead can't catch up with Zoga's speed. If it just detonates nearby, with Zoga's physical strength, it can cause ten minor injuries as much as possible."

"How come...isn't even this kind of weapon useful?"

So far, atomic weapons, whose power is at the top of all weapons, can only cause limited damage to Zoga.

If it can be hit directly, there may be hope.

But Zoga's limit flight speed must be above Mach 8, even if the nuclear bomb explodes nearby, Zoga can quickly fly out of the impact range of the nuclear bomb explosion.

"Dig Well, hurry up and think of a way, aren't you a monster expert?"

Xincheng pins his hopes on Ameng, who is beside him.

In the past, the Victory Team used the weapons he developed to deal with difficult monsters and achieved good results.

"If you have, I will admit that you are handsome!"

"No! I can't keep up with Zoga's speed, and any weapon has no effect, and I'm a handsome guy, okay?!"

"However, even if Zoga is defeated, the evil god cannot be solved."

As soon as this remark came out, the command room of the Artdis fell into a deathly silence.

"No matter what, we humans are not extinct, and now... still have a chance."

Ju Jianhui didn't want to give up.

But even so, she couldn't think of any feasible solution.

Just when people were at a loss for this, a faint blue portal appeared at the place where Tiga had fallen.

Bai Chen, dressed in casual clothes, walked out of the space tunnel along with the golden steps.

Although there is a raging ocean current under his feet, the young man stands on it as if walking on flat ground.

Bai Chen, who had already appeared in Tiga World, first looked around, and then set his sights on the stone statue powder that had not completely dispersed.

In the eyes of Gatanjehe, the strange figure sighed helplessly.

"It's a little late...but it's not too late."

It's just that Tiga's stone statue was smashed.

Although Dagu's condition can't be said to be very good, it is still a long way from complete death.

Tiga's last energy was used to protect his human body, but Gatanjah did not discover this process.

People watching the live TV broadcast saw the extremely conspicuous golden light in the darkness.

Ju Jianhui stared at the extremely tiny figure in the darkness, which seemed to bring back memories of her past.

"Could that figure be..."

"Maybe we still have a chance."

The dark clouds on Ju Jianhui's face gradually dissipated, and she tried her best to look directly at the whole picture of the golden figure.

But because the video signal is too blurry, only a light source that is many times smaller than Gatanjeh can be seen appearing there.


A figure can be vaguely seen standing in it.

"You should all know, the last time Tiga fought with the Kirierods, right? When Tiga was defeated, that... God came down once."

"Is there really a god?!"

"But now, can God deal with the evil god?"

Tangier also discovered the existence of light.

As the ruler of darkness, it is particularly disgusted with light.

Then he tilted his huge body, stabbing the countless centipede-like tentacles under the shell towards the figure.

Facing the tentacles that were wrapped in black mist and stabbed like meteorites, Bai Chen stopped Gatanjie's tentacles in place without even stretching out his fingers.


Realizing that his attack was being blocked, Gatanjah became more and more violent.

Then from the black organ on the top of the head, the ink-colored beam of light that had previously defeated Tiga was released.

Packed with extreme light and heat, it has the power to easily evaporate seawater.

The attack at the speed of light came along.

But Bai Chen still didn't make a move, making Tangier's attack invalid.

Afterwards, he completely ignored Gatanjae's rage, and made a motion of pulling towards himself directly towards the void.

The golden light sprinted across the world like ripples, covering the entire sea area with golden light.

Human beings all over the world watched the live broadcast in amazement, watching this miraculous scene.


Everyone noticed this scene.

Although I don't know the identity of the other party, as long as Gatange is opposing, it is a friend of mankind.

At this moment, if Gatanjehe had human nature, he would be extremely shocked.

And Bai Chen can easily get rid of Gatanjae, but in order to let the group members grow better and create better effects, he decided to revive Dagu first.

As if going back in time, the stones floating towards the ocean gathered at an astonishing speed.

Then, the complete stone statue of the Giant of Light appeared.

Bai Chen looked at Tijia's Shixiang with a light smile, and sighed leisurely: "It's time to wake up, Dagugong.",

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