Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2718: Last glory

Very disappointed, this is the final assessment of Qin Lang!

Of course, the rapid development of China's world civilization is worthy of Qin Lang's affirmation, but he is disappointed that these people are too inadequately aware of and prepared for the destruction of the universe. They simply think that a huge super-light warship can withstand the final destruction. Destructive blows.

This is really naive!

If the destructive power of the destruction of the universe is so easy to bear, then those powerful races and worlds will not spend so many months and so much resources to prepare for the disaster.

Even in the information that Qin Lang knows, he “seen” a lot of powerful races to pay an unimaginable price for the continuation of the seeds of life.

The Terran of the Huaxia World, after all, has not experienced the scene of the destruction of the universe, so I don’t know that the disaster of the destruction of the universe is really the disaster of extinction. Yes, the emergence of a light speed spacecraft and a super-light speed spacecraft can indeed cross the universe, but what if the universe disappears? I am afraid that the moment of the destruction of the universe will bring tremendous impact and damage to these ships. Even if it is barely resisting the impact of the destruction of the universe, how can we resist the predators waiting outside?

Perhaps, the so-called "reasons" of the "Prophet" civilization should be the group of predators that Qin Lang encountered in the **** void. These guys are basically the masters of the era and above, even if it is Qin Lang is very headaches. The warships in the Chinese world have entered the **** void, and the consequences are simply unimaginable.

Therefore, it is not Qin Lang’s desire to combat the confidence of the Chinese people, but to let everyone understand the risks involved. In fact, letting Qin Lang’s confidence in attacking everyone is better than being beaten by the cruel reality.

"Everyone -"

Qin Lang glanced at the crowd and went on to say, "I know, I have hurt everyone's confidence, but this is a must. If you know something that I have seen with my own eyes, I will not be in doubt."

Qin Lang shared his horror encounters in the **** void through his spiritual power. Only those who are in the Chinese world, Qin Lang will share the information he knows so simply and without reservation. You know, this information in the **** void, but Qin Lang took a lot of effort and took a lot of risk to get it. Even some of the universe’s tyrants may not know a lot of **** voids, after all, **** There are too many dangers in the void, too horrible, even if the lord of the era does not dare to live in the **** void for too long, because the danger is unpredictable. If Qin Lang was not lucky enough to practice the absolutely frozen practice, he was afraid that he had already been buried in the **** void.

Therefore, the information that Qin Lang now shares is equivalent to being exchanged for his own life. It is really precious. The reason why Qin Lang used mental power to share this information, of course, is that he hopes that everyone in the room can feel the experience of Qin Lang in the **** void, and it is easy to reach a consensus. At the last moment of the annihilation of the heavens, Qin Lang still hopes that the entire Chinese world can be united as one, rather than having different ideas.

When Qin Lang shared his own experience, the scene was quiet, and it was obvious that these people were deeply shocked. The horrible laws of **** voids, multi-level universes, horrible predators... These things are like a boulder in the hearts of everyone, and these people who are present at this time understand a little:

Even if you escape from the universe, it is not a place of heaven, but a more horrible and worse environment. Escape from this universe is just the beginning! The next journey is even more terrifying!

Now, the elites of the entire Chinese world are still not sure whether they can escape from the ruin of the heavens, but they must face a more dangerous situation than the destruction of the heavens. How can this be done?

"Mr. Qin, thank you for bringing us such shocked information. I really can't think of it. It's like that outside the universe. So, we speculate that the model of the universe is wrong, and we predict the situation after the universe is shattered. Wrong!" The female scholar of the research institute finally woke up and realized that her judgment had a problem.

Science is rigorous, and seeing is believing. The female scholar “sees” the situation outside the universe through the spiritual power of Qin Lang. She suddenly realizes the crux of the problem and immediately realizes that they are present to the universe and beyond. Some problems with the data model, especially the model of the outer world of the universe, simply subvert her perception.

The **** void, multi-level universe, these two factors exceed the current Chinese Academy of Sciences' understanding of the macrocosm. They originally insisted on the big bang alone universe model, thinking that the universe is just a single individual, but it is a recurring explosion - collapse - The process of re-explosion. That is to say, the Huaxia Research Institute believes that after the collapse of the universe, a new big bang will appear immediately, so that as long as it can survive the moment of the universe, it will be able to reach the new era of the universe. However, it seems that the Huaxia Academy of Sciences is still wrong with the cosmological model, and the deviation is very large. This deviation naturally leads to mistakes in decision-making.

Once the decision is made, the final result is the demise of the entire Chinese world and the Chinese people!

From the bursting of confidence just now to the current decline in confidence, the gap is too big, but this is what Qin Lang wants to achieve. If you know the situation of **** voids and multi-level universe, these people in Huaxia World can still If confidence is overwhelming, then Qin Lang should really worry.

Disappointing now, it is better than the future ruin. What's more, now Qinlang and Huaxia World have a month to prepare, perhaps the last glory!

"Mr. Qin, thank you for the information provided, then please indicate to us the road to the next universe era, no matter how much sacrifice to make, how much to pay, our Dragon Snake Corps will definitely go all out!~ The heads of the Dragon Snake Corps immediately made a promise. Whenever the Dragon Snake Corps fully supported Qin Lang.

The position of the Dragon Snake Corps made Qin Lang feel very gratified. This shows that he has already paid a lot of effort in the Dragon Snake Corps. At this time, the Chinese world only needs one voice, one voice of one heart and one heart. Only in this way can the entire Chinese world be assembled. Power, bringing the seeds of the life of the Chinese people into the next cosmic era.

Bang! ~ At this time, the entire Chinese world suddenly swayed abruptly.

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