Chapter 994

Not only that.

If you are interested, you can also find someone to customize heroines with different personalities.

After all, it is not a blow-up doll, but a genuine character born naturally by using the rules of the world after being endowed with a preliminary world view and story.

Isn't this a personal order?

Bai Chen thought about it, and felt that it was really not poking.

Back to reality.

Inside the birdcage, all fantasy characters were unable to move at this time.

Including Silius, who has been forcibly interrupted from the erosion process.

She opened her beautiful blue eyes and stared at Bai Chen's figure expressionlessly.

Then, he spoke in an unwavering tone.

"Everything is happening, the twenty-third movement, cause and effect are rebuilt."

Accompanied by this sound, the sickle-shaped weapon inserted upside down on the ground released a purple halo, like a barrier, surrounding Bai Chen and her.

The omnipotent power envelops the youth, and the memes and laws of the world are being changed.

Silius, as Altair's perfect impersonal copy, realized that the combat objective was forced to be interrupted, so he took the initiative to remove the obstacles in front of him.

With full power, the recognition received from the audience turned into her power, making Meteora's carefully crafted birdcage shake. 403

Everything is trying to leverage the cause and effect, change the disadvantageous position of Bai Chen and Silius itself, and establish a diametrically opposite cause and effect.

If it succeeds, the one kneeling on the ground will become Bai Chen, not Silius.


Wanting to realize this kind of cause and effect, how is it different from a fool's dream?

Even if it is recognized by audiences all over the world, her power is only limited to this world.

Therefore, in Bai Chen's eyes.

This kind of behavior of trying to change the causal relationship, in his opinion, is completely like a fly shaking a tree.


It should be the cause and effect of the mayhem trying to shake the entire universe.

"Oh? Change the relationship between cause and effect."

Bai Chen showed an interested smile.

"A good idea, but a pity."

Bai Chen took leisurely steps and approached Silius slowly.

And as he moved,

It was as if the world itself shattered.

Every step seems to be walking on the heart of Sirius, making the expressionless puppet look painful.

Until Bai Chen approached her, smiling and whispering.

"Good night."

The voice fell.

The myriad phenomena were easily cracked, and Silius was backlashed by this force, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Afterwards, his eyes went dark, and his five senses died completely at this moment.

No matter sight, smell, hearing, or taste all disappeared.

In the end, the girl with the same origin as Altair lay faceless on the ground, her slender limbs began to distort like an unstable TV signal.

"Is this about to die?"

Seeing Silius' gradually fading figure, Bai Chen muttered with some dissatisfaction.

Although Silius is Altair's enemy, and he himself is an enthusiastic group friend who came to help the group members, in fact he has no ill feeling towards the vast majority of people in this world.

Especially these fantasy characters who are summoned to reality, the impression is not bad.

On the one hand, it is Bai Chen who is now feeling a little touched when he was chasing the fan. On the other hand, most of the fantasy characters have their own distinct personalities, with their own ideas and beliefs.

After all, no matter what, they are all characters in the works of this world fire, and they can be the protagonists, and there must be some shining points in them.

Since it is not an enemy, and the impression is not bad, Shiratori has no idea of ​​killing them all.

Pulling these people into his general army will not only provide him with strength, but also become a harem?


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Bai Chen stretched out his right hand towards the place where Silius, who had already digitized and disappeared, was.

Countless particles in the nothingness gather inward, and slowly condense into a figure.

The expressionless Silius reappeared opposite Bai Chen, half-kneeling like a knight facing a king.

And without giving her any time to think, Bai Chen directly pierced her abdomen with his palm, looked down at the same dreamy pupil as Altair (cbeb), and said condescendingly.

"From now on, I am your only god, and you must not believe in other gods."

The dark red blood drops from Silius' abdomen and slid down Bai Chen's arm.

But at the same time, there are also stigmata like command spells appearing.

With the birth of the stigmata, Silius' pupils gradually lost focus, and then re-condensed, representing the transfer of his deep consciousness.

And on the other side of the horizon.

They in the conference room were all looking at the big screen in disbelief.

This dealt with Silius casually, and then summoned him... No, it was a means of "resurrection", and it was about to destroy their three views.

And in the live broadcast room at this time.

After seeing Bai Chen's strong appearance and changing the original situation of the battle, the number one dog licking spider of the white bird was naturally the first to swipe the screen 666.

Little Spider: "Big Brother 666."

Blue Slime: "6 or 6, sit down!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "I don't know why, this live broadcast suddenly gave me the illusion of chasing fans.

I don't want to see a ghost: "Emmmmm...Actually, the picture presented in this live broadcast should be a trap designed by those who are hostile to Miss Altair, right? After adding filters to the live broadcast, it will be presented to the audience in the form of animation, making the audience mistakenly think it is animation."

I don't want to go to hell: "Well, it's actually the difference between the live-action theatrical version and the animation.

Chaos evil: "In other words, we are actually audiences in another sense."

Little White Cat: "Suddenly think about it and feel extremely frightened.

Elegant lady: "What do you mean?"

Teacher Loli: "Don't think too much about this kind of thing, and Mr. Bai Chen said it before, it doesn't make much sense, anyway, we can't discuss why."

Best-selling novelist: "Suddenly there is a feeling of enlightenment.

Little Spider: "Are you inspired again? Miss South?"

Best-selling novelist: "Hmmm... new book is slightly inspired."

Her previous novel "Swamp Man", which was based on a shadow monster, was eaten by her for several years.

Because the inner demon has been unable to get rid of, she is not sure how to write the ending for the time being.

However, after joining the chat group and seeing so many bigwigs, she didn't worry about it anymore.

It's a pity that I still can't find a way to get points.

Little Spider: "Can you send me a copy of the previous novel?"

Best-selling novelist: "Of course."

Little Spider: "Thank you very much."

Blue Slime: "I want to too"

Best-selling novelist: "Wait a minute, can I take the time to sort it out and post it to the chat group?"

Blue Slime: "Of course!"

On the other hand, Bai Chen, who has not finished the matter, has no time to watch the chat group and say anything.

He waved his hand casually, and then teleported everyone, including Tokisaki Kurumi and Altair, to the conference room where Meteora and others were. .

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