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Chapter 749 Achievement Achievement: Domination Of The Darkness And Newcomers Joining The Group

Chapter 949

TPC wants to use Masaki Keigo's method to create Ultraman, which Dako never thought of.

Not wanting humans to master the power of giants is not out of selfishness, but...these guys are dark giants, objects that cannot be controlled.

"It's not a big problem. I brought you here to solve this matter."

Bai Chen shook his head and said.

...Are you going to destroy these stone statues?"

Speaking of this, Dagu suddenly couldn't bear it.

Memories of the past interfered with him.

These three dark giants were all his former companions.

Obviously I have never met them.

On the one hand, for the safety of the earth, he wants to destroy these stone statues, on the other hand, he doesn't want to do so.

"There is no need to do this, I will resolve it peacefully without destroying them.

At this time, I have to praise the convenience of the power of domination.

As long as Bai Chen kills these three dark giants, and then uses the power of domination to subdue them, they will become loyal licking dogs that cannot be betrayed.

In this way, any problem can be solved.

Love and hatred 30 million years ago?

Are the dark giants the sinners who destroyed the super-ancient civilization? 437 That has nothing to do with modern times.

On the contrary, in the future, Dagu can still be a fighting partner with them to protect the world.


Bai Chen feels that he has made a great contribution to maintaining the peace of the world and even the universe.

If there is a Kingdom of Light in this universe, King Ultra should award him a Peace Star Medal.

Closer to home.

After stating his thoughts, Bai Chen put them into action.

He first lifted the petrification state of the three dark giants, and then before they opened their mouths to shout, he annihilated their bodies with the Holy Spear. Before their souls disappeared, he used the power of dominance to control the three of them, forcing them to transform into his most loyal servants.

Then, they were reshaped by Bai Chen, turned into human form and knelt down devoutly.

The leader is a beautiful mature woman dressed in black, with silver patterns on her face and a crystal pendant on her forehead.

Camilla knelt down on the ground devoutly, and said in an extremely excited and joyful tone.

"Lord, your mercy has washed away the sins in me, separated (cbca) me from sins and this world, made me holy, and I will follow you for thousands and generations.

The two big bosses in the back couldn't speak such a philosophical language, they could only say something similar to "me too".

"Arise, and behold my glory."

Bai Chen put his hand on Camilla's forehead.

The originally dim hanging ornaments were now covered with a faint golden halo.

This is a symbol of the Anti-Golden Heroic Spirit.

Feeling the changes in her body, Camilla wept with joy.

At the end of the original book, Camilla Patek explained that she also longed for light.

After all, no matter what, she was once a giant of light.

It's just that he got deeper and deeper in the darkness, and when he reacted, he couldn't turn back.

It was Bai Chen who gave her a second birth and rescued her from the darkness.

Even if Bai Chen doesn't use this kind of coercive dominance, and only needs to defeat Camila, and then guide her to the path of light, Camilla will still be grateful to herself.

But Bai Chen is not in the mood to do that now.

At this moment, Bai Chen looked at the longing and admiration in Camila's eyes, and suddenly remembered that Camila had an affair with the former Dark Tiga thirty million years ago.

I am now transforming Camilla into my captive.

And Dagu was still watching happily from the sidelines.

I always felt that the originally solemn and beautiful atmosphere suddenly became strange.

never mind.

Anyway, the current Dagu has nothing to do with the past.

There are some things that only you know.

After solving the matter of the dark giant, Zoga, the undead hidden in the ruins, was also controlled by Camilla and others to die actively.

In this way, Tijia's plot is completely over, and even Dagu looks like he has nothing to do.

He walked on Bai Chen, bathed in the cool sea breeze and said: "The evil god that symbolizes darkness has been eliminated, so that the earth will always be peaceful in the future."

Dagu has already thought about what to do after retiring from the victory team.

It is also good to plant flowers and trees on an alien planet.

After all, before I joined the victory team, my hobby was to cultivate different plants.

"Don't think too much, the troubles in the future are still early."

Bai Chen chuckled and looked at Da Gu who seemed to see through everything.

"What...what's wrong?"

Dagu suddenly looked at Bai Chen nervously.

"Gatanjae is just the darkness on the earth, and there are still many ambitious enemies living in the universe. The cosmic life form, Sfia, and the source of destruction, are the main alien creatures that will attack the earth in the future."

Strictly speaking, Dyna shares the same worldview as Gaia and Tiga.

And the further back, the overall strength of the monster will be higher and higher.

Wanting to live peacefully under the Ultraman universe view is simply a luxury.

"So, Dagu, don't stop."

He patted Dagu on the shoulder, nodded slightly and said.

"Okay, this is the end of the matter, and it's time for me to leave."

"Are you leaving so soon?"

Dagu was a little bit reluctant.

"I haven't figured out how to repay Mr. Bai Chen yet.

He thought, at least he should treat Bai Chen to a meal, a drink or something.

"No, after all, the victory team is still very busy with their work."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Camila and the other three, and after explaining that they would protect the world with Dagu in the future and that they would take them away in the future, he submitted the commission.

Although Camila was reluctant, it was Bai Chen's order after all.

After returning to the Godslayer World, Bai Chen heard a prompt from the chat group.

[Group Reminder (Private): You have completed the group member's commission of "Big Bone into Soup", task evaluation: ordinary, and you will get 5,000 points. 】

If you want to achieve an excellent or perfect evaluation, you need to kill Gatanjah yourself.

But Bai Chen didn't do that, so the evaluation is naturally not high.

At the same time, he can also feel the feedback from Tiga World.

Those Zoga who died, and even Gatanjae became war slaves in the magic city.

His power as a domineering god has become stronger.

And at this moment, a new reminder suddenly came out in the chat group.

[Group reminder: The new member "Silver-haired Witch" has joined this group. 】.

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