Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1372: Dragon injection

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! ~

On the training ground, the soldiers of the Tigers are struggling to practice. No one is lazy. Everyone squanders their sweat and strength under the scorching sun, only to gain stronger strength and achieve better standards. For these soldiers, Qin Lang is sincerely admired.

Because from these soldiers, Qin Lang can still see the hope of this nation, but also can see that a group of people will still fight for this nation and country. They have no intrigue and no tactics, but they all have the same Thoughts and consciousness:

When one day they were on the battlefield with the soldiers of the Shu State and the US Emperor, they would not hesitate to pounce on their opponents and step on their feet!

These soldiers, they are the strongest Great Wall in this country!

Seeing the spirits of these soldiers, Qin Lang couldn't help but feel awkward. At the beginning, he provided drugs to the tiger cub troops, but in order to put drugs into the military market, he felt that some of the suspects were using these soldiers. Fortunately, the instructors selected in the killer group did not disappoint Qin Lang, and one of them passed on their own true skills to the soldiers of the tiger cub, so these soldiers can be reborn in the short term and become elite in the elite.

After reviewing these soldiers, the most happy thing is Luo Haichuan. The smile on his face has never disappeared. He patted Qin Lang’s shoulder and said: “Qin Lang, I really took you now! I really didn’t expect that, your one. Hongbang Biotechnology Company is so cattle, the drugs developed are so powerful, if these drugs are circulated to the international arms market, they can definitely sell big prices!"

"The drugs developed by Qin Lang are only used to improve their physical fitness. What is the relationship with the arms market?" Luo Bin asked inexplicably.

"So your gimmick is lack of knowledge." Luo Haichuan explained, "From ancient times to today, the army is still people-oriented. Although the advancement of weapons is very important, it is still people who ultimately decide whether the war will win or not, unless any country can develop completely. In addition, human intelligence robots. In short, since talent is the key to victory and defeat, then the most basic unit of a unit - the ability of each soldier - is the key. From the beginning of World War II, each country is committed to research and development The soldiers' physical fitness drugs, but there are not many drugs that are really useful and cost-effective. However, if these drugs of Qinlang are spread out, I believe that there will be many countries where the military or arms dealers are willing to buy at high prices. Anyway, if I will definitely buy it if I say it."

It can be heard that Luo Haichuan's impression of Qin Lang is very good now. It seems that even Qin Lang immediately greets Luo Bin. It is estimated that the father-in-law should be very good.

"Since Uncle Luo valued me so much, I will continue to work harder to provide more and better drugs for the Tigers and the troops, and strive to bring the strength of the Tigers to the next level!" Qin Lang also expressed his right time.

In fact, Qin Lang’s statement was mainly not to listen to Luo Haichuan, but to respond to the soldiers of the Tiger Cub. Qin Lang initially said that they regarded them as “test pieces”, but today they saw these soldiers in the short term. Performance, Qin Lang realized that he lacked sufficient respect for these soldiers. These soldiers, although not as good as the soldiers of the Dragon Snakes, are enchanting and genius, but their essence is also noble. Because these soldiers, when the war is coming, they will never flee to other countries without fighting, and will certainly pick up the gun and fight against the enemy.

Since they are all real Chinese soldiers, Yan Huang children, Qin Lang naturally can not be too harsh, so Qin Lang intends to bleed this, to provide the soldiers of the Tiger Cub troops with another new drug: dragon injection.

This name was still thought by Qin Lang last night. This kind of medicine was actually prepared by Qin Lang after the "big contest" of the tiger cub troops. At that time, he could open a high price to the military, but in response to the efforts of the tiger soldiers, Qin Lang It was decided to produce this drug one step earlier and then use it on the soldiers of the tiger cub, hoping to further enhance the strength of the tiger cub troops before the "big contest".

However, the specific information Qin Lang did not tell Luo Haichuan on the spot, because this "dragon injection" is only a concept in Qin Lang's mind, he has not thought of a suitable manufacturing method. We must know that the drugs provided to the tiger cub troops are tens of thousands of pieces. Qin Lang must fully consider the cost-effective factors. Even if it is for the country, Qin Lang can't do a loss business. After all, if Qin Lang saved money for Luo Haichuan, it might not be possible for the money to fall into the hands of some corrupt officials in the logistics department.

"Qin Lang, I have recently got some news. I heard that several other military regions are also organizing similar special training. In addition, it is said that some troops have received some 'biological drugs', and these drugs are said to have good effects..."

"Reassure, I only provide medicine to the tiger cub." Qin Lang guessed what Luo Haichuan was worried about, so he simply dispelled Luo Haichuan's doubts.

Sure enough, listening to Qin Lang said, Luo Haichuan also let go of his heart, smiled and said: "I am worried that other troops may also get some drugs to improve physical fitness, in case of surpassing the tiger cub troops -"

"This is impossible!" Qin Lang interrupted Luo Haichuan very arbitrarily and confidently. "Although the tiger cub is not the strongest force, there are dragon snake troops and shadow troops. However, among the regular troops, the tiger cub should It is the strongest existence, no one! Other troops, or they also have drugs that can improve physical fitness, this is normal, but are you better than the ones I have seen?"

Luo Haichuan listened to this and shook his head. Although he is considered a senior military official, he is considered to be well-informed, but he has to admit that the medicine provided by Qin Lang to the tiger cub army is simply incredible. If he did not see it, he could not even believe it. Such drugs exist.

The most crucial point is that Luo Haichuan has full confidence in Qin Lang's medical skills, so he dared to use the drugs provided by Qin Lang Company with confidence.

"Uncle Luo, the status of the tiger squad is very good now! However, you still need to further strengthen the security measures. I have not yet officially listed these drugs. The sales channels have not been opened yet, and others have stolen the labor results. When leaving the Tiger Camp training camp, Qin Lang reminded Luo Haichuan.

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