Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1373: Strength and voice

Since Luo Haichuan can inquire about some other troops, or other people may get it in a similar way, Qin Lang does not want his medicine to be stolen by others.

Fortunately, Qin Lang left a hand, even if someone tried to crack his prescription is useless, because the most crucial part of the drugs provided by Qin Lang for the military, he still needs to personally start, if there is no such thing as Honglianyehuo The fire of heaven and earth, even Qin Lang can not provide such a large number of drugs with high cost performance. You know, this is tens of thousands of shares, and the tiger squad is not a shadow force. It has almost unlimited funds. The funds of the tiger squad are quite limited.

Because of this, Qin Lang did not worry about the similar situation of other troops, because it was simply unrealistic. No one can provide a large amount of elixir to the regular forces, because that is simply a waste of elixir performance, not to mention the high price of elixir is not affordable for the general forces.

Longjing injection is probably the most cost-effective drug that Qinlang can provide to the regular troops. In the concept of Qin Lang, Longjing Injection is a "super drug" that blends the power of Longdan, Dragon's life and Tianwaijingdan. However, these three things are not affordable to ordinary people, so Qin Lang needs to be neutralized and diluted by other drugs, and finally becomes a "dragon injection" that ordinary soldiers can bear, although this kind of injection The effect of liquid is definitely not as good as that of Longdan and Tianwai Jingdan, but the combination of the three, the person who injected the drug, the body potential, vitality, mental ability will be greatly improved, basically can be regarded as close to the "super warrior" The existence of it.

After the concept was formed, Qin Lang began the actual action. With the support of Honglianyehuo and strong mental strength, the experiment was carried out for less than half a day, and “Dragon Grain Injection” has been successfully formulated. Next, I was looking for someone to experiment.

Qin Lang now has a lot of poison slaves and magic slaves. These guys are the best experimental products, and Qin Lang does not have to worry about the side effects caused by them, because these guys don't care whether the drugs will cause damage to the body.

Just when Qin Lang developed and experimented with pharmacy, there were some interesting things on the rivers and lakes. The most interesting thing is that in the southwest, several rivers and lakes are finally unable to sit still. They are not willing to call for the black. The help is taken over by others, so they start to intervene in black. Help, prepare to get rid of the present. Disobedient black. Help the leader, and then cultivate a new leader. This was originally a very normal "process". These rivers and lakes have been doing this all the time, but now, the normal "process" has become extremely abnormal. First of all, these black. The leader is not as easy to get rid of as before. Secondly, it is hard to help a new leader, but it seems that the new leader still seems to be guilty of their orders.

Kill again, change again, the result is still the same!

What's more, just when these rivers and lakes began to clean the black. When they helped the head, their own people were also killed by some people. This may be a counterattack from the "mysterious forces." Now, many people in the rivers and lakes call this power that changes the black and gang pattern in western China "mysterious power", because so far, no one has figured out exactly how a force is manipulating this situation behind the scenes.

We must know why the investigation clearly understands this matter, whether it is Baidao or Jianghudao, almost all of them have been dispatched, but no one knows who made this situation. Although the investigation is going on, it has not made substantial progress at all. On the contrary, the situation has become more and more complicated because of the intervention of other rivers and lakes.

Regarding the current situation, even Tang San is admired by Qin Lang.

When Qin Lang appeared in the underground base of the Killer Group, Tang San began to talk about this matter. His expression was elated: "I said Qin Lang, how did you do it? Is it the good north, the guy? What did you do?"

"Basically, what he did." Qin Lang smiled. "I just pointed it out a little. This guy's understanding is really strong. I found that he is very good at the gang's intrigue and intrigue. Don't say, finding such a guy, I really have a lot of peace of mind."

"You are worrying, but now the atmosphere on the rivers and lakes is very nervous. In the past, black. To help this kind of thing, almost no one cares, even our killer of Tangmen will not mix these streets. Put it in your eyes, get angry and kill directly. It’s not going to be when they are rivers and lakes. But now, I heard that many statuses are very funny. Do you know what happened? The most funny thing, I heard that The price of imported autos in the province has suddenly increased violently. It is said that the road to smuggling has broken, ah haha!~"

"Hey... I said Tang San, is your smile not too low? This is not funny at all." Qin Lang really didn't know where it was.

"There is still funny, the recent status of parallel mobile phones have increased prices, I heard that the current black. Help 'do not act', directly led to several well-known underground black market are directly closed. No one knows black Why have the people who have helped turn to the sex, I heard that there are people on the Internet who claim that these people have pushed up prices..."

"Oh... this is a bit funny. But I said Tang San, what are you so excited about? If you are interested, you can go with Liangbei, anyway, it is best to stare at him."

"Do it together? Engage. Base? Rely! I just like watching the movie. I am not interested in the area. If you are interested, you can let Lu Qingshan take over. However, if Lu Qingshan is to check Hand, everyone knows that you are in the back of Qin Lang."

"So, of course, I will not intervene." Qin Lang laughed. "The guy in Liangbei is really capable. Since he is so capable, of course he should let him continue. Not to mention the white characters of the current status and The forces in the rivers and lakes must be mad, and they are constantly killing and cleaning up those who have done things for them. Since they are so excited, let them be excited for a while."

"This group of people, you are completely killed by you." Tang Sandao, "Now, I have to admit that I was bet with you last time I lost. However, what are you going to do next? Is it going to advance to the east?" ?"

"For the time being, I don't move." Qin Lang said, "At present, we are only operating in several provinces in the southwest, and we have already attracted so many 'flies'. If this is 'full bloom' in the country, I am afraid that some rivers and lakes will be mad. It!"

"That is, this time you will take over the black of several identities, and let these Jianghumen factions have no object of calling, which is equivalent to directly abolishing the watchdogs of others. These rivers and lakes are not in a hurry. Blame it. But now, no one knows that Liangbei is doing a ghost--right, how did this guy do it?"

"He has 100,000 devils in his hands. Can't do anything? Those who are white, people on the rivers and lakes, if they want to kill, they will slowly kill them, but I am afraid that they will not be able to listen to them at the end. The people who speak their words will only arouse the resentment of those who are black and help, and finally the resentment will become rebellious, hehe..."

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