Chapter 978

The white-haired girl sitting on the chair smiled kindly.

Accepting her gaze, Bai Chen happily raised the corners of his mouth because of the little trick of the lustful witch drinking tea to cover up her flustered heart.

To the outside world, the witch of lust is an omniscient witch.

During her lifetime, countless scholars wanted to meet Echidna just to find answers, at all costs.

For the world, Echidna is the embodiment of knowledge.

And the reason why Echidna is respected and feared by the world is because this witch knows everything.

The "Book of Wisdom" in his hand is automatically generated based on the power of lust, and records all the information in the world.

Therefore, no matter what answer the world seeks from her, Echidna can give the most perfect answer.

But today.

The Book of Wisdom has made an unrecordable exception.


If that's all, Echidna will explore with a strong thirst for knowledge.

After all, for the witch of lust, the unknown is the biggest surprise.

But when the existence of that special case suddenly appeared in front of him in some unexpected way, and he talked and laughed happily with himself, it was not a surprise, but a shock.

But Bai Chen didn't make fun of it in a bad manner.

Instead, he smiled lightly: "It's our first meeting, Echidna, the witch of lust."

The witch felt the kindness conveyed by the other party, and gradually relaxed.

Since the other party is willing to sit here, at least it proves that this outsider is not here to trouble her.

After the spirit was not so tense, the witch, as the incarnation of curiosity, highlighted her essence and dissipated the power around her.

Echidna hugged her elbow, her dark pupils were full of curiosity.

...Please forgive my actions just now, but for an existence like you from other worlds, I must be more cautious, after all, I can be regarded as a person who has died once."

"Is that all you want to say?"

Bai Chen asked back with a chuckle.

"Um... so what should I ask?"

Echidna looked at the young man's teasing smile, then seemed to understand something, and laughed herself.

She narrowed her slender eyes and smiled sweetly.

"Ask why you came to this world, what is the purpose of coming to this world, or should I ask why you know the location of the witch's tea party, and come into me in a physical way?"

"These issues are completely unimportant in the face of personal safety. Although I am a witch of lust, no matter when and where, how to protect myself is the first priority."

The body is gone, and her soul can continue to live in the spiritual world.

But once even the soul is shattered.

The Witch of Echidna no longer exists in this world.

"You are more restrained than I imagined. I thought that as soon as I appeared, you would eagerly ask me all kinds of questions about other worlds. After all, you also admitted that you are a witch representing lust, but your performance surprised me."

Hearing this, the expression on Echidna's face froze slightly.

Then, she showed a helpless smile.

"It seems that you are indeed from a different world, and you are very clear about the nature of a witch."

Echidna felt Bai Chen's incomparably huge presence.

Just the coercion it exudes is far superior to what she has seen in her life.

With the amount of knowledge she possessed, it was hard for Echidna to imagine what kind of existence it was that could pack such a vast amount of energy into an adult-sized physical container.

In Echidna's cognition.

The Bai Chen in front of him is not in human form, but a monster in human form.

And what shocked her even more.

Theoretically speaking, one's own spiritual world cannot contain the existence of power beyond power.

But even so.

Now she doesn't feel any discomfort.

Of course, none of this matters.

Echidna guessed from Bai Chen's smiling expression that this being from another world did not have any hostility towards her.

So, she dared to ask.

"What is the reason you came to this world? Is it for the believers? Or do you want to destroy the civilization here?"

"Unfortunately, neither."

Bai Chen smiled and shook his head.

"It's just because a friend encountered a little trouble. After helping her to solve it, I accidentally remembered the existence of you witch, so I stopped by to take a look before leaving."

Seeing the young man's relaxed expression, Echidna's expression became more and more relaxed.

A cup of black tea and a dessert appeared in front of Bai Chen.

This is her spiritual world, what she wants can be made with just one thought.

Bai Chen sat on the wooden chair, picked up the teacup, and looked at the orange-red tea.

Subconsciously said something.

"...Is this the rumored Donna tea?"

"Donna tea?"

Hearing this, Echidna was stunned for a second, and then she seemed to have guessed something, and explained in a bit of embarrassment.

"Although I don't know where you heard the rumors, but that cup of tea is real tea made by me with magic, and it is definitely not other suspicious ingredients."

"I see..."

Hearing Echidna's explanation, Bai Chen was rather disappointed.

Seeing Bai Chen's subtle reaction, two faint blushes appeared on Echidna's pale cheeks.

"Let's get to the point."

Bai Chen took a sip of tea, and said straight to the point.

"what do you want from me?"

Hearing this, Echidna calmed down her restless mood and fell into deep thought.

After a while, he spoke seriously and firmly.

"Knowledge, I want endless knowledge, knowledge that is completely different from the previous knowledge in this world, can you satisfy the desire of lust?"

"Of course I can, but the price is to become a member of my general army." (Hello Li Wang) Bai Chen's words carried a certain power, which made Echidna instantly understand the meaning of the so-called "general army".

After thinking for a few seconds.

Echidna's eyes were filled with shock.

"If it is to become a heroic spirit under your command and live in your country, then this price is not too big for the witch. On the contrary, I think it is because we witches took advantage of it."

It was only a short sentence just now, which made her understand how powerful Bai Chen possessed.

With its own principles, it erodes the foundation of the multiverse, and after incorporating countless universes into its own observations, it turns them into a part of itself.

This power has far exceeded the level that ordinary people can understand.

It also allowed Echidna to see the vast sea of ​​stars and stars compared to the current world.

In contrast, it is nothing more than becoming the heroic spirit of the other party and offering eternal loyalty.

This deal is absolutely fine! .

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