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Chapter 966 Marry Bai Fumei And Reach The Pinnacle Of Life

Chapter 966


Faced with the maid's expressionless but reproachful eyes, Emilia felt a little embarrassed.

The reason why she came to the capital was originally to relax her mind, so she came to the royal city with Lei Mu, who was routinely preparing supplies.

Then, when Rem went to the vendor to buy daily necessities, because she saw the girl who had eaten but lost her purse, in order to help her out, she found that her purse was also missing

So Emilia decided to let Parker come out to perform and make money. As a result, passers-by were frightened and threw away all their weapons and money.

Although she successfully rescued, her badge was also stolen by Felut at that time.

After a few cycles, until now.

And about the loss of the badge, Emilia didn't want to tell the second person. "Nine Seventy"


Because of doubts about Roswaal, some things are even less straightforward than in the past.

"Forget it, Lord Emilia, since we found you, let's go back now."

Emilia's face was full of unspeakable secrets.

But Rem was not someone who liked to probe into other people's privacy.

As he spoke, he wanted to leave.

However, Emilia was a little hesitant: "Well, Rem... can you wait a little longer, I still have a friend...


Hearing this, Rem narrowed her eyes.

Although she is a maid of the Meizas family, she doesn't have much communication with Emilia.

But that's the case, Rem also knows Emilia's character.

In this world... who else would want to befriend a silver-haired half-devil?

at the same time.

Bai Chen also found Subaru Lai Yue wandering in the night market.

When he found him, Lai Yue Subaru was targeted by local gangsters.

If they come a few minutes later, maybe they will have to usher in the return of death again.

After the three gangsters were driven away.

Lai Yuesubaru looked at Bai Chen with a very excited expression.

As a nerd, he seems to feel that he has triggered some kind of terrible hidden plot.

After all, Bai Chen's appearance from the crack is like the plot in the movie.

Coupled with the image blessing, no matter which work it is placed in, it is definitely a high-level role of pros and cons.

"Is my golden finger coming so soon? I've died twice in vain!"

Lai Yue Subaru couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart.

Although it is indeed a bit embarrassing to be killed at the beginning, it is nothing compared to the next golden thigh.

When I think that I will soon reach the pinnacle of life and marry a beautiful girl from another world, I feel a little excited when I think about it.

"According to the normal development, the next step is that I will be compensated by existences such as gods, such as my artifacts or divine skills as a traverser!"

Lai Yue Subaru looked at Bai Chen eagerly.

Speaking words that sound like gibberish to the natives.

"I'm sorry, but there are no artifacts or magical skills."

Bai Chen shook his head.

"No?! It doesn't matter, I must have triggered the hidden reward, right? All professions have reached the full level, Dragon Slaying Sword, click to give it away!

Laiyue Subaru didn't seem to realize the reality, and was still immersed in the illusion that this was just a game.

And Bai Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

The original Laiyue Subaru was indeed just a typical island country with a severe dead house.

That's why all kinds of confusing operations are made in the early stage of the plot.

Although there were some changes in the middle and late stages, Baifeng didn't bother to wait until then.

If you think this is a game, just ask him to log out after the research is complete.

"Sleep, this is just your dream, when you wake up, everything will return to normal.

The next second, Lai Yue Subaru was drowsy and fell to the ground.

And Bai Chen put his hand on Lai Yue Subaru's head, and found the "protection of death return" given to him by the Envious Witch from his body

And the analysis of its principle was completed in a few minutes.

Protection from the return of death.

Its effect can make the time of the world go back to a period of time before the death of the holder after the death of the holder.

If it is only a partial time retrospective, it is nothing.

But this involves the world itself.

The Witch of Envy devoured half the world four hundred years ago.

Gosh was at that time, part of the world of Sati Truth.

However, by reversing the protection of the Witch of Envy, Bai Chen also understands the nature of the world logically...

Through the source of this protective link, Bai Chen planted the seed of "reason" quite easily.

Next, you only need to wait until time slowly passes, and let your own "reason" erode the world.

Not only that, Bai Chen also found a crossing tunnel connecting the two worlds from Nayue Subaru.

Therefore, after sending Laiyue Subaru back to the original world, Bai Chen used the realm to strengthen the loopholes in the two worlds, ensuring that there will be no more unlucky traversers falling into this world in the future.

After all, not all traversers can be protagonists.

If there is no protection from the return of death, Laiyue Subaru will have to die at the beginning.

Besides Lai Yue Subaru, there are other traversers in this world.

And they are obviously not as lucky as Laiyue Subaru, who has the protection of death and return.

Basically, ninety-nine percent of the traversers will die due to various reasons at the beginning or shortly after.

After sending away Subaru Laiyue, Bai Chen went back to find Emilia.

But after reuniting with her, I found that she and Elsa were not the only ones I imagined.

In addition to the two of them, there is also a beautiful girl in a maid outfit with short blue hair and fringed bangs covering her right eye.


The moment he saw this strange girl, Bai Chen recognized her identity.

After all, Cong Ling's twin maids in 5.3 are too conspicuous.

Because of a series of actions in the play, even though she is a supporting role, her popularity and popularity among the fan-chasing group has been stabilizing at the head of Emilia.

At this moment, she was standing quietly and straight beside Emilia.

It looks like strangers should not get close, but in fact it is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

In the past, he and his sister Ram lived in a ghost village, but due to the invasion of the Witch Cult, only Rem and Ram survived in the whole village.

Although he was led away by Roswaal later, the sad thing is that the murderer who attracted the Witch Cult was Roswaal who acted according to the Gospel.

Emilia next to her showed a worried and embarrassed expression.

When she saw Bai Chen's figure, the girl's eyes lit up immediately, and she waved her arms excitedly.

"Here, here..."

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