Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 1869: It’s scary

Tumon explained the existence of space nodes through scientific theory. Qin Lang did not interrupt his explanation. Even though Qin Lang also knew the existence of space nodes, Tumen explained the existence of space nodes with scientific theory. It is a very novel and theoretical basis. The theory, this is a brand new knowledge, worthy of Qin Lang to learn.

The difference between scientific civilization and metaphysical civilization lies in the fact that everything in scientific civilization is based on precise data and various axioms and theorems. Therefore, scientific civilization requires accurate data models to bring to the world everything that exists, technological civilization. The great thing is that everything in the world can be portrayed by data, and it is well organized. This is something that metaphysical civilization does not have. Metaphysical civilization only pursues results, and rarely manages the principles and processes of this.

Tumen's discussion of space nodes may not be very useful for Qin Lang, but it is quite useful for Qin Lang's parents, Xie Luojun, especially for ultra-high IQ scholars such as Xie Luoqi. To Xie Luozhen, it is likely that she will open a new chapter in the civilization of science and technology, especially to promote her rapid mastery of space technology.

In fact, the science and technology of mankind is advancing by leaps and bounds. It has already reached the era of eruption. In this short period of one hundred years, the progress of human science and technology civilization has surpassed the accumulation of thousands of years and thousands of years ago. This is probably a thick accumulation. In the sci-fi movie Transformers in the country, I have described a lens in which many of the world’s high-tech products are actually extracted from the external mechanical life of Transformers. This is an illusion, but it is also true. If human beings get an alien warship, it is believed that in a hundred years, humans can enter the era of interstellar navigation.

Listening to Tumon tells the complete theory of spatial structure, even Qin Lang has benefited a lot. Although Qin Lang also mastered the space law of the world, this kind of comprehension can only be said to be incapable of saying. Qin Lang has no way to put the law of space. The essence is described to others by language, because metaphysics cannot be described and explained by data.

With the data analysis of Tumeng, Qin Lang believes that China may fully master space technology within three years. If Tumen personally participates, it may take only one and a half years.

After explaining the theory of space nodes, Tumon said that the collapse of space nodes. Tumon explained this: "The space node can be regarded as the anchorage of a building. For example, buildings on the earth have load-bearing walls. These load-bearing walls are made of reinforced concrete and are very strong. In theory, one hundred years of life can be guaranteed. One hundred years is a long time, more than a person's life, but whether it is a hundred years or a thousand years, there will always be an end of the day. The building is like this, the same is true of the planet, the whole The same is true of the universe. The space nodes are so strong that they can't stop the invasion of time. This universe may have existed for billions of years, maybe even longer, but it still has a long life. When we find that the space nodes are beginning to collapse. I know that the world is about to be destroyed, and the time when the space node begins to collapse is from the end of 2012. You are a practitioner and you have supernatural power, so you should know that I am telling the truth. ""

What Tumon said is indeed a fact, but Qin Lang does not know when the space node began to collapse, maybe it is almost 2012. In short, according to Tumon, their ancestors are indeed very smart.

However, no matter how smart the Mayans are, they still suffer a devastating blow, and the way to bring them to the end is another powerful alien race, which Tumon calls it "terrorist."

Fear, not a horrible human, but a human like a dinosaur!

According to the study of the Mayan tribes, they found that these fears should be the product of the evolution of dinosaurs. Although these ancestors were giant dinosaurs, they eventually evolved into humanoid creatures. This is a fear.

Tumon certainly retains memories of the terror, special pictures and specimens, and even he retains a horrible body. This terror is now in the laboratory of the underground command.

This is quite interesting. Qin Lang did not expect that the Maya actually existed. The disappearance of this civilization was once an unsolved mystery of the Earth world. Now it is finally confessed that these guys are actually immigrants leaving the earth. However, I did not expect that there are still such creatures as fearful people, and the fear of people is actually the evolution of dinosaurs! (This is not a nonsense, this is scientifically based. If dinosaurs do not suffer from extinction, but continue to evolve, one of them will inevitably appear high-intelligence humanoids.)

When he came to the lab with Tumon, Qin Lang saw the existence of the horror. Although this guy was just a specimen, it still looked very strong. It was about three meters tall, his head was sharp, and he was protruding to the back. His muscles were very strong. Developed, it seems to contain infinite power, and this horrible back has actually a protruding spur, making it appear more powerful.

According to Tumen’s description of the feared people, the power of these fearful muscles can reach thousands of pounds or even tens of thousands of pounds. Because the planet where the people are afraid, the gravity of the planet is dozens of times on the earth, and it’s because of fear. It was the evolution of dinosaurs, which also preserved the powerful fighting nature of dinosaurs, but at the same time retained the ferocious nature.

These feared people are carnivores. It can be seen from their sharp mouths. Although they do not have high-tech civilizations, they also have their own system of practice. The most terrible thing is that behind these fears, there is a higher level of civilization. They are wise, so these powerful terrorist forces swept the entire Mayan planet and completely defeated the Maya coalition in less than half a year.

"Now the earth world, although there are many alien creatures, but compared with the fear of people, it is really a lot different!" Tumon reminded Qin Lang, "If you can not be strong, then when you encounter a fearful person Time will definitely die out!"

Tumon is full of hatred and fear for the fear of man. Because he saw the power of the horror, even the Mayan mech fighters were not the opponents of fear. These guys turned the Mayan planet into a grave tomb with the infinite power of the flesh.

To put it bluntly, these horrible ancestors are dinosaurs on the earth, but these feared people do not give the Maya any face, and of course they will not give the face of the earth.

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