Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1000: Altair Wants To Repay

Chapter 1000

to be honest.

With Bai Chen's current ability, it is not difficult to create a chat group system in the Re:c world.

After all, there are "infinite" universes out there.

Using the real world as a transfer station, the world of works as the observation universe, and then using the "chat group" mechanism, the anchor points where the characters in different universes are located are fixed in the way of "realm power".

In this way, even if Seleja and others return to their own world, they can still communicate in the "chat group".

Furthermore, it is also possible to travel in different worlds and assist the "group members" to fulfill their wishes.


The "chat group" created by Bai Chen is far less functional than the existing chat group~.

There are only two functions of chatting and time travel.

Points lottery is nonsense.

On the one hand, Bai Chen doesn’t have so many props to throw at them at the moment, on the other hand, his purpose is just to make his total army better spread to the infinite universe of fictional works

It's not a fun person to create chat groups.

Of course, those functions might be perfected on a whim in the future.

But at least now, Bai Chen doesn't have so much free time.

After solving the fantasy characters and the future direction, Bai Chen is not idle.

Instead, he fulfilled his previous promise, "not to vent grievances purely, or create a world for tragedy purely for the sake of tragedy", and the idea of ​​prohibiting the distribution of doujinshiben, these ideas are integrated into the minds of everyone in the world unconsciously.

Not only that, but by the way, the high-level governments and chaebols of the island countries and beautiful countries that want to make troubles are spiritually dominated.

Although the power of the secular world is nothing more than ants, Bai Chen is too lazy to deal with politicians and simply dominates everything.

In the live broadcast room.

Blue Slime: "Seeing the operation of the boss, I can't help but have a bold idea.

Little Spider: "What happened again?"

Little Spider: "Huh? Why did I say again?"

I don't want to go to hell: "Because I don't know how many times Mr. Rimuru said that?"

Railgun: "I don't remember."

Little White Cat: "I don't remember either."

Blue Slime: "Ah this? Are there really many? My great sage told me that this is the first time.

Butterfly Shinobi: "That's all..."

Teacher Loli: "Tell me, what did you think of this time?"

Blue Slime: "Didn't you realize that Bai Chen's behavior in the world over there is very similar to making a chat group...or prototype?"

Blue Slime: "Put characters from different works on one platform, and then chat and travel. Isn't this exactly the same as our current situation?"

Loli teacher:


Chaos Evil: "...17

Elegant lady: "......"

Electromagnetic Gun: "I've been working on it for a long time, so you just show me this?"

Fubuki of Hell: ...I thought Rimuru-san had some good ideas.

The queen who wants to fall in love: "How can you get rid of your startled character."

Blue Slime: "No, what I want to say is not only this, this may be the ironclad evidence that the boss created the chat group! Maybe we, like those in Miss Altair, are really just characters in novels or comics written by a certain author!!!"

Blue Slime: "And then... until you join the chat group."

Luna: "...well, that's what it says, but I don't really feel it."

Railgun: "Wait! I remember this topic being discussed before?"

Chaos evil: "No wonder there is a feeling of deja vu."

Blue Slime: "I'm just posting what I feel. I'm not really trying to expose anything, but I'm very grateful to the boss."

Blue Slime: "After all, even if it's as I guessed, we are just characters in a certain work, and then live according to the future written by the creator, encountering set battles and dangers, but all of this has been changed after joining the chat group."

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Ah... I have to say, Mr. Rimuru is very smart occasionally.

Blue Slime: "Hey, I'm overwhelmed, wait! Sister Yakumo Zi, was she praising me or hurting me just now?"

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Guess what?"

Looking at the replies in the chat group, Yakumo Zi showed a thoughtful smile.

...asking for flowers......

Rimuru's guess is not unreasonable.

Perhaps the so-called reasoning in Bai Chen's mouth is because he has seen works related to different group members, so he can give quite accurate predictions.

Of course, it is also possible simply that Bai Chen is strong enough, and the opponent's strength can already reach the level of cross-world ingestion of intelligence.

Yakumo Zi remembered that she was going to join forces with all the monsters in the demon world to attack Yuedu.

If this is a planned plot, she would like to see what kind of ending she will lead to.

Golden Fairy: "Compared to Mr. Rimuru's speculation, I'm more curious about how Miss Altair is doing now?"

Luo Abao: "The designation is that the beautiful girls stick to each other, but unfortunately there is no camera."


The big bone boiled into soup: "Let's get involved with the beautiful girl's matter less."

Luo Abao: "Ah, Dagu, so you are here?"

Chaos Evil: "Dagu, so you are here?"

Railgun: "Dagu, so you are here?"

The big bone boiled into soup: "Please don't play this meme, if there is no accident, I will be in this group now and in the future, crying cat cat head.jpg.

Princess in military uniform: "There are some things I want to consult."

Little Spider: "Say it quickly (can't wait)."

Princess in Military Uniform: "...I just want to ask, what is the best way to repay someone?"

Chaos Evil: ...So, is Miss Altair going to repay Mr. Bai Chen?"

Princess in military uniform: "Well, that's what it means, but because Yu has been in the world of fantasy works in the past, so I haven't encountered similar things [I don't know how to look back at Mr. Bai Chen's kindness to Ms. Tokisaki."

The Spirit of Time: "You don't need to be like this, Mr. Bai Chen and I didn't help you for Altair's return."

Princess in Military Uniform: "But Yu feels very sorry."

Just when Tokisaki Kumzo was about to tell Altair not to trouble, he suddenly thought of something and opened a private chat with Altair.

Moreover, at the same time, there was also a beginner in love, Cordoli, who had a private chat with Altair.

ps: The thousandth chapter commemorates the death!.

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