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Chapter 989: Bai Chen's Confidence

Chapter 989

A venue that was originally used as a company meeting room was now filled with dedicated monitoring and communication equipment.

Communication soldiers in military uniforms sit in various seats and feed back real-time information to various departments through the images captured by radar and ground surveillance.

"The attack by the ground and air units failed. The friendly Huangshu Momixiang was defeated and has lost its combat capability. The location of the enemy Altair has been confirmed. It is estimated that there will be about ten minutes to arrive at the target location."

Afterwards, the island government, the person in charge of this fantasy character coming to the world - a mature woman in a suit, was standing in front of the big screen, analyzing the situation

The woman's name is Kikuchihara Aki.

"Come from the direction directly above, the current situation is all within expectations, start the scheduled plan, unfold the birdcage, and capture Altair."

"From now on, the first chapter of the prologue of the joint work will be played, and all TV and network signals will be switched to live broadcast.

"Meteora, I leave the support work to you."

The woman said to a girl behind her with a mysterious magic circle around her. 040

"I see."

The girl has short white hair and blue eyes.

Although she is petite, she wears a heavy blue-purple coat, which gives her a calm and mature impression despite her cute face.

She is a magister from a game.

Although he cannot use offensive magic, he is quite proficient in other types of magic.

At the same time, after being summoned to reality, she was also the first to contact the government, gained trust, and became known as the military adviser against Altair.

The "Birdcage Project" is what she offers.

The so-called "bird cage", as the name suggests, is a cage used to imprison birds.

In the previous battles, everyone already knew Altair's strength. After analysis, it was judged that the fantasy characters of his own side basically had no combat power to compete with him.

After all, all the fantasy characters except Altair come from a complete story.

Although there are protagonists and villains, the abilities are all set within a certain range, which will not lead to the existence of "invincible".

(cbea) But Altair is a character who has "everything" and can be continuously strengthened by adding settings later in the day.

Although due to the relationship between the world's repairing power, there is no way to exert its full power, but it is also an invincible existence.

Therefore, in order to fight against Altair, the Birdcage Project came into being.

Meteora is the first fantasy character other than Altair to discover the power of restoration and recognition in the world.

As long as the recognition of the audience increases, the strength of the characters in the fantasy work will also increase.

Therefore, in order to improve the strength of one's own side, the main significance of the Birdcage Project is to mix the worldviews of all the characters of one's own side together to form a new worldview of Smash Bros.

By playing the pv preview in the early stage, the content of different characters exposed to the universe view of Smash Bros. will be played to the audience with various explanations to improve recognition.

Then, using the recognition of different audiences for their favorite characters, while improving the recognition, it will also enhance the strength of different characters.

In the end, Altair was forcibly pulled into the "birdcage" for the final decisive battle.

The story of this Smash Bros. universe has no end.

In other words, there is no ending in which the authors create their own camp to win.

Of course, put it another way.

In the universe of Smash Bros., no creator can interfere with the stories written by himself.


After Altair stepped into the cage, Ceteora believed that his winning rate would be doubled.

After all, no matter what, the characters of one's own camp all come from novels and animations that are popular nowadays.

Therefore, as long as the audience's recognition is more, the strength of each character will be improved to a certain extent under the set worldview.

Then, as long as they can defeat Altair in the closed world, and let the audience think that "Altair is dead, or has withdrawn from the Smash Bros. universe", and admit this fact, the battle plan will be considered a success.

At that time, Altair will be permanently ejected by the world's restoration power, and will no longer be able to descend into the real world.

This is the full picture of the Birdcage Project.

In short.

It is a Smash Bros. game produced by a game company.

Which character can stand at the end depends entirely on their respective settings and the level of cooking skills of the audience.

Characters like Altair.

Although the setting is strong, it is only a fan character created for the second time after all.

Without the support of the story, there will be very few audiences who love her.

A role with low popularity must also receive very little recognition.

The hotter the character, the higher the strength of the promotion.

Therefore, Smash Bros. works are also fan-oriented works to a certain extent.

"This is a fight for the peace of our world, and we must not fail.

Kikuchihara Aki said.

As the general person in charge of the final summary, he couldn't help but hold his arms tightly.

If the plan fails, then this world will be at the mercy of Altair.

But she quickly dismissed the thought and turned to Meteora.

"Miss Meteora, have you found out the origin of the two newcomers who stayed beside Altair before?"

When the troops attack, there will be satellite surveillance throughout the process.

Originally thought that the crazy Altair had no help, but what he didn't expect was that there were actually two newcomers they didn't know.

"I haven't checked it out yet."

Meteora said blankly.

"However, the girl with twin ponytails is speculated to be a secondary created character just like Altair. As for the male... there is a 15% chance that it is its creator."

"There are actually humans standing on Altair's side."

Thinking of this possibility, Kikuchihara Aki sighed.

"The success rate of our plan has not changed in any way, and the situation is still under control."

Meteora replied.

the other side.

"The Birdcage Project is like this. In order to restrict Altair, humans and other fantasy characters in this world, they have come up with a good way."

Bai Chen explained to Tokisaki Kurumi what Altair was about to encounter.

"If things go according to the current situation, there is a chance that they will succeed and Altair will be bounced back to the fantasy world. However, since we have intervened, you don't have to worry that something will happen to Altair."

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