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Chapter 997: Action To Save Mother

Chapter 997

Surprisingly, Altair's revenge did not last long.

And as an avenger, she was far from being cruel to those murderers, and could even be said to be a bit "merciful".

Using the omnipotent power to take their lives, apart from panic, they didn't even feel pain.

What surprised Bai Chen even more was that Altair didn't even deal with the "protagonist" Mizushino Sota.

According to Altair.

Although Mizushino Sota rejected Shimazaki Setsuna's request for help, his actions were not like other cyberbullyers.

Of course, there is another reason, which Altair did not say.

Until now, Altair also understood Bai Chen's "hard work", so he didn't take action against Mizushino Sota, who was not the direct murderer.

Besides, after dealing with those people, most of her anger has disappeared.

This is enough for the current Altair.

From now on, all he needs is to be able to see the living Shimazaki Setsu again.

"Only 21 can trouble the two of you again."

Altair said sincerely.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, we came here to resurrect Miss Altair, your creator."

Tokisaki Kurumi smiled lightly.

Immediately, she looked at Bai Chen.

"Mr. Bai Chen, when I launch the Twelve Bullets, it is very likely that I will be hindered by the world's repairing power. When the time comes, I will leave it to you."

Bai Chen nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Tokisaki Kurumi activated the spiritual power of time in full view.

"Come out, Emperor Keke!"

Accompanied by the girl's delicate shout, a huge golden clock dial appeared from the shadow under Kuangsan's body.

Afterwards, she did not hesitate, condensing the power of the Twelve Bullets.

The hour hand of the gold dial quickly turns clockwise to the zero position.

Pressing the trigger with his right hand, the flintlock shot out golden bullets, opening a time rift in front of several people.

Although Shimazaki Setsuna's death was less than a month away, Tokisaki Kurumi, who condensed the twelve bullets, also spent about a few years of spiritual calendar stored in his body.

The reason for this situation has a lot to do with the hindrance of repairing power.

Even after the opening of the time rift, everyone present felt an invisible force interfering in it, trying to restore this time position that shouldn't exist.

However, Bai Chen easily swept away the interference of the world's restoration power, and took the lead in walking into it.

"Miss Altair, let's go together."

Tokisaki Kurumi chuckled lightly as a reminder.

And after the two girls stepped into it, the time rift closed directly.

A group of people present looked at each other in blank dismay.

After a long time.

Mamika, the most active magical girl, asked in a low voice, "Since...if the lord just now can revive Setsuna Shimazaki, why do you have to punish those people?"

Facing Mo Meixiang's inquiry, Wanfu and his party all showed helpless expressions.

Magical Girl is indeed a work for young people.

Huang Shumo Meixiang thinks things too easily.

For this reason, the female knight Alice Talia said: "Even if some things can be reversed, if you do it, you do it, and you can't get around it.

...fighting the enemy on the battlefield hurts, and while it heals, it leaves wounds. "

Seleja added.

"It turns out... so it's like this..."

Huang Shumo Meixiang nodded in a daze.

It seems to understand something.

After coming to this world, she learned a lot of truths.

For example, people who live here will be injured, unlike her world, if they are hit by a magic cannon shot by themselves, at most they will faint or be shot flying, and there will be absolutely no bleeding, or even death.

And Kikuchihara Aki, taking advantage of the discussions among those fantasy characters, took the opportunity to leave the meeting room and reported the matter to the senior management.

And not long after the island government knew about it, the beautiful country that had been staring at this plan also got the news very quickly.

at the same time.

Bai Chen and his party also successfully returned to the day Shimazaki Setsuna committed suicide.

After Altair opened his eyes, he heard Tokisaki Kurumi's voice.

"The location and time are correct, Shimazaki Setsuna should be nearby."

Hearing this, Altair subconsciously looked around.

This is the interior of a subway platform.

From the time marked on the stop sign, it can be found that this time is indeed the day when she came from the fictional work to the real world.

Also...the day she and Shimazaki Yasuna were separated forever.

Thinking of this, Altair's nervous heart beat faster.

Since coming to this world, the long-cherished wish that I have been thinking about day and night has finally come true.

"If you find it, just stand there."

Accompanied by Tokisaki Kurumi's voice, Bai Chen saw a figure wearing round-frame glasses, braided braids, and a plain white dress.

The girl has an ordinary appearance, glasses and simple dress, giving people the impression of a literary girl.

Altair was stunned when he saw that figure.

Afterwards, his head went blank, he staggered, and involuntarily stretched out his 260 palm towards the figure he dreamed of and longed to touch.

Her footsteps were extremely slow, like a walking dead.


The name of that figure was whispered in his mouth, unconsciously, Altair's eye sockets turned slightly red.

At this moment, in Altair's mind, revenge is not important at all.

All she can think about now is how she should face her Shimazaki Setsuna.

However, at this moment.

The announcement reminding the subway to enter the station resounded.

....The tram is about to enter the station. For the safety of all passengers, please stay outside the yellow line. "

On the platform, most people waiting for the tram consciously stand behind the yellow line.

The only exception is Setsuna Shimazaki.

The simple girl moved forward slowly, and soon came to the warning position inside the yellow line.

The vast majority of tram platforms in the island nation do not have barrier doors.

Therefore, there are many news of suicide by lying on the train every year on TV.

And those passers-by who noticed Shimazaki Setsuna seemed to know something, but no one came forward to stop it.

Either sit on the sidelines, or pick up the phone and turn on the video.

More people stay away subconsciously.

The shaking of the tram entering the station was clearly felt. .

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