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Chapter 947: That Bai In The Group Came Out To Be Beaten

Chapter 947

The beam of light from the strong thunder soared into the sky.

In the dazzling brilliance illuminating the ruins of R'lyeh, Shining Tiga, the shining giant of light, finally appeared in the world.

Bai Chen, who was standing at a higher place, was watching the shining Dijia at this moment.

After obtaining the power of the light of the human mind, the power of Shining Tiga has been greatly increased.

At this moment, he is no longer Ultraman, but light itself, the ultimate hope of mankind that exists to save mankind.

"There is no suspense in the next battle."

As if dubbing the battle, Bai Chen declared the ending lightly.

Then, he removed the barrier, and the berserk Zoga and Gatanje rushed over immediately.

In order to tear Shining Tiga and that unknown figure apart, it stretches out all its tentacles.

However, Shining Tiga just cut off all the tentacles with a hand knife.

The huge and warm power gives Dagu 21 confidence.

Now he can't lose.

Because he is not fighting alone.

All hopeful people in the world are fighting with him at this very moment!

Gatanjae's shell, which is strong enough to withstand powerful attacks, was easily crushed by Shining Tiga's fists and feet.

The dark evil god roared in pain and fear, but to no avail.

Shining Tiga kicked Gatanjae away from the spot, then stretched his arms forward, gathering photon energy.

Zapelio's light hit Gatanjeh in an instant, causing the evil god's body to burn.

Gatanjah made a terrifying sound like a whisper.

"I will completely banish darkness from the earth!"

To some extent, Dagu is quite kind.

Even if the opponent is a monster, as long as it is harmless to humans, they will not be eliminated.

But Gatanjae is the evil god of darkness that destroys mankind, and must be wiped out.

Dagu and Yuexiong's colored timers flashed iridescent light after making up their minds, and then burst out all the energy in it.

Rainbow-like rays of light shot out, hitting Gatanjah's body in the blink of an eye.

With incomparable power and rainbow-like dreamy brilliance, Gatanjae, together with darkness itself, was wiped from the entire world.

However, because Bai Chen is here, based on the principle of saving, he absorbed Gatanjae's resentment into the Golden Demon City.

After the rays of light dissipated, the battle was completely over.

At the same time, the black smog covering the sky gradually dissipated, and the remaining Zoga lost all breath of life, and fell to the deepest part of the seabed along the ocean current.

The bright sunlight illuminates the alien temple, and the empty scenery inside is unobstructed.

Dagu just stood on the ruins where the land had been exposed.

The satellite live broadcast picture is clearer, and everyone can see the shining Tijia fighting on the hill.

He looked at the glorious figure in the sky, as if paying tribute.

This scene was firmly fixed in everyone's minds, and at the same time, a perception emerged in their hearts.

That was Michael, the angel of God.

No one cares about Gatangeh anymore.

Only because God and God's messengers have come.

After a short silence, humanity all over the world is cheering this great victory.

Then, the particles of light gradually dissipated from Dagu's body, and at the same time allowed him to restore his original composite form.

The opportunity to become Shining Tiga is the light of hope for mankind.

After all, it is the power borrowed from all human beings, not owned by Dagu himself.

But as long as he is still in this world, he can become Shining Tiga anytime, anywhere, and one day, he will completely master this power.


Blue Slime: "Is this the power triggered by miracles? The final transformation is so handsome!"

Witnessing the scene of human unity, Rimuru couldn't help expressing emotion.

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Is this the power of human beings united... No wonder after a thousand years, the human race will replace the monsters and become the leader of the world.

The scene of transforming into Shining Tiga really shocked Yakumo Zi, the big monster.

In contrast to the demon world.

The separatist parties fight for territory and interests, even if they are monsters of the same organization, it has nothing to do with it.

Non-staff individual: "It's hard to imagine that a mere human race can trigger this level of power."

Jibril marvels at the will and hope of humanity.

If the human species also has a patron saint like Tiga, maybe even her former creator, Artosh, would be hard to parry.

Best-selling novelist: "Unity...maybe it can be used as the subject of a new novel."

Goddess of the Moon: "A single spark can start a prairie fire. The qualities of human beings are rare and can even cause miracles that gods can't reproduce. This is an important reason why we like human beings."

Blue Slime: "It seems that I have to work hard next, I don't believe that I can't become a giant of light!"

Luo Abao: "I can't! I'll give it a try when I've accumulated a wave of ten companies! From now on, I'll stick to this place!"

Little white cat: "?"

Little white cat: "Mr. Amuro, don't you want to drive a Gundam?"

Luo Abao: "Driving a Gundam! A real man has to transform into an Ultraman!"

To be honest, after watching this live broadcast, many people in the group felt itchy 767.

Even Misaka Mikoto, who had always hoped to get the "Almighty Mode" before, wanted to become a giant of light once.

Then gather the strength of all human beings, and hang up and beat those guys who come out to disrupt!

Although the group members are also envious of Bai Chen's strength.

But on the one hand, not everyone is an Ougou, on the other hand, Bai Chen's current strength cannot be drawn out in the lottery pool.

Even if some can be extracted, it is still the first version, not Bai Chen's enhanced version.

The Spirit of Time: "Everyone, don't be impulsive!"

Irregular white-haired loli: "We understand!"

The queen who wants to fall in love: "What do you know?"

Irreverent white-haired loli: "This live broadcast is completely an arms display. Dagu is relying on it, and someone is playing a big game of chess!"

Little Spider: "You know too much."

Irregular white-haired loli: "Someone named Bai in the group, come out and get beaten!"

Bai Chen: "Aren't you also surnamed Bai?"

Irregular white-haired loli: "We don't have a surname, only a first name, and Bai Ye is our name!"

Bai Chen: "???"

Bai Chen was at a loss.

Good guy, I was splashed with dirty water for no reason.

White Yasha, right, very good, I remember you!.

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