Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1650: New heaven and earth rules

There are a lot of patterns on the Pisces, and Xie Luoqi and others even scanned and analyzed these patterns very clearly, but they are not as good as the scars on Qin Lang’s hands, because the scars on Qin Lang’s hands are in Pisces. What is left when you activate and accumulate power, in short, it is left when it works.

Although there are many patterns on the Pisces, it is only when it works, it is more conducive to figure out how this thing works. This is the same as many machines, and it needs to be in the running state to figure out how they work.

But for the scars left by this Pisces, Qin Lang really does not understand, Pisces and Jade have completely disappeared, but there are still weak forces in these scars, and these forces come from the surrounding space.

In other words, it's just incredible that this scar mark can extract strength from the surrounding space!

Suddenly, Qin Lang felt that his guess might be correct. The pattern on Pisces may represent an advanced and civilized “circuit board.” When the right force starts these circuits, the thing starts working. Space draws a lot of energy.

These patterns seem simple, but they are actually quite complicated, so these researchers on the earth, although they have obtained these patterns, can't decipher the mystery, because no one knows how these patterns work and how they work.

As for Qin Lang leaving this scar, it is purely a coincidence.

However, this also means that Qin Lang may have some unexpected discoveries if it works according to the way the Pisces jade works.

Later, Qin Lang did this. He let his own mentality begin to run according to the trajectory of Pisces jade energy running. A glimpse of the mentality flowing through the scars on his palm. After running a circle, it seems that there has been no change. I felt a little disappointed, but what happened to him unexpectedly happened, and the scars in my palm actually started to shine!

The light blue light looks soft, but it gives a very mysterious feeling.

It is indeed very mysterious, although this light is emitted from the scars of Qin Lang's hand, but Qin Lang himself does not know how this light is produced, and what role it has.

Therefore, Qin Lang injected more spiritual power into this strange scar. At the same time, Qin Lang’s spiritual field began to work, and the energy track of the entire scar was completely printed into his memory, so that even after the scar disappeared, He will not forget.

The more spiritual energy injected, the stronger the light. When the light is getting stronger, Qin Lang feels the attraction of an inexplicable force. If the power is strong enough, this force will establish contact with him.

"Boss, stop!"

Qin Lang is about to continue to inject more spiritual power, but it has been stopped by the Dan Ling little monk. Under normal circumstances, the Danling monk will not interfere with Qin Lang's practice unless it senses something wrong.

For the small monk of Danling, Qin Lang is now very reassured, so after listening to it, Qin Lang stopped to continue to inject strength, waiting for the interpretation of the Danling monk.

"Boss, this ghost thing, you don't want to study for a while!" Dan Ling's little monk reminded Qin Lang, "I think of it now, the scar on your hand should be what the person who is being repaired calls it a 'ghost'."

"Ghosts? What?" Qin Lang couldn't help but frown. The name sounded unclear.

"This is something from another world. Some ancient practitioners have found it in some ancient ruins. They thought that this thing is an ancient charm, so they are printed and then studied the doorway. These practitioners In nature, there are no shortage of clever people, but once they discover the secret ones, they die very quickly!"

"Dead is very fast, why?" Qin Lang asked inexplicably.

"Because the power generated by the ghosts is not absorbed by the practitioners, the stronger the power is, the faster it will die." Dan Ling Xiaohe Shangdao, "Many monks in the realm of cultivation, unintentional In the midst of the power of the ghosts, I thought I had a treasure, and the result was that they all became savage ghosts!"

"Hey? Is this all the lessons of the past?" Qin Lang began to calculate. For the Danling monk, Qin Lang attaches great importance to it, but he will not give up on the study of things, not because Qin Lang indulges these patterns. It is because of the power, but because in the near future, the human world may fight the world. It is always good to know the situation of the opponent in advance, especially a strong opponent.

The little monk of Danling naturally felt the idea of ​​Qin Lang. The little guy couldn’t help but sigh: "Boss, I think you are really a thief. I tell you that this thing is too dangerous. You actually want to play this. The idea of ​​something - but your thoughts are not unreasonable. Since this thing has already appeared, the friction between the two sides is probably unavoidable. You have no problem studying this thing, but it is best to be careful, especially Don't trigger a tragedy."

In the style of Qin Lang, if there is no reminder of Dan Ling’s young monk, he is afraid that he may risk taking the test. However, after reminding this little thing, Qin Lang’s heart has become vigilant. Since the repairing world has tried to fail, If you die on this "ghost character", then you can't be careless.

The so-called "ghost character" does not mean that this thing is related to ghosts, but because it is too dangerous, and may even be killed, so it is called a ghost character, which means the equivalent of a cursed object.

Qin Lang did not inject more spiritual power into these "ghost symbols", but continued to study their peculiarities. Some people in the comprehension community have ever received similar ghosts, but they should not get activated ghosts. It is impossible to speculate on the true trajectory of these ghosts, so the tragedy is more normal.

The people in the comprehension think that these patterns are "characters", but Qin Lang does not think so. He thinks these ghosts should actually be circuits, and this can be explained clearly if these mysterious patterns are very advanced and Complex circuits, if the energy is running in the wrong direction in the circuit, it will lead to a natural situation:

Short circuit!

Once a short circuit occurs on the earth's electrical appliances, it will burn the fuse switch, causing heavy combustion and even explosions. This circuit is far more complicated than many electrical appliances on the earth, and the strength is naturally stronger than many things on the earth. Once this thing explodes, its power is also extraordinary. It should not be a problem to kill a few comprehensions.

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