Chapter 950

There are newcomers joining so soon?

Hearing the familiar prompt from the system, Bai Chen was really surprised.

It has been less than a week since the two newcomers Altair and Nanfang Rihe joined the group.

Probably the chat group came to the aunt.

Bai Chen, who didn't think about the details, naturally raised his hands to welcome the newcomers.

After all, whether it is for him, other group members, or those newcomers who have just joined the group, the more people in the group, the better.

Sheng Tianzi: "Welcome newcomers!"

Bai Chen: "Son of Heaven, long time no see~.

Sheng Tianzi: "Well, it's true that I haven't spoken for a while, but that's because the work is very busy now, and the children also need to be taken care of, but I have been watching the screen all the time."

Sheng Tianzi: "By the way, Master Bai Chen, the children all told me that they miss you very much, so you see..."

Bai Chen: "I'll go there sometime."

Sheng Tianzi: "Thank you very much! The children will be very happy to know that you can come back!"

Little White Cat: "Newcomer! Welcome!"

Grandpa is so cute: "Welcome newcomers, everyone in the group is a good person, don't worry if this is fake.

The Spirit of Time: "Welcome newcomer.jpg."

Little Spider: "Welcome newcomers, treat this place as your home, it's best to keep your money at home, Panda Smile.jpg.

Blue Slime: "Newcomers, don't be afraid, don't worry, none of us are good people here!"

Luo Abao: "Rookies, run, this group is all gay.jpg."

Big bones boiled into soup: "Rookies, run, this group is all gay.jpg.

[Group reminder: Group member "Big Bone Boils into Soup" withdrew a group message. 】

Big bone boiled into soup: "Sorry, I ordered the wrong one."

Luo Abao: "Let's go.jpg.

Irregular white-haired loli: "I am seeking marriage: the gender is required to be female, the age between fourteen and one thousand is preferred, and those with good figure are preferred. I will provide three meals allowance and board and lodging. If there is anyone who meets the requirements, please private chat with this account as soon as possible!"

Elegant lady: "Welcome."

Non-staff individual: "Newcomers, let's fight!"

Bai Chen: "?"

Bai Chen: "Can you all be serious, what if you scare the newcomers away?"

Goddess of the Moon: "If I were a newcomer, I would definitely suspect that there must be something wrong with this group."

Super Electromagnetic Gun: "It's me, I will run too."

The way chat groups invite people is abrupt.

You may be falling asleep, and suddenly there are a few ding ding dings in your head.

Anyone with a bad heart may be scared to death.

The Spirit of Time: "Speaking of which, not only does the chat group not have the option to exit, but there is even no option to refuse when joining the group."

At the beginning, her subconscious reaction was to refuse, but even if she chose no, she was still pulled in, with no room for choice at all.

Since this is the case, what options are there, just come in directly!

Fubuki of Hell: "Yeah, if you join the chat group, there should be no way to quit.

Bad woman: "Maybe only death is the only way to escape."

Little White Cat: "Scared.jpg."

Little Spider: "Even if you die, you don't necessarily quit the chat group. With the boss around, even if you really die, the boss can rescue you back."

Chaos Evil: "If you say that, wouldn't it mean that you can't quit the chat group even if you die?"

I don't want to see a ghost: "It's even scarier to say it this way."

Teacher Loli: "I feel more and more that Mr. Bai Chen is the leader of the group."

Best-selling novelist: "So it's this kind of hidden setting, I see."

Butterfly Shinobi: "Okay, don't really scare the newcomers."

Butterfly Shinobi: "Let me explain in advance, the above is a group of friends greeting you, although it looks a bit strange, but you can get used to it in the future."

Maybe it's because of his good acceptance, or maybe because he didn't find an exit option, the newcomer finally spoke.

Silver-haired Witch: "Excuse me... what is this place? Is it some kind of magical environment? If so, please don't do this. I still have important things to do."

The Spirit of Time: "This is a chat group, it's not some weird magical illusion. After all, if it's an illusion, you won't feel pain if you pinch yourself."

Waited for a few seconds.

The silver-haired witch: "It hurts... There is such a strange magic in this world, oh no, it's a chat group, and even Pa Shu and I can't detect it."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Did the rookie really pinch himself?"

Little Spider: "It's rare to see such a sincere newcomer these days."

Little White Cat: "The name is so deceptive."

Irreverent white-haired loli: "Newcomers follow me, you have everything!"

Seeing this, some guessed which world the girl came from.


Parker's name is fairly common.

However, judging from the relationship with magic, it is naturally impossible to be the little spider in Marvel.

Coupled with silver hair, the witch's nickname.

Perhaps the newcomer this time is the heroine Emilia from "RE: Life in a Different World From Zero".

Beside her is a battle pet named Parker, whose hidden strength is one of the best in that world.

The silver-haired witch: "Although it's a bit unbelievable, everyone in the group is indeed talking to me. If it's a product of magic, it's impossible to do it so finely. If it can be done, it must be a magician stronger than Parker, but basically there are few people whose magic is stronger than Parker.

Chaos Evil: "The newcomer is so logical, and judging by his speech, could it be that he is a top expert in another world?"

Although I don't know what Parker is, but... if the world can be used as a unit, it is basically not too weak.

Non-staff individual: "Newcomer,!"

Silver-haired Witch: "?"

Afterwards, Emilia received a letter of challenge from a non-staff individual who initiated the group arena.

But after reading the content of the ring, Emilia quickly refused.

On the one hand, she doesn't like fighting, on the other hand, she still wants to find out the information here.

This place called the chat group seems to be very interesting. .

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