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Chapter 952 How Comfortable It Is To Eat At Home And Wait To Die

Chapter 952

The Spirit of Time: "Yeah, and the badge was stolen, but you still have to go after it yourself. This doesn't look like an important heir to the throne, it's just an ordinary person..."

Electromagnetic Gun: "I personally think that Miss Emilia's chances of winning are not very high, after all, I don't have any loyal courtiers around me."

Golden Fairy: "Well... I think we should encourage newcomers now."

Blue Slime: "That's right, the newcomers have mixed up to this level, and they still have to be angry in the group."

Die Qi: "Come on."

The Spirit of Time: "Sorry, but Miss Emilia really didn't think about changing the status quo?"

Little Spider: "I think, basically, you don't have to participate in things that have no chance of winning, and it's not bad to kill other meaningful things."

Railgun: "Like?"

Little Spider: "How comfortable it is to stay at home and play games, sit and eat and wait to die!"

Railgun: "I knew it...21"

Bai Chen: "You are somewhat embarrassed. The reason why Emilia chose to retrieve the badge by herself is because she didn't want to let this matter get out. If she informs the guards of the royal city, not only will her qualifications as the heir to the throne be exposed, but her reliability and prestige as the heir to the throne will also be further reduced, which will not benefit future assessments."

Chaos Evil: "I see, I understand."

Silver-haired witch: "Thank you for explaining to me"

Emilia was not dissatisfied with the group members because of this.

After all, what they say is true.

And Bai Chen stood up to speak for her at this moment, which made Emilia very grateful.

After all, over the years, she has been excluded a lot because of her identity as a silver-haired half-elf.

People who can speak for her have basically never met.

However, after Emilia was moved, she only realized it later.

Why would this man know what was on her mind?

Silver-haired Witch: "Huh? You...how do you know?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Don't ask, asking is reasoning."

Little Spider: "That's right, it's the result of reasoning about the status quo based on the information exposed by the newcomers. This is a skill exclusively for bosses, so don't worry about it."

Little Spider: "And rookie sauce, let me tell you something quietly. Now that you have just joined the group, write down your wish quickly. If the boss is interested, maybe he will help you realize it as soon as you are happy."

Grandpa is so cute: "Whispering Words". "

Railgun: "Loud Conspiracy.jpg."

Silver-haired Witch: "Wish or something...Actually, I just want to find the lost badge now...."

Because of her status as a half-elf, Emilia spends most of her time in the earl's manor supporting her to practice as a princess.

It's not that I haven't been to Wangcheng, but the number of times is extremely small.

Except for this special occasion, every other time I just stayed in the carriage and observed the storm in the royal city through the wind tent.

It is really not easy for her who is unfamiliar with the place of life to find the other party in the vast crowd.

Little Spider: "???"

Little Spider: "That's it?"

Little Spider: "At this level, even me, who is the lowest in the group, can help you out.

Silver-haired Witch: "Then... I don't have any other wishes."

Silver-haired Witch: "As for the problems everyone mentioned, I'm not unaware of them, but I'm actually used to being excluded, and now, this situation will no longer affect me."

The silver-haired witch: "I am also a little worried about the winning rate of Wang Xuan. Just like what the earl said, I don't have the support of the people and the army, so the winning rate is quite low. But even so, I don't want to just give up on myself. I want to go to the end and witness the result of Wang Xuan with my own eyes, no matter whether it is successful or not, otherwise, my life will be meaningless."

Emilia is very aware of the value of her own existence.

In the past, she only lived with Parker.

But one day, a man named Roswaal found her and took her to the main city.

Since then, she has had a new identity.

The king chooses his successor.

Because she has a place to belong to, Emilia, with the support of Roswaal, practiced in the selection of the king.

For Emilia, this kind of behavior has become the meaning of her life.

after all.

She has no memory of the past, and she doesn't know who her parents are. She only knows that Parker is the first thing she sees when she opens her eyes.

What an innocent girl.

Bai Chen, who came to the lobby of the Bronze Black Cross Mansion, listened to Qi Qi's singing and watched Emilia's speech in the chat group.

After seeing what she said, he couldn't help shaking his head.

For Emilia, the so-called Wang Xuan is not so much the meaning of life, but rather a virtual life in which a simple and ignorant beautiful girl with amnesia is deceived by a psychopathic frontier count and then used as a pawn.

According to the original trajectory, Emilia was assassinated many times under the planning of the border earl Roswaal.

Emilia would have died many times if it wasn't for the protagonist Lai Yue Subaru who was also killed.


In fact, Emilia's strength is not considered weak. As the rarest elf warlock in the world, her magic power reserve is even inferior to that of the legendary witch, and her combat talent is suitable for all battlefields.

The reason why she died many times in the original development was that one was because of being attacked, and the other was that her past fighting skills were also sealed because her memory was sealed.

If you can use the hidden power in your body, you can completely hang up and beat Earl Roswaal, who is known as the strongest magician in the Kingdom of Lugnica.

Little Spider: "Hmmm... the kingly way unfolds, the beautiful girl wants to prove the meaning of her life, it always feels like she is reading jump comics."

Blue Slime: "Ah, I feel the same way!"

Bai Chen: "There is no need to rush to retrieve the badge. That badge was taken by a thief to a pawn shop in the slums where stolen goods were digested. You only need to inquire casually in the slums to find it."

Bai Chen: "But be careful. There may be a killer hidden in that warehouse. Be careful when you go in. Personally, I suggest taking precautions to prevent surprise attacks."

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