Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 962: Everyone In The Group Is Talented, And They Speak Nicely

Chapter 962


Elsa, who has been obsessed with killing skills all year round, immediately noticed something was wrong.

Then he jumped behind him like a pippi shrimp.

Raising his eyes, he looked in surprise at the strange figure who appeared at an unknown time.

Did you come in just now?

Or... stay in this room all the time?

Elsa didn't know who this man was and how he appeared.

However, seeing the opponent's pair of pupils that seemed to be burning with the sun, out of the intuition of killer and biological instinct, Elsa clenched the scimitar tightly, her eyes constantly scanning for gaps in pursuit.

The originally intense scene suddenly quieted down.

A dry, cold mist of ice hung in the air.

Felut and the bald old man still stood there blankly.

They couldn't even see Elsa's movements clearly, and they didn't even know where Bai Chen came from.

Bai Chen didn't care about other people's opinions.

He looked at Yu Sheng after the catastrophe, and felt that Emilia, who had been closed in the gate of hell once, spoke.

"The newcomer... no, it should be Miss Emilia. I didn't expect that we would meet so soon." 21

Hearing the voice, the half-elf girl came to her senses.

She looked at the young man in front of her who was several tens of centimeters taller than herself.

The heterogeneous aura faintly emanating from the other party made Emilia a little nervous.

But the source of this emotion is more from being unfamiliar with strangers.

After all, in the past ten years or so, she was excluded because of her status, and the only person she could communicate with was Parker.

It's a little uncomfortable to be called by a stranger's name all of a sudden.

...Yes, I am very glad to meet you, but are you a group member?"

"If there is no second group in this world, I should be."

Bai Chen nodded with a chuckle.

"Bai Chen, meeting for the first time.

"Are you Mr. Bai Chen?"

Recalling her experience in the chat group, Emilia's eyes became a little more intimate.

After all, she heard some useful information from Bai Chen.

Coupled with the image of Bai Chen, it can be said that it can be said that young and old can take it all.

Naturally, a good feeling rose in her heart.

It is very similar to those ignorant girls who are frustrated in reality and have a good impression of them after being comforted by strangers on the Internet.

"Is it a new guest?"

Elsa stared bloodthirsty at the strange youth.

"I hope you can last a little longer than that lovely elf lady, otherwise, if it's too fast, I won't be able to be satisfied.

The delicate and charming woman licked the scimitar in her hand, as if choosing someone to devour.

.... Mr. Bai Chen, this woman is difficult to deal with, let's deal with her together.

After finishing speaking, Emilia brought up her magic power again, ready to confront Bai Chen side by side.

But Bai Chen shook his head.

"Relax, I'm here."

After smiling to appease the agitated Emilia, Bai Chen turned his eyes to the beast-like woman on the opposite side, with a gentle gaze full of pity.

"Elsa Gramsittel, your childhood experience is not that pitiful compared to others, but unfortunately you still took a detour, but if you were properly guided in your childhood, you might take a completely different path from now.

At the beginning of the chase, Elsa can be said to be a character who is more sexually obsessed with him.

After all, how can a young and vigorous young man resist the temptation of such a shy big sister.

But now, I have no choice but to do it.

Having said that, it seems that there are quite a few women or females he has beaten so far.

Facing Bai Chen's opening remarks, Elsa remained unmoved.

Just being exposed to the other party's gaze, it was as if he had been stripped naked and had nothing to hide.

This feeling is extremely uncomfortable for her who has been lurking in the shadows all year round.

Elsa didn't feel much about the youth's words.

She had already forgotten about the things she was young.

Now she is nothing more than a intestine hunter who likes to hunt other people's internal organs.

No more words, in the face of the unarmed young man, Elsa preemptively strikes.

Her slashing combined with the speed of Treaty, is like a swift flying in the air.

It is clearly a human, but its actions seem to ignore gravity and run around the room.

"You may need therapy."

In the eyes of ordinary people, the speed that is almost unattainable is slower than a snail in the eyes of Bai Chen.

At the same time, he activated the power of the artifact-Balor's Dead Eye.

The invisible magic power spread in all directions, and everything was stopped in place in an instant.

Including Elsa herself who jumped down from the beam, arms and machete behind her, and launched a surprise attack.

After time stood still, even the smile on her face froze.

Near the scene, only Bai Chen and Emilia are still active.

She looked at this scene in surprise.

She, who had only gone back in time twice, recognized what kind of move it was.

"Time has been stopped?"

"It's just a trivial matter, besides me, there are many people in the group who can do similar things.

Tokisaki Kurumi, Estes, Shiroyasha, the future Spider and Rimuru can also do it easily.

Even in this world, if you have the protection of "time manipulation", you can do the same thing.


Even if it can't be done, it may not be exempt.

Such as Envious Witch Satila, Juggernaut, and Dragon King may be able to resist his time stagnation, but it is basically difficult for others to do so.

This includes gut hunters.

He controlled the stationary Elsa to float in front of him.

Then he stretched out his hand and pressed it on her forehead.

The silver chain penetrated into Elsa's forehead from the palm of her hand, completely dominating the intestine hunter's body and mind.

As for the perverted killer with a twisted mind, Bai Chen's method comes directly.

Then, Bai Chen unblocked and let time continue to flow.

Elsa, whose center of gravity was unstable, lay on the ground, and flew out with both knives out of her hands.

But she immediately adjusted her posture and half-kneeled in front of Bai Chen.

This scene made Emilia dumbfounded.

"how did you do that?"

"I redeemed her soul, she cried bitterly at me in the space of consciousness, now she won't attack you.

Bai Chen said righteously.

Hearing this, Elsa lowered her head and remained silent.

She still retains her original personality, but she already regards Bai Chen as the master who can give her everything.

But even so, she still wanted to complain.

Those chains just now...

Emilia nodded as she recalled those silver iron chains.

At the same time, I felt the magic weapon of the chat group in my heart.

The people in the group speak nicely, and all of them are talents.

She kind of likes this chat group. .

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