Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2717: No solution

"Mr. Qin, you said that the rest of the universe is less than a month now? What is your basis?" The female scholar of the Huaxia Academy of World does not seem to believe in Qin Lang’s words. "According to our mathematical model, We should have at least a year and a half."

At this time, Qin Lang couldn't help but think of Xie Luozhen and Tumen. If these two can live to the present, they will fully support Qin Lang, even if it is impossible to prove Qin Lang's words through scientific theory.

Qin Lang and Xie Luoqi and Tumeng have strong trust between each other, so even if Qin Lang said that they can not be explained by science, they will fully believe that this is the trust and tacit understanding between friends.

But unfortunately, Xie Luozhen and Tumeng, because they are developing science and technology, can't distract themselves, so even if they take the Linglang of Qinlang, they can't reach the realm of longevity, and they still can't stop the erosion of time. Qin Lang felt sad. If Xie Luozhen and Tumon can take some time to stick to their practice, according to the spiritual resources left by Qin Lang, they should hopefully have a thousand years of life, but unfortunately they chose to put all their time and energy into scientific research. They have laid a solid foundation for the leap of China's world technology power.

Although Huaxia World and Huaxia Terran are stronger and stronger than before, they have some strange feelings for Qin Lang. Some familiar faces have disappeared, and the familiar places have disappeared. This is probably to survive. The price that must be paid.

After a brief silence, Qin Lang had to answer the female scholar: "Because the information I get is more reliable than your mathematical model."

"This...this is unlikely!" After all, the female scholar is not Xie Luozhen, not a friend of Qin Lang, so even if Qin Lang is a legendary figure, she should not let her give up her faith in science and truth. Of course, this is the stubborn side of science scholars. It is difficult to convince them, but it is also very simple to say. If you can prove it all with mathematical formulas, then they will immediately admire you.

However, Qin Lang also knows that some things can be completely proved not by mathematical models, so he tries to be patient and says: "Do you know what is outside the universe?"

Qin Lang’s counter-question is that this female scholar feels a little headache, but as a scholar, she certainly does not lie. She can only respond: “No, have you been there?”

"Of course I have been there! So, this is why I can be more sure than you are the rest of the universe! If you don't believe me - no, you must believe me, otherwise you can't stay here to waste everyone Time is up!" Qin Lang's words are a bit rude, but there are things he must insist on. There is not much time left now. He has no time to waste time with these scholars. Otherwise, he will be right to those friends who have been taken away by the power of time, and those who have disappeared into the history of the river to promote the civilization of China. .

This female scholar was obviously hurt by the rudeness of Qin Lang. She was about to explain something, but was stopped by another older scholar. The older scholar asked Qin Lang: "What is the outside of the universe? world?"

"This is what I want to tell you." Qin Lang said calmly. "First of all, thank you for your efforts. Let us witness the peak of China's world civilization, and this proves that my original efforts were not in vain. Although China The world has reached the peak of civilization, even in this universe has entered the level of the gold world, but I want to remind you - we have only reached the level of the golden race of this universe, but our goal is only to reach the top of this universe? is it?"

The words of Qin Lang let the people in the room be silent, and let the people in the room feel that they have been poured a cold water. Many people suddenly realize the key point in the Qinlang dialect:

The ultimate goal of the Huaxia Terran is not to compete with other races in this universe, not to compete for the right to speak in the universe, but to escape from this universe and enter the next cosmic era!

For the survival and continuation of the Chinese people, this is the ultimate goal of all the people in the Chinese world!

Then, since the ultimate goal has not yet been achieved, should everyone calm down and should they not expand so much?

There is no doubt that Qin Lang’s concerns are quite reasonable. These people here should understand this now. Even if the Chinese race now has the ability to cross the universe, but when the universe is completely destroyed, what other eggs do you use?

This is something that Huaxia Technology can't prove and speculate at present, but it must be faced! Qin Lang has won so much time for the Chinese world, but this does not mean that Qin Lang can ensure that the entire Chinese world has successfully escaped from the destruction of the universe.

Yes, the current Chinese civilization in the world has indeed reached the point that many people could not have imagined before, but can this be satisfied? This is obviously not enough!

We must know that Qin Lang’s promotion of the “closed plan” of the Chinese world was not so simple to promote the Chinese civilization to the golden world, but to prepare for the final disaster. I thought everyone was well prepared, but now It seems that this is not the case, Qin Lang believes that everyone in the room is obviously not ready!

This is the problem! And still a big problem!

"So, according to Mr. Qin, we only have one month?" The government representatives are more rational, but there is tremendous pressure in the voice.

"Yes, one month! And, no longer delay!" Qin Lang knows that even if he is, he will not be able to fight for more time for the Chinese world. So, in any case, the Chinese world must be fully prepared within a month. "So, let me tell you the truth, how are you going to deal with the final disaster?"

It’s been almost a thousand years since the implementation of the closed plan, so there is always a way to solve things that could not be solved a thousand years ago. This was originally the meaning of the closed plan.

However, Qin Lang’s answer was rather disappointing.

"Mr. Qin, you should have already seen it. We have turned the entire Chinese world into a huge warship. It has the ability to sail beyond the speed of light, can sail at any time, and has a very strong defense, so the whole Huaxia World is a Noah's Ark, we think it should be able to survive the disaster!" Or a representative of the Dragon Snake Corps gave Qin Lang a less certain answer.

"Everyone, I am very disappointed!" Qin Lang sighed.

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