Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2705: Predator

And once there is a situation in which the universe begins to burst, some "big fish" or "predators" who swim in the void will be introduced, because even the soon-to-be-destroyed universe will leave a lot of vitality and resources. There are still some creatures that may rush out of this universe, just like where the rivers and seas meet, there are often many fish groups gathered here.

Qin Lang discovered this, so it is natural to use it.

At this time, Qin Lang also understood why the front of Mikaye was swallowed and torn by a strange hand. It was because in that place, it was easy to be attacked. Before he took a half step, he was not in the void. The predator attack is just a matter of luck.

Now, Qin Lang is also preparing to take a chance to go to the edge of the universe that is about to be shattered. But at this time, Qin Lang will not be too tight. He does not want to prey without success, but is swallowed up by other predators. The guys who can prey in the **** void are terrible.

Qin Lang’s plan is good. Indeed, on the edge of the universe that is about to be shattered, Qin Lang can sense some powerful virtual predators in the activity, but Qin Lang can only be far away, and even dare not approach too much. Of course, this far and near is just a kind of perception. In this **** void, there is no reference object. There is no distance at all. It can only be judged by its own perception. Sometimes, if it is wrong, it is likely to I don’t know what to send to the predator’s mouth!

After some observations, Qin Lang discovered that some powerful predators are simply terrible, even if they are far apart, they can make Qin Lang feel an unspeakable chill, and those horrible predators even directly put their own Power penetrates into the universe that is about to burst, directly taking advantage of the power of the universe or engulfing the creatures.

Although every predator is a superpower or above, it is a product of a highly intelligent civilization, but as predators, they implement the most primitive and cruel laws, and there is no communication. The process of negotiation is purely plundering. This kind of plunder may be just a supplementary way, because predators sometimes consume energy, not every predator knows how to freeze. Moreover, even if Qin Lang realizes the absolute icing, it is impossible to consume nothing at all. When fighting with other predators, it will naturally consume madness, so naturally it needs to be supplemented.

Then, it can explain why every predator is about to annihilate, there will be some predators swimming around and hovering around here.

Predators in the **** void are usually only taking advantage of the dying universe, or directly consuming the creatures, but sometimes the same cruel devouring and looting occurs among predators. However, there is no reason to speak.

How is the epoch of the epoch, in their respective universes, although they have reached the peak of nowhere, but once they enter this **** void, it is only the fish in the void, but as the "fish" in the void. Then you can only survive according to the rules here. This can't be changed by anyone. Even Qin Lang can't change, adapt to the law, and survive. This is the rule that any living beings in the world follow.

Rumble! ~

Not far away, the looting is still going on, and the cruel battles between some tyrannical creatures are also going on at the same time. Countless strong people have paid a heavy price in the battle, or the body has suffered heavy losses, or the body is torn apart. Even some predators have been swallowed up by the entire predator.

Usually, predators who can survive in the **** void are basically hard to be completely killed, because at least they can enter the hierarchy of the epoch, and even some epochs have survived multiple universes. Epoch, so the means for these guys to save their lives is absolutely not ordinary, even if the body is torn apart, or even a little flesh and blood, it is possible to survive again, but it will consume a lot of vitality.

If some predators who are particularly seriously injured and whose energy consumption is similar, if they want to recover, they can only break into other universes. However, it naturally takes a lot of risks. As for the risks, Qin Lang has not been evaluated yet.

Hey! ~

At this time, a group of squirming flesh and blood rushed out from the side of Qin Lang. Qin Lang took it easy and took the squirming flesh and blood in his hands. He knew that this should be a defeated plunder. The eater, whose body has been blasted by other predators, thought that he had escaped from the encirclement and was looking for an opportunity to restore his body and strength, but he did not want to hit Qin Lang in this hand.

Of course, you can't blame this group for "blood flesh" without long eyes, but when he was beaten by other predators, he fled with no choice, and Qin Lang had a relatively low sense of existence because of his practice of absolute ice, plus Qin Lang is only watching the game from a distance, so this guy is also accidentally hitting Qin Lang.

"Don't devour me, can't I?" This group of flesh and blood fell into the hands of Qin Lang, and immediately knew what might happen. After all, even Qin Lang, who had just entered the **** void, knows the rules of this place, so This guy certainly knows what will happen to his end, so I used to be afraid of doing things that would devour others.

Fortunately, what Qin Lang needs at this time is not the vitality, but more information he wants to know, so Qin Lang replied: "If I get some valuable information, I can consider letting you go."

"Really?" This group of flesh and blood squirmed and turned into a slap-sized villain. "If you just want to know some information, then there is no problem, I am willing to turn the information that I know." Give you."

Qin Lang knows that the formation of a villain into a small person does not mean that this group of flesh and blood is a human race. The other party just wants to get the good feeling of Qin Lang through such a way. After all, Qin Lang is also a human race. If this villain thinks that adulthood is a form, Qin Lang Maybe he will have a pity for him.

"Whether you let go of you, it depends on whether the information you provide is of sufficient value." Qin Lang will not have any kindness, and he knows that this group of flesh and blood is soft, it is only that its current strength has not recovered. Once its strength is fully restored, I am afraid that it will in turn threaten Qin Lang.

"You can rest assured that I will provide you with all the information you know, and you can judge the value of this information." The little man who became flesh and blood said.

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