Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1868: Maya Tumon

Korean refugees can enter the refuge area, but the Korean soldiers are not allowed to enter. This is inevitable. The soldiers and the people are two different concepts. They must not be confused. The kindness of China is not cheap enough for anyone to enjoy.

The people of the Huaxia Dragon Snake Corps have entered the Korean Peninsula. Their identity is humanitarian rescue personnel. This is recognized by Jin Santai. Although Jin Santai also knows that this is all about selling dog meat, he has to accept. Otherwise, he will be completely ruined by the blood of Baitoushan, and he will be the same as Li Yifang. The situation on the Korean Peninsula is very complicated. If the support of China is lost, it is very difficult for Kim Samo to regain control of power.

Qin Lang also entered the Korean Peninsula. He is ready to completely regain the will of the heavens and the earth. To this day, Qin Lang must acquire the will of the Korean Peninsula. This is to prepare for the world's natural strength.

At this time, the entire Goryeo Peninsula had heavy snow, and the number of outsiders had been reduced by the bombing of nuclear bombs. However, there are still some extremely vicious monsters raging, but if they encounter Qin Lang, these monsters will generally be very awful.

From the news obtained from Wu Minghou, they captured the former command of Li Yifang and successfully captured the ET alien mentioned by Li Yifang.

Other things, Qin Lang may not be interested, but for this ET, Qin Lang is still very interested, and the facts also prove that this guy is indeed some skill, otherwise it can not develop a mech and high-end warships for Li Yifang.

After getting the news, Qin Lang rushed to meet Wu Minghou for the first time.

The place to meet, at the foot of a mountain, Li Yifang's headquarters is in the mountainside, there is a natural basalt rock to protect the mountain, it is indeed very safe, and the concealment is also excellent.

The people of Wu Minghou and the Dragon Snake Corps completely took over here. Qin Lang thought that the ET was sacred, or what three-headed and six-armed monsters, but when Qin Lang saw him, he suddenly stopped:

Not because this guy is too ugly, too weird, but he is not weird at all, not ugly! From the outside, he is simply a person!

This guy has a brown skin and is an American, but he is taller, about two meters tall, and very strong. A little bit, this guy doesn't like to wear clothes, he is so naked.

When Qin Lang saw him, he was only restricted in scope of action, and he was not tied up, Dai Dai, and so on, because he was not necessary at all, and he did not intend to escape.

Wu Minghou said to Qin Lang: "How, you didn't expect it? This guy is actually an alien, completely different from the alien monster we imagined?"

"He looks like us. Of course, it's not like an alien." Qin Lang smiled. "However, such an alien is also more intimate. Have you talked to him?"

"Talked a little." Wu Minghou said, "This guy is not evil at all. You will know when you talk to him. In fact, he is actually a human being, and he is really a real alien." ”

"Hey, it seems that I should talk to him. But what is his name?" Qin Lang asked.

"His name is Tumon, in their language, it means 'interstellar survivor'." Wu Minghou said, "Go talk to him and talk to him easily."

Qin Lang walked into the conference room. The guy named Tumeng was playing with a computer. But he was not playing the computer, but was modifying the computer. It seems that the technical level of this guy DIY is very high.

"Tumen, do you have time to talk about it?" Qin Lang asked the man.

"Yes." Tumon answered with his mental strength to Qin Lang.

Sure enough, since this guy has mastered the use of mental power, it is really easy to communicate with him.

Through the brief exchange of spiritual power, Qin Lang gained a lot of information and understood why this guy looks so human, because he is a human being, but he is a Maya! It is also one of the two high-intelligence races that have existed in the legendary earth. The other one is Atlantis. In short, these two races have disappeared for no reason. Many people think that environmental factors have caused them to become extinct, but Other scientists don't think so, and use a counter-question to express doubt: the environmental change has not killed the more stupid human races on the earth, but has eliminated the most intelligent races. Is it smarter race adaptability? Is it worse?

Indeed, this explanation makes sense. If it is a huge change in the environment, then it must be the one with the lowest IQ and the high IQ.

Today, Qin Lang knows where the Maya went. It seems that they have left the world and opened up alien civilization. This person named Tumeng is a native Maya, so he is also a fellow with Qin Lang. It is.

However, Tumen, his name is a star survivor, of course, there are bad things happening to him. Through the message he passed to Qin Lang, Qin Lang knew that the planet where Tumon was located suffered a devastating disaster. This disaster is the invasion of aliens. His planet is even one step ahead of the Earth to find an alien attack. He fled when the planet is about to die. He is currently the only Maya who arrived safely on Earth.

“Thanks to the ancestors who left the interstellar coordinates back to Earth. Otherwise, I may have died in the interstellar space.” Tumon made a peculiar prayer movement, and then continued to exchange information with Qin Lang, “Our ancestors It has been predicted for thousands of years that the earth world will be destroyed, so we left here, but we have not predicted that our new home will be destroyed, and it will be before the destruction of the earth world."

"Wait--the time for your ancestors to predict the destruction of the earth is 2012. It has been a few years since the time has passed. It can be seen that the predictions of your ancestors are not very accurate." Qin Lang couldn’t help but respond to the words of the Maya. The 2012 end of the world forecast, so that countless crepe is worried, who knows that the end of the world has not happened, everyone is safe.

"No, the time predicted by our ancestors is correct. It is indeed starting from 2012. It is only the form of the end of the world. We can't predict it. Later, after we arrived at the Maya planet, we calculated the specific process of the end of the world, but because of the The data is too large, and we can't figure out the exact information with our level of scientific civilization, but we got a key data: the space node. According to our scientific theory, the universe is a complete multi-dimensional world, and it It is made up of different worlds. Each world needs to rely on space nodes to remain independent. How to say, if our world is in a cube, then several vertices of the cube are the spatial nodes of the world..."

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