Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1651: One side of the world

The ancients often said that one side of the water and soil to raise one person.

Different environments, different worlds, and the creatures raised are naturally different. You know, even the same earth world, the species that have been bred are all strange, even humans have several skin colors, not to mention the universe and the world.

Many monks in the realm of comprehension are very powerful. There is no doubt that the realm of comprehension is too broad, and Qin Lang’s stay is not long. Therefore, there are not many masters of comprehension, but these people are powerful, but they also have one. Common diseases:

In addition to comprehension, it is difficult to accept something else.

Even martial arts practice is very repulsive in the realm of cultivation, let alone other civilizations. In the realm of comprehension, it is a situation of "other than the self-cultivation, there is no other thing." All living beings are under the control of the comprehensible, and the royal power of the comprehension is equivalent to the ten major gates of the comprehension. It is simply Not worth mentioning. Because of this, there is only a highly developed comprehension in the realm of comprehension, but there is no highly developed material civilization.

Under such circumstances, many comprehensions in the realm of cultivation will naturally not put other civilizations in the eye. For the science and technology on the earth, they are all scornful attitudes. For other world civilizations, they are naturally more disdainful. In particular, the comprehensions are almost naturally repulsive to the scientific and technological civilization, and these things that are regarded as "ghosts" by the self-cultivators are technological civilizations and highly developed scientific and technological civilizations.

How can we succeed in using the truth of cultivation to interpret the products of technological civilization?

Although Qin Lang is also a practitioner, Qin Lang never denies the power of science and technology, nor does it exclude the power of self-cultivation. He adopts a fusion attitude. SLR is a good thing for himself. He learns and integrates instead of being naive. I believe that martial arts practice can control everything.

Purely using the principles and foundations of practice, it is impossible to explain the pattern of Pisces, so Qin Lang combines some principles of science and technology. Although the technological civilization of the earth is far from the creators of Pisces, but if it is also a technological civilization, then its The basics of science and technology should be similar, so the comprehensions regard these things as "ghosts" that cannot be pondered and controlled, but Qin Lang regards them as high-end circuits. As to why this circuit can carry different forces, Qin Lang believes that this is a circuit that can be compatible with a variety of energies, just as some special electrical equipment can carry a variety of currents.

After carefully scrutinizing the principle, Qin Lang rubbed the printed marks on his hand onto a piece of paper and prepared to study it from another angle. However, Qin Lang did not expect that the marks would appear on the paper and the paper would burn on its own. Not only that, the power of this imprint continued to ferment, and actually burned the wooden table under the paper. Qin Lang could only smash it in the air, cut the wooden seat and forcibly interrupted the Strength of the stock.

"Look at the boss, this thing is really a ghost, can not really be the things that the ghosts in the land are bulging out." Dan Ling Xiao.

"The fart ghost, I probably have figured out the principle of this thing. The arrogant madness in the comprehension world will think that this thing is a ghost character. In fact, this thing has nothing to do with the hair of the real world!" "Qin Lang snorted.

"Boss, do you really have a glimpse into the secret of this thing?" Danling little monk does not seem to believe.

"If the masters of the realm of comprehension know some simple physical circuit knowledge, they may barely figure out the truth. But do you see that the masters of the comprehension like to study physical chemistry?" Qin Lang generally said, while starting to pick A suitable carrier.

Any flow of energy requires a carrier. For example, if the current requires a line, the patterns left by Pisces and Jade also require a suitable carrier. Paper and wood are obviously not acceptable because when power flows on these patterns. Paper and wood will burn.

As for the appropriate carrier, the material of the fish Yupei was previously suspected to be bronze. However, according to the analysis of Xie Luoqi and others, it was discovered that it was not bronze, but a special metal element that could hardly be found on the earth.

Qin Lang did not have the same metal as Pisces, but he had bronze. He tried it with bronze. The result failed. Bronze could not be used as a carrier.

Bronze does not work, steel does not work, Qin Lang has been replaced by jade, the result is still not good, crystal, rock and the like are also not OK ^...

When Qin Lang was somewhat depressed, he finally took out the skeleton of an undead creature from the poisonous sac, and then printed those patterns on the skeleton. Finally, let Qin Lang's heartbeat happen, the skeleton of the undead creature can actually become the carrier of this pattern, its power will not burn through the undead bones, and this pattern can draw strength from the bones of the undead!

Nearly a hundred attempts have finally succeeded!

Qin Lang’s heart was secretly relieved. Although he could not fully control the power of this pattern, at least he saw the direction. The pattern on the Pisces is more complicated, and there are countless combinations of these patterns. The direction of energy flow represents a function of it. Qin Lang only masters one of the functions:

The ability to draw strength from the outside world.

The traces of scald and energy flow of Qin Lang's palms represent the function of Pisces and jade to absorb the energy of the surroundings. Now Qin Lang only completely separates this function. Perhaps the skeleton of the undead is not the only carrier, and it is not the best carrier, but Qin Lang is still successful after all. Parsing a function means that Qin Lang may have found the key to uncover the puzzle.

Now, Qin Lang thought of Xie Luozhen, the next thing, Qin Lang is ready to be handed over to her and her team to solve, Qin Lang believes that with such a "key", Xie Luoyi should develop its function as much as possible come out.

Xie Luozhen had already planned to summarize the research of Pisces Yupei. After all, Pisces Yupei has disappeared, and related research has fallen into a deadlock. Although as a researcher, it is normal to study results in a few years or even decades, but Xie Luojun does not allow her team to do this. She must ensure that her research team works efficiently because this is the Dragon Snake Force. The research team, not the garbage team that the garbage professors in the second-rate university have squandered in order to defraud the research funding.

Dragon Snake Force, no idlers!

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