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Chapter Nine Hundred And Forty Sixth To The Brilliant People

Chapter 946

This voice reaches the depths of the soul.

Dagu, who was protected in the diamond-shaped crystal, slowly opened his eyes.

Subconsciously, he slowly stretched out his hand towards the bright and eye-catching golden light.

....What happened?"

Dagu, who had just walked through the gate of hell, woke up slowly.

"Universal Superman, wake up quickly, I am Sha Fulin."


A name I've never heard of.

He didn't realize what was happening yet.

However, under the radiance of this brilliance, he has already regained a little bit of consciousness and strength.

The crystals protecting Dagu also dissipated on their own like a water curtain.

Only then did he see the figure appearing in the brilliance.

"Mr. Bai Chen?"

Bai Chen's appearance has long been memorized by him, so when he saw his "570" for the first time, Dagu recognized him.

"How did you come here?"

"Think carefully about what happened before."

Bai Chen didn't answer, just looked at Dagu with a light smile.

Dagu paused for a few seconds, lost in thought.

Soon, the impression that he was defeated by Gatanjehe came to mind.

"I'm sorry, Bai Risheng."

Recalling what happened before, Dagu bowed his head and confessed to Bai Chen, with a correct attitude like a primary school student waiting for punishment from his class teacher.

"I failed your expectations."

"No need to apologize, in fact, you can't beat Gatanjae, I already knew it.

Bai Chen shrugged, and what he said made Dagu hang his head even lower.

"Gatanjiehe is the ruler of the concept of darkness. He is placed in Little Garden. Given his status, he is already a four-digit demon king who can cause harm to one side. It is not impossible to grow to the main digit in time."

Bai Chen said.

"It would be weird if you could beat it."

Today's Dagu is much stronger than the original at this time.

However, it is still too far behind Gatange.

"To be honest, if you can stand there, it's already pretty good."

Bai Chen didn't know the real Dagu until he got in touch with him, and he was even more upright than what was depicted on TV.

Even if there is no chat group to back him up, even if he knows he will die, he will still stand in front of Gatanjiehe without hesitation.

Dagu accepted the compliment with some embarrassment.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his head and asked hastily, "Mr. Bai Chen, where is Gatangie now?"

"Don't worry, where we are talking, the flow of time is different from the outside, and the real world has only passed by less than a second.

Hearing this, Dagu heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, he lowered his arms weakly.

"Sure enough, I still can't protect the earth in the end?"

As an old man in the chat group, Dagu knew that Bai Chen's arrival was due to the protection mechanism of the chat group.

Not out of shame of being assisted, but out of own incompetence.

Bai Chen heard a deep sense of powerlessness from Dagu's voice.

But even so, he can still see the belief hidden in Dagu's heart that he will stand up even if he dies.

Dagu is not a saint, of course he is afraid of death.

But even if he was given another chance to start over, he would still choose the same path.

After all, from the beginning to the present, the most shining character of Yin Gu is "courage"

For today's Bai Chen, apart from the fact that he fought for the fate of coming to the godslayer world at the beginning, all subsequent problems were solved by him at the least cost and most smoothly.

But for Dagu.

Almost every time he fights a monster, he doesn't know whether he will win or not.

Tiga's hidden power is very strong, but Dagu is too weak.

All of Di Jia's tricks and skills were developed by him alone.

But even so, his talent is still not as good as Masaki Keigo.

Sometimes, Dagu even thought, if Masaki Keigo was Tiga, maybe every battle would not need to be so difficult at all.

However, what he doesn't know is that the criterion for becoming an Ultraman is not talent, but courage and will.

If it was Masaki Keigo, he should have given up by this time.

But Dagu has already made up his mind to die.

"Remember what I told you in the past?"

Bai Chen said with a light smile.

"The energy needed by Tiga is not only the light of substance.


The ancients are unknown.

To be honest, until now, he didn't understand what that meant.

"Although I am the contestant entrusted here, the next stage must be given to you..."

Bai Chen finished speaking with a smile, unlocking the barrier of time.

next second.

The world became gloomy again, the black mist rolled the ocean, and the almost black sea water kept churning.

Above the sky, I do not know when, it has already been covered by hordes of Zoga.

The darkness is overwhelming, like the end of the world.

No, it is indeed the end of the world.

"Accept this gift from humans, and occasionally don't have to fight alone."

After the words fell, Baifeng recovered the ten thousand areas of Yin Tongue.

Then, a magnificent and supreme voice resounded all over the world.

"As long as there is hope in his heart, no matter who he is, he can become light."

Immediately afterwards.

The brilliance of all parts of the world is overflowing once again.

Countless golden meteors crossed the other side of the ocean at an extremely fast speed and gathered on the head of Ultraman Tiga.

Gatanjah, the ruler of darkness, couldn't bear it.

In any case, the light must fade.

The tentacles entangled towards Dagu, and the Zoga in the air also attacked in groups.

Although Dagu had been restored to strength by Bai Chen, he was still unable to resist a series of attacks of this scale.

However, the barrier built by Bai Chen blocked those attacks.

Gatanjiehe could no longer stop the advance of the light, and could only watch the strands of light penetrate into the body of the giant of light 4.1.

If someone looked at the earth from outer space at this moment, they could find it.

The earth, which was originally shrouded in black mist, now glows with a flickering light like a candle.

And in less than a minute, the whole planet is lit up.

"these are"

In the tunnel formed by the light, countless children from all over the world rushed towards him.

Everyone has the purest smile on their face.

Until this moment, Dagu suddenly realized.

"That's... the real light."

It is not only the light in nature and the genetic factors of super ancient warriors that are special.

Human beings can become light through their own will.

Tears welled up from the sockets irrepressibly.

There are no words to describe how I feel right now. .

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