Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2719: Strong enemy reappearance

With the powerful defense of the Chinese world today, such violent vibrations will hardly occur, and once it appears, it necessarily means that something big has happened. ∈♀

"Master, the army of the Great Church has appeared!"

The sound of Long Xianhe sounded above the entire Chinese world. As an epoch of the era, Long Xianhe guarded the Chinese world for a long time, but the Chinese world knows that he does not exist.

However, when the sound of Long Xianhe sounded, the masters of the Chinese world were shocked and felt the powerful momentum from Long Xianhe. After all, the epoch of the epoch was not covered. However, fortunately, although the momentum of Long Xianhe is strong, there is no hostility to the Chinese world. Therefore, there is no worry, but the army of the Great World has emerged. This news is very unpleasant.

The Church of the Great World, but many times against the Chinese world, before the closure of the Chinese world, the Church of the World has repeatedly attacked the Chinese world, but was repelled by the Qin Lang and Dragon Snakes. Even before Qin Lang entered the **** void, Mickey Leaf, the epoch of the sacred world, personally came to trouble, preparing to kill Qi Qinlang and destroy the entire Chinese world.

Although the Huaxia World has experienced rapid development for nearly a thousand years, it is only a short period of ten years for the world of the Church, so this decade is not enough to calm the anger of their hearts, especially The anger of an era hegemon can even continue into the next cosmic era.

The Church of the Great World chose to deal with the Chinese world at this time. Obviously it was prepared, and the timing was very good, because at this time, both the Chinese dragon and the Jianmu shocked the tyrants. Once they were able to attack the epoch hegemony, then China The world will have several guardians of the era, and it can be said that the strength is greatly increased. If the Holy World wants to suppress it, it is not so easy. At this time, it can ruin the existence of the two shock era hegemons of the Chinese world, and naturally can suppress the strength of the Chinese world.

The Great World of the Church is always good at grasping opportunities and being good at taking advantage of it. But they don’t know how the Chinese world has changed in the closed plan. If it is about the power of science and technology, the technological power of the Chinese world is already comparable to the Apocalypse Empire. If the metaphysical study is done, the Chinese world is not comparable to the fairy world, but it has reached the same level as the Buddha and the devil. The real difference lies only in the number of epochs!

The Chinese world can develop so leaps and bounds, Qin Lang can be said to be indispensable, because Qin Lang steals the scientific foundation of the Apocalyptic Empire from the Apocalypse Empire, and realizes the key to the combination of science and metaphysics, so the Chinese world is On this basis, it is naturally developing rapidly. Nowadays, the spaceship warships of the China World are much more sophisticated than the science of the Church. Of course, the world of the Church is not based on science and technology.

But in any case, the Huaxia World does not dare to despise the existence of the Great World. After all, this holy world is one of the old races in this universe. It is a heroic man who can continue to sweep the heavens in the fairy world. The strength of the Church of the Great World is no small feat.

Since the emergence of the great army of the Great Church, the Chinese world has to act. At this time, it is naturally impossible to continue deliberation. Qin Lang’s figure has moved out of the Chinese world and came to the void, and I saw the Church. The army of the world has attacked from two different directions and has formed a pincer attack on the Chinese world. This is to completely destroy the entire Chinese world and completely plunder the resources of the Chinese world to the light.

At this time, Qin Lang and Long Xianhe and Yan Wenji appeared in the void, forming a confrontational situation with the fleet of the Holy World. Although there were only three people, there were two epochs, even if it was holy. Don’t dare to have any contempt for the world. Therefore, there are also two era hegemons in the world of the Church, which is far opposite to Qin Lang and Long Xianhe.

As for Qi Wenji, although it has been a half-step empire, but under such circumstances, it has obviously been ignored by the Great World.

One of the two era hegemons is Mikaye.

In order to avenge the Qinlang and Huaxia worlds, Micah has been tracking for a long time, and now finally finds Qin Lang in the Dragon Star, so Micah leaves thinks it is time to calculate this account well.

"Qin Lang - finally met again!" In the tone of Micah's leaves, there is deep hatred, and this time Micah leaves is the real body, it is obvious that he is determined to win the Qin Lang, this time it is necessary to Qin Lang and the entire Chinese world were buried together.

"Micah leaves, don't come innocent. You lost a avatar, it seems that you haven't added it yet." Qin Lang's tone is very dull, but it is in the pain of Mickey's leaves, which is simply a scar.

"Qin Lang, you are less than a few moments! Today my true body has come, you and the Chinese world will be buried, your Chinese people will also be completely annihilated today!" Micah leaves can be described as murderous, not only The life of Qin Lang, this is also the annihilation of the entire Chinese world.

"Micah leaves, you are too mad." Qin Lang's tone is still very dull. "The Chinese world has become a big trend, even if you come here, it will not help. If you know each other, then quickly retreat, so as not to lose both sides. Create a chance for others!"

"Is it both hurts? Just rely on you? Just rely on the strength of the Chinese world?" Micah's tone is very disdainful. "I am here today, and there are also Raviles here, and the army of the Great World. So, Whether you are still in the Chinese world, today is destined to be annihilated here!"

"If the mouth can decide everything, then the world of the Church must be the most powerful existence of the universe. But, unfortunately - in my opinion, the reason why the Great World cannot be the strongest in the universe. Existence, that is, your pattern is too small, just to see the front, not to look behind. Now, the whole universe is about to burst, you are not prepared for the final destruction, actually here and I am dead in China, you think this has What is the meaning?" Qin Lang’s words can be said to be the words of the lungs, because if possible, Qin Lang does not want to fight with the Holy World, even if the two sides have deep hatred, this time is not suitable for war, not only because This universe is about to burst, and it is also because there are still some interracial strongmen. If there is a situation in which both sides are hurt, then the elites of the world of fairy tales, the world of Buddhism or other worlds are very happy to see them, and then they don’t mind killing both sides.

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