Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2357: Female thief

In desperation, Qin Lang can only use his own body to hard out. However, the defense of the Apocalypse Empire is not so easy to be broken. The entire "Heart of Heaven" planet is covered by a huge force field. This is also known by Qin Lang. Therefore, if you want to break a gap, Qin Lang must be motivated. Artifacts are fine.

Although Qin Lang fled all the way, after all, he had the power of the true God. At this time, the Temple of the Undead was in his hands. Although he knew that the defensive power of the Apocalypse Empire was quite amazing, Qin Lang still urged the Temple of the Undead to directly hit it.

Bang! ~

Along with a huge roar, Qin Lang spurred the Temple of the Undead to slammed into the defense field of the Apocalypse Empire.

As Qin Lang expected, although the defensive power of the Apocalypse Empire is tyrannical, this tyrannical is only relatively speaking. Even if the defensive array of the Immortal World is flawed, the defensive power of the Apocalypse Empire is also impossible to perfect. .

The weakness of this defensive field is that it can withstand a large area of ​​mad bombing, but it can not stop the small-scale attack, in fact, is the simple reason of point and face.

Qin Lang broke open the defensive field, and the several spaceships also followed closely, but out of this defensive field, Qin Lang immediately used the ladder artifact, so these ships can only watch Qin Lang’s figure disappear into the void. .

"Boss, you can be really bad this time! We just touched in, you just escaped." Once again, the Apocalypse Empire, Dan Ling’s little monk’s stinking mouth could not be spared.

"How do I know that when I go shopping, I will be seen by the other side." Qin Lang is also quite depressed, but think carefully. Although there are many races in the outer world of the Apocalypse Empire, there are some people there, but the power of the Apocalypse Empire. The power of science and technology should be registered and monitored for every living being, so Qin Lang suddenly "takes it out" and naturally attracts the attention of the Apocalypse Empire.

But so far, Qin Lang has not figured out a question: why all the things in the Apocalypse Empire are done by their colonial people. Are these guys really arrogant enough to think that they don't need them to take their own hands?

"Boss, then are you still going to the Apocalypse Empire?" asked Dan Ling Xiao.

"Of course." Qin Lang said, "This time I came to the Apocalypse Empire, I always want to see their true feelings. If I go back, it would be too suffocating."

"Hey, boss, I think so too." Dan Ling Xiaowu smiled.

"So what good idea do you have?" Qin Lang asked.

"This... I have any good ideas. The boss has entered the fairy world. Instead, he has tossed for a while, but when he entered the Apocalypse Empire, he did not toss it and found it. This is because the boss is good at metaphysics. The key to this celestial empire is the technological means. You are not good at the things here, and of course it is easy to be discovered.” Dan Ling’s young monk began to sum up the lessons.

"So, do you really have an idea?" The three stinkers competed in Zhuge Liang, and Qin Lang thought that listening to Danling's little monk's advice was also good, even though the idea that this guy usually proposed was a junk idea.

"I think the boss should find a professional in this area. For example, how did you get into the fairy world? Didn't you use the gods of the gods." Danling's little monk seems to have focused.

"I know." Qin Lang knew it, knowing the problem.

Just relying on a fearful person, there is no problem to mix into the Apocalypse Empire, but it is one thing to mix in. To understand the true secret of the Apocalypse Empire, he needs a real guide.

Perhaps Qin Lang should think about getting a time ghost from the vicinity of the Apocalypse Empire.

Although Qin Lang can also catch a living person as a guide, but Qin Lang still believes that the dead are more reliable than the living, so he thinks that catching a time ghost should be good.

Looking for a time ghost, you need your cheekbones.

Qin Lang’s mental power quickly spread to the surrounding area and began to search for some of the strong bones remaining on the planet.

Why is it a strong skeleton? That is because under normal circumstances, only the strong bones can survive in the long river, and the strong bones and will often remain longer.

Qin Lang’s effort was not in vain. Soon he found a bunch of skeletons on the planet. Qin Lang did not care which of these skeletons was the real strong, but now he needs a guide, so Qin Lang’s power through the source Into the long river of time, ready to bring one of the masters of the sacral bones out of the river.

After a while, Qin Lang has chosen the target, which is different from the Tianci Buddha who brought it out. This time, Qin Lang brought out a "female ghost", but it is not a beauty, but a bald female bodhisattva, but this one It’s not like a bodhisattva, but a robber.

"Who are you? I... I have fallen, but you are a living creature!" The female Bodhisattva is more aware of the situation and immediately knows the fact that she has fallen. This is much better than other time ghosts. Other times The ghosts, most of them have been lost in the long river of time, simply do not know the situation, and even completely lost their own will.

"It's you." Qin Lang smiled and took the bald girl out of time.

Later, the bald girl looked at Qin Lang and said to him: "You brought me out of time. What do you want? However, if you have such a bad means, you should be considered an outstanding person. It is worthy of my Fu. The heart works for you."

This woman named Fu Xinxin is also more organized and seems to be more suitable for Qin Lang to be a guide.

"My name is Qin Lang, from the Chinese world, a world you have never heard of. You may be from the Buddha world... This is not important. You should know something about the Apocalypse Empire." Qin Lang asked, "If If you don't understand the Apocalypse Empire, then it's boring."

"Mr. Qin rest assured, I know a lot of secrets of the Apocalypse Empire!" said a woman named Fu Xinxin. "I really came from the Buddha world, but I also know a lot about the Apocalypse Empire. Here I once had a name called ' Female Buddha Pirates. So, you should know what I used to do."

Qin Lang certainly knows that this female bald head was originally a female robber. Of course, she could only say that she was a female robber.

For this woman's past, Qin Lang did not want to pursue, anyway, this woman is already dead, even if it was really evil before, death is the price she paid. Now, Qin Lang only needs her to be a guide for herself.


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