Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 498 Three Of The Four Heavenly Kings Are Normal

Chapter 948

This group is like that.

Every time we chat, the topic will be diverted by someone.

And at this time, Dagu met Bai Chen in the group.

Big bone boiled into soup: "@ Bai Chen, Mr. Bai Chen, this time is really thanks to you."

Bai Chen: "As I said before, it's just helping each other, and I've already got what I want.

Dagu understood what Bai Chen meant.

After becoming Shining Tiga, he could feel a different kind of power occupying the center of the world.

He knew it was Bai Chen's handwriting, but Da Gu didn't care.

After all, he knew very well what Bai Chen was like.

An enthusiastic boss who breaks away from vulgar interests and does not forget to help his group of friends after he grows up.

Dagu believed Bai Chen unreservedly and would not do anything harmful to the world.

Dagu boiled it into soup: "However, there is still something I want to tell you for the time being."

Big bones boiled into soup: "I remember you once said that there are not only Gatanjah in the ruins of R'lyye, but also... evil giants besides me."

Dagu was a little apprehensive.

The giant who was able to sleep in R'lyeh with Gatanger, he knew very well that the other party might not be so friendly.

If there is another conflict in the future, the world and mankind will suffer again.

Little Spider: "Ah, I thought the boss was finally defeated. Didn't I expect there to be a follow-up story?"

I don't want to see hell: "And it's an evil giant."

Railgun: "Dark Giant?"

Ultra-Railgun: "Are you in the same group as Gatange?"

Bai Chen: "Basically, the giants of light first appeared. Later, due to psychological problems, four giants were tempted by the power of darkness and fell into dark giants."

Bai Chen: "Forget it, I'll just take you to see it directly."

After finishing speaking, Bai Chen activated the power of the realm and teleported Dagu and himself to the interior of the La'lye ruins.

Because it had just surfaced from the depths of the sea, the surrounding air was very humid and full of the smell of the sea, and the bones of dead fish were everywhere.

In the live broadcast, the most eye-catching thing is a huge humanoid stone statue.

They each pose quite weird poses, which reminds people of the three nobles under the moon in JOJO.

Although they are huge and exude a faint coercion, it can still be seen from the hurried posture of the stone statues that they seem to have been transformed into stone statues without any precautions

Golden Fairy: "Is this the dark giant? The shape is really weird`".

Railgun: "Actually, there's a bit too much frills around the corners."

Little White Cat: "But... Didn't the teacher say that there should be four dark-eyed people? Why are there only three here?"

Little Spider: "Normal operation, it's normal to have three of the Four Heavenly Kings."

Bai Chen: "That's the point."

Having said that, Bai Chen showed a faint smile.

Then, he set his sights on the bewildered Dagu.

Although I don't know what the reason is, Tian has a bad premonition.

At this time, the chat group also showed a close-up of Da Gu and Bai Chen.

In the picture, Bai Chen pointed at Dagu, and said with a happy smile: "Zhenjiao Dagu! Why did the Tijia statue choose you? Why do you often have strange dreams? Why are you the only one who can hear and see You Lian? It seems like everything is preordained!"

"This kind of thing...does Mr. Bai Chen know why?"

————there is only one answer!”


Looking at the young man who suddenly became interested, Dagu looked completely bewildered.

"Because you are not only the only human being chosen by Tiga in the world, but also Tiga is not a giant of light, but a giant of darkness!"

Bai Chen's voice spread far away in the cavity inside the La'lyeh ruins, forming several strong echoes.

But the young people who are having fun don't care about these at all, and a single thought can restore the noisy echo to normal.

Dagu looked at Bai Chen dumbfounded.

After a while, he smiled reluctantly.

"Mr. Bai Chen, Dijia... how could he be a dark giant, he is obviously a light."

"As the protagonist of light, he used to be dark in the past, and finally abandoned the dark for the light, which can be said to be quite a classic plot.

Bai Chen looked at him with a chuckle.

"I'm not joking with you. Tiga was indeed a dark giant in the past, and he took advantage of the civil war between the giants of light to lead three of his subordinates with destructive power to knock down all the giants of light and ruin the super ancient civilization. However, in the end Tiga abandoned the dark and turned to the light, and turned to You Lian and embraced the power of light [together with her, they sealed off the entire Lalaiye ruins."

"The three stone statues in front of you were once your subordinates and companions in the dark camp."

Super electromagnetic gun: "Good guy, is it so exciting?"

Black-haired loli: "...Backstabbing companion, Mr. Dagu actually had such a side before?"

Looking at the ridicule in the chat group, Dagu now wants to say "I'm not" or "I don't".

But as Bai Chen talked, some old memories began to emerge in his mind.

That was Tiga's memory when he was still a dark giant.

Dagu held his head, his headache was about to split.

Bai Chen: "It's a good thing to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, don't get too entangled."

The Spirit of Time: "Although that's the case, I don't know who just deliberately brought up the past, and someone seems to be having a good time!"

Bai Chen: "Don't pay attention to those details."

Little Spider: "Big brother expression pack get!"

Bai Chen: "At the end of the day, that is all in the past. As long as you are always on the side of justice, you will always be a Giant of Light."

The storyline of the Final Jihad takes place two years after Gatanjah was wiped out.

Although the world has restored peace again, Dagu often dreams that he has transformed into a dark Tiga.

And this situation (Li Zhao) has become so serious in the end that he can fall into fantasy from the beginning to the end.

In the following plot, some people in TPC studied the way Keigo Masaki became a giant, and tried to use the three stone statues in the ruins of R'lyeh to create artificial Ultraman, but they resurrected them all by mistake.

After meeting them, Dagu was told by Camila about his past experience and pain, which led to his transformation after two years. Because his heart was no longer firm, he turned into a black Di Jiayi

If Dagu could not be disturbed by language, and his heart was always firm in justice and light, he would not become Heidi in the plot.

Because of this sentence, Da Gu, who was almost confused, gradually returned to normal.


He has only just accepted the ray of hope for children all over the world.

So what if he was really a dark giant in the past?

He shook his head, looked at Bai Chen and asked, "Mr. Bai Chen, what should we do next?".

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