Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2704: Lost

Qin Lang has been built into an absolute icy practice, but after seeing the existence of powerful predators in the **** void, Qin Lang decided not to continue to take risks for the time being. His heart is still worried, although the Chinese world has a dragon in the forefront. However, Qin Lang still can't be completely assured. Since the absolute frozen practice has been realized, Qin Lang's own micro-cosm has been completed, then it is time to return to the universe where he is, and then from the long-term.

"What happened? What is the universe I am in?"

Just when Qin Lang was ready to return to his own universe, something happened that he did not expect—the universe he was in was gone! At least, Qin Lang could not detect the universe.

Qin Lang couldn’t help but feel that there was something happening. Was it that when he entered an absolutely frozen state, his universe was already shattered?

If that is the case, then it is undoubtedly the worst situation. The universe is shattered. Qin Lang is not guarded by the town. It is difficult to protect itself by the means of Long Xianhe. It is difficult to protect the Chinese world. Now!

At this time, Qin Lang was really worried. He couldn't help but regret entering this **** void. If he didn't venture into here to practice absolute ice, then he would not miss the last moment of the destruction of the universe, and perhaps save some of the life of the Chinese world. But now, everything is missed, everything is over!

In the meantime, Qin Lang’s mind was blank. This moment of time is the most difficult and painful time for Qin Lang.

But just after the blank space, when the first picture flashed, Qin Lang suddenly realized that he might have made a wrong judgment: his universe should not be destroyed, even though the **** void can not sense the passage of time and change. But the universe he is in is not destroyed so quickly, the real reason is that his position relative to the universe is changing!

Just before the powerful geometry monster passed here, it affected the distance between Qin Lang and the universe, which caused the relative position of Qin Lang and the universe to be offset.

This is like a deep sea beast stirring the sea water, and immediately can form a small storm or huge waves, enough to push the position of the small fish of Qin Lang to a long distance.

Moreover, in the **** void, the space and time laws have no meaning, which means that the geometric monsters are randomly stirred, which may have caused Qin Lang to drift away from the universe where it is unimaginable.

In short, Qin Lang is "lost"!

Before Qin Lang entered the **** void, it was based on the universe in which he lived. Because there is a reference object, Qin Lang can sense the existence of his own universe and can find the way back. But now, because Qin Lang is absolutely frozen, Passively offset from the relative position of the universe, then lost the reference object, Qin Lang is like a lighthouse that has lost the direction of guidance, which is very deadly!

In particular, Qin Lang has witnessed the horrible existence of this predator with a **** void.

But at least Qin Lang has no life worry yet, because after comprehending the absolute ice seal, Qin Lang can minimize its own energy consumption, and even if necessary, he can not use his own strength. However, if Qin Lang once again enters the absolute ice seal, he will not be able to continue to actively explore this **** void. He can only passively observe the changes around him through the eyes of the ice.

Considering that its own universe should still exist, the Chinese world should not be destroyed yet. Qin Lang’s heart is slightly settled. Although he knows that it is very scary to get lost in the **** void, at least the hope of the heart has not been shattered. To the light.

Now, when Qin Lang wants to return to the original world, then he must figure out some of the **** voids. Just like a lost sailor, if he wants to return to the shore, he must know enough about the sea. One has enough experience to know enough about the sea. The sailor will have a greater chance of returning alive.

As far as the current situation is concerned, what Qin Lang knows about the blood color void is nothing more than a **** void is like a huge boundless ocean, or there may be margins, but in the information that Qin Lang knows, no living creature has detected the blood color. The margin of the void. As for the universe in which Qin Lang is located, it is only a small piece of "closed land" or a "bubble" floating in the void of blood. As the **** voids continue to erode, these universes will gradually die out and come to an end.

In addition, many universes are not the same size and level. Some universes are higher and more extensive, so their strength is stronger, and the creatures born are naturally more tyrannical. However, there is no difference in the nature of many universes - they will be eroded by the void of blood, and then come to an end, without exception!

Therefore, the creatures who can get out of their own universe are desperately searching for ways to continue their own and ethnic life. This is also the most basic requirement of life - survival and reproduction.

"So, now I am looking for a negligible bubble in the huge ocean?" Qin Lang thought to himself, according to the information he knew, to find the universe, it is really a needle in a haystack.

"This is really terrible, then what should we do?" Qin Lang's brain is spinning fast, thinking about how to break the situation.

If this **** void is really like the sea, and the epoch is only a small sailor or a fish in the sea, then will Qin Lang be the smallest fish?

Qin Lang obviously does not think so.

What's more, even the smallest fish, in this sea, as long as you don't die, there is always a chance to grow into a big fish.

At this time, Qin Lang has begun to consider becoming a predator. Only by becoming a predator, constantly growing up and constantly collecting information, may it be possible to return to the universe in which it is located. Of course, if his luck is good enough.

Although Qin Lang could not sense the position of his own universe, he sometimes felt that some alien universes were invaded by the **** voids, which made these dying universes leak some vitality, which made Qin Lang feel their existence.

If one universe is regarded as a bubble in the sea, then when the bubble bursts, some sounds can always be heard. Therefore, when any universe is shattered, there will be a situation similar to the dark void and the **** void that Qin Lang had seen before, which means that a universe has come to an end and is about to begin its final destruction.

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