Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2358: Mysterious veil

The female Buddha robbed Fu Xinxin, this woman is a "professional pirate" near the Apocalypse Empire. It used to be famous, but the work of this island is a high-risk occupation, usually it will die young, and Fu Xinxin belongs to this. Kind of people.

Fu Xixin's cultivation has reached the level of the ancient Buddha, and even the difference can reach the realm of the Buddha. It is a Buddhist monk with "Huigen", but among the heavens, there are talented monks. Just like crossing the river, it is not enough to have talents, but also have to have air transport, and Fu Xinxin should be so bad.

Because Fu Xinxin often robs in the vicinity of the Apocalypse Empire, he naturally knows something about the Apocalypse Empire, and sometimes she also conducts some "smuggling" actions and knows how to mix into the outer world of the Apocalypse Empire.

"Fu Yuxin, since you know a lot of information about the Apocalypse Empire, now I have a question that I really want to know the answer - tell me, what is the "human" of the Apocalypse Empire?" This problem has plagued Qin Lang for a long time. Originally thought that to enter the Apocalypse Empire can know this answer, who knows that into the Apocalypse Empire, he still did not see the real apocalyptic empire.

"Oh... this question, I am afraid there is no way to answer you, because I have never robbed a real apocalyptic empire." Fu Xin said.

"How long have you been robbed here?"

"At least there are dozens of Buddha years." Fu Xin said.

"What!" Qin Lang stared at Fu Xinxin with amazement. A Buddha year is equivalent to a hundred years in the Chinese world. According to the time of the Huaxia World, Fu Xin’s time for robbery here is really not short. And the passage of time in the void will be slower.

In such a long time, Fu Xinxin had never seen a creature in the Apocalypse Empire, which is simply a fantasy!

However, Fu Xinxin did not dare to deceive Qin Lang. This point can be affirmed by Qin Lang. Then this should be the fact: Fu Xin still has not seen the creatures of the Apocalypse Empire!

Fu Xingxin, who has been swaying for so long around the Apocalypse Empire, has never seen the creatures of the Apocalypse Empire. This is simply something that cannot be understood!

"Mr. Qin, I know that you are very puzzled. In fact, I have considered this issue. I am also very curious, but this is the case. Even if I entered the outer world of the Apocalypse Empire, I have never seen an indigenous creature of the Apocalypse Empire. Fu Fuxin explained.

"I have never seen it before? This is really strange. Is the spirit of the Apocalypse Empire a tortoise, and the turtle cannot shrink?" Qin Lang thought for a moment and asked again, "But, on this question, is there a heart in your heart?" Some guesses?"

Fu Xinxin is not an ordinary person. The reason why Qin Lang asked her is to know some of her speculations, and Qin Lang thinks that Fu Xinxin will give him some answers.

Sure enough, after Fu thought about it, he said in a very cautious tone: "Mr. Qin, the "people" of the Emperor of Heaven, I have never seen, and the creatures I have killed, they have never seen the revelation. The spirit of the empire, although it is already the scope of the Apocalypse Empire, I have been thinking about this for a long time, my answer is - the creatures of the Apocalypse Empire, the way they exist, completely different from us!"

“Hey? How is it different?” Qin Lang is very interested.

"You should know that most of the creatures in the world are in the form of flesh, but some of them are not flesh--"

"Devil!" Qin Lang certainly knows the existence of the demon, and also knows that the demon has no flesh, but what does this have to do with the Apocalypse Empire?

The wisdom creature of the Apocalypse Empire is certainly not a demon. It is understandable that Qin Lang is understandable because the strength of the demon is Qinlang. Although the spiritual power of the demon is tyrannical, it is not really tyrannical. The creatures of the Apocalypse Empire are simply more mysterious than the Devils, and naturally they are more tyrannical.

In the impression of Qin Lang, the creatures of the Apocalypse Empire are more mysterious and more unfathomable than the demon, so now Qin Lang wants to understand the true colors of the apocalyptic wisdom creatures.

Although Fu Xinxin has not seen the real apocalyptic empire, but based on years of understanding, she has come to the conclusion that the creatures of the Apocalypse Empire should not be a flesh and blood creature!

"Do you think that the creatures of the Apocalypse Empire, like the demon, are not flesh and blood?" Qin Lang asked Fu Xinxin.

"It should be like this!" Fu Xinxin's tone is a bit affirmative. "The so-called 'goose has survived to keep the traces'. If it is a creature of flesh and blood, no matter how powerful, once they appear, they will definitely stay. Some clues. For example, the cheekbones are either hair, fur, etc. In short, as long as they are flesh and blood, it is impossible to leave nothing."

Fu Yuxin’s speculation, Qin Lang considered it a bit and thought it was not unreasonable.

The geese have passed the traces of the people. The fact is that after the fall of any kind of flesh and blood, the bones will be left behind. Even if there is no bone, there should be something like hair, but the creatures of the Apocalypse Empire. So far nothing has been left.

I only heard the name and I didn’t see anyone.

The Apocalypse Empire is such a mysterious existence, but the fearful warrior of the Apocalypse Empire has changed the countless races of the heavens and the world, so the races of the worlds are very fearful for the Apocalypse Empire. .

Mystery will deepen this fear!

I thought that Fu Xinxin could uncover the mystery of the Apocalypse Empire for Qin Lang, but Qin Lang was disappointed after all. Fu Xinxin was only a speculation for Qin Lang, and speculated that the wisdom of the Apocalypse Empire might be a spiritual life. - Similar to the demon, but it should be higher than the demon!

Although the exact answer could not be obtained, Qin Lang did not completely lose confidence in Fu Xinxin. The female Buddha thief had other uses for Qin Lang. After all, she should have some understanding of the Apocalyptic Empire.

What Fu Xinxin is best at is to be a robber and to **** a transport spacecraft from the Apocalypse Empire. Because transporting spacecraft often means a lot of materials, these materials can naturally bring huge benefits to Fu Xinxin. Of course, these things are already old-fashioned for Fu Xinxin, but now Qin Lang needs Fu Xinxin to work and continue to engage in the previous robbery.


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