Chapter 958

Little Spider: "What happened?"

Butterfly Shinobu: "What happened?"

The Spirit of Time: "What happened?"

Encountering the unknown, the essence of being human begins to emerge.

Due to the change of the live broadcast screen, the group members turned into repeaters.

After all, this was the first time they had met.

But not long after, the picture returned to clarity.

Emilia's confused and stunned face appeared in the center of the live broadcast interface.

"Just... what happened?"

Looking around, it is a lively city.

But the last second she was clearly in the warehouse of the slum, confronting an assassin named Elsa.

Now, why did it suddenly appear on the street two streets away?

Both the group members and Emilia herself were at a loss.

But at this moment.

A familiar figure shuttled across the top floors of various buildings.

Emilia recognized the man at a glance as the murderer who stole the badge, Felut who lived in the slums.

She followed without thinking.

I just feel a little strange in my heart.

The current scene is somewhat familiar.

And at this moment, Alia felt a hint from the chat group.

Bai Chen: "@银发魔女, almost forgot, the situation just now is actually a time regression, you should be back to the time not long after the badge was stolen.

Emilia stopped at a bend.

Silver-haired witch: "Back in time?!"

Bai Chen: "It is indeed time regression. The cause is a man named Laiyue Subaru. Once he dies, the time of the whole world will go back to the time before his death, and then flow again."

Spirit of Time: "?"

The Spirit of Time: "Really?"

As the spirit of time, Tokisaki Kurumi is very good at manipulating time.

Partial time regression, and going back to the past, is a trivial matter for her.

But when I heard that someone could do it, and let the time of the whole world turn back together, I couldn't hold back anymore.

Blue Slime: "There is such an operation..?"

Teacher Loli: "Kuang San, what do you think?"

The Spirit of Time: "Since Mr. Bai Chen has said it, it must be true, but if I want to go back to the time of the whole world, the amount of time and spiritual power I need is absolutely astronomical."

Super electromagnetic gun: "Once you die, you will return. Isn't this the archive of a stand-alone game?"

Bai Chen: "It can be understood in this way.

Little Spider: "Absolutely!"

Little Spider: "If you have this ability, wouldn't you be able to become invincible?"

Anyone who has played the game knows it.

If the stand-alone game has an archive, you can have countless opportunities for trial and error, familiarize yourself with the next step of the plot, the enemy's attack methods and skills, and finally pass the level without injury.

If it is changed to reality, it is conceivable that it will also be quite buggy.

At least that's what Zhuzizi and others, who used to be senior otaku, think so.

Bai Chen: "Theoretically, it is possible, but in reality, it is very difficult to operate."

With what Lai Yue Subaru did in the main story, it can be called a typical "waste".

Although there were some changes in the later period, the operation in the early stage can be regarded as a model of brainlessness.

However, different from other IF lines of the main story, the male protagonists of some world lines are quite normal.

Little White Cat: "People with this kind of ability are usually male protagonists in novels or games.

Ultra-Railgun: "Although it is strange, compared with the chat group, it is still insignificant."

The Spirit of Time: "That's true."

The Spirit of Time: "If Ms. Emilia hadn't joined the chat group, the impact of time regression might even have forgotten her previous experience, but now it seems that she has basically not been affected except for being teleported back to her original position."

Silver-haired Witch: "The magic power I consumed before has also been recovered."

Emilia as a supplement.

At the same time, watching the discussion in the group, she felt a little uneasy.

During this period, she paid attention to the street scene beside her.

It is found that the streets today are very similar to the impression before the last backtracking.

She went back to the ghetto.

The people here looked at themselves with the same malice as before.

Emilia quickened her pace, came to the warehouse she had been to for the first time, and knocked on the door with trepidation.

Not long after.

"Against the big rats?"

"Against the white whale?"

The same deep voice.

Same question.

After Emilia kept knocking on the door, an impatient giant old man appeared behind the door.

The other party showed the same expression for the first time, but they didn't see her expression for the second time.

It's completely the attitude of meeting a stranger and disliking himself as a fat and silver elf.

Emilia believed Bai Chen's explanation.

She did go back in time once.

Not long after.

She repeated her performance last time in the same way.

Assassin Elsa sneaked up from behind as if she had arrived as promised, but was blocked by the ice shield again.

And the next battle was exactly the same as in the impression.

Even the dialogue between Elsa and Parker is completely consistent.

However, just when Parker transformed into twenty ice picks and was about to pierce Elsa, Emilia reminded: "...Parker, she is wearing a one-time device that can defend against magic. If it is only hit once, it will be useless."

As soon as the words fell, the ice cone crashed down.

"Ah, I didn't expect you to be quite knowledgeable.

Elsa came out of the white smoke.

As expected, the coat that was worn on his body before disappeared.

"But it's time for you guys, I've never cut open the stomach of an elf before.

The fierce battle started again in the small warehouse.

Until the end, after Elsa cut off the sole of her foot, time returned again.

(Qian Wang's) and Emilia returned to the lively streets of Wangcheng for the second time.

The girl looked at her hands: "I'm back again?"

Chaos Evil: "It's such a convenient ability, you can start over after you die."

Little Spider: "It's kind of outrageous."

Little White Cat: "Although I came back, I still haven't been able to get Miss Amelia's badge back.

Electromagnetic Gun: "And even if you get it back, once time returns again, you still have to return it.

Blue Slime: "It's true, it's interesting to repeat it once or twice, but it's hard to repeat it here all the time."

The Spirit of Time: "Since Mr. Bai Chen said that the time regression was caused by the death of Lai Yue Subaru, it seems that he must be found first to solve this problem."

Ultra-Railgun: "Die in one place several times repeatedly is quite outrageous."

ps: The picture shows Emilia. .

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