Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2720: At the touch of a hair

Qin Lang is also a bitter, and hopes that the Holy World can give up this unnecessary war because it has no substantial benefits for both sides.

However, Qin Lang’s persuasion, in front of the angered Micah leaf, became a kind of weakness. Micah Ye smiled and said: "Qin Lang, I really didn’t expect that the effort on your mouth was really powerful. As an epoch Overlord, you may not be the best, but it must be the best! But in any case, you can't change the Chinese world and the end of your annihilation. No one can change it! Right, you can expect it. Is this guy who has just stepped into the epoch of the epoch?"

For Mikaye and Raviles, the existence of Long Xianhe just stepping into the epoch of the epoch is indeed less than fear. The veteran of the old era, less said that there are two eras of cultivation, such awareness is difficult to make up. Unless, like Qin Lang, go to the **** void to take risks, the **** void is the experience of the epoch hegemony, but also the land of bones, so you can survive in the **** void for a while to return to the universe, then see and cultivate nature. It is a rapid increase. After all, for the epoch of the era, entering the **** void is like a very critical experience. The longer you survive in the **** void, the more you cultivate. Therefore, although Qin Lang is also a new era of the hegemony, but compared with Long Xianhe, it can be completely different, even in the face of Micah and Laviles, Qin Lang does not feel any pressure.

"Mickey Leaf, Raviles, both of you are also old-fashioned dictatorships. Is it still not possible to wear this? Is this universe not going to be broken? Now the universe is about to burst. At this time, you are not prepared for the final disaster, but What is the benefit of the war between the two sides? If your sacred world is so badly hurt, you can be described as a sinner of race. Why bother?" The reason why Qin Lang is so patient, it is also because He wants to avoid the world war with the Great Church, because once the two sides start the war, there is no benefit to anyone. Even if Qin Lang is not pleasing to the world, he does not want to be with the world. And, after all, Qin Lang and Huaxia World should be fully prepared to cope with the disaster, not to resolve the grudges.

However, the peaceful signal thrown by Qin Lang was seen as a weak sign by Micah and Raviles. Raviles also said at this time: "From the day you opened the sin of the world, you are doomed to you. It is bound to die, so it’s useless to say anything now! Now, you are ready to face the disaster!”

"So, you can't listen to what I said." Qin Lang shook his head. "So, let you see the strength of the four eras of our Chinese world!"

"What are the jokes of the four epochs?" Micah sneered. "The two sects are now difficult to protect themselves. As long as we intervene, we will not be able to advance to the epoch. We will appear at this time. On the one hand, it is natural to suppress. You and the China World, on the other hand, want to prevent the two from being promoted to the epoch of the epoch. So, talk nonsense -"

"Do I need to make a joke? Heaven is fine - it's time to end!" Qin Lang screamed, and when his voice ended, the horrible punishment was over, as if Qin Lang was the commander of Tiandao will.

At the end of the day, the momentum of Huaxia Shenlong and Jianmu continued to climb, and instantly reached another level, a brand new and distinct level!

Undoubtedly, at this time, Huaxia Shenlong and Jianmu have been promoted to the era of overlord success.

As the epoch of the era, Micah Ye and Raviles naturally sensed this immediately, which made the two suddenly stunned. Although Huaxia Shenlong and Jianmu were just promoted to the epoch of the epoch, they are still the lord of the era. Kaye and Raviles are at the same level, and as a result, the Chinese world suddenly has four epochs. The Great World of the Church has no obvious advantage in facing the Chinese world. If Micah and Raviles are going to fight, it is only the result of both losses.

Surprisingly, neither Micah Leaf nor Raviles knew how Qin Lang did it. They didn't know why Qin Lang could let the day penalty suddenly stop. Is it true that Qin Lang can send a commander to the will of heaven, if that is the case? Then Qin Lang is really a terrible opponent.

"Micah leaves, since you have doubts, then you still retreat today. If I don't know that the end of the war is a loss of both sides, I also want to calculate the old account with you. However, today it seems that there is no chance to resort. Then I will not send it!" Qin Lang snorted.

At this time, the army of the Huaxia World has already set aside the battle, facing the fleet of the Church of the Great World. With the eyes of Micah and Raviles, it is natural to see that the warship technology level of the Chinese world has surpassed the holy In the big world, if the two sides go to war, the Chinese world is likely to have the upper hand.

Micah and Raviles looked at each other. Obviously, the two thoughts are the same: attacking the Chinese world under such circumstances is obviously not good for the great world.

"Qin Lang, this time you and the China World are considered to have escaped, but this account will be counted sooner or later!" Micah Ye is the lord of the era, knowing the strong relationship, even though Qin Lang hates it. But he also knows that this time is not an opportunity to shoot. Whether it is the Holy World or the Chinese World, this time you don't want to lose both.

"No problem, even if you don't find me in the future, I will go to you." Qin Lang smiled faintly, watching the army of Micah, Raviles and the Church of the Great World disappear into the void.

Originally it was murderous, but now it is leaving, the military and civilians of the Huaxia world know that this news is a morale. After all, the world of the Church is the world in the forefront of the universe, and now it can be the strength of the Chinese world. Shocking, it is enough to show that the strength of the Chinese world can now be compared with the world of the Church, which is naturally a matter of pride. What's more, nowadays, there are two more epochs in China's world as the patron saint. It is like a tiger, which is naturally worth celebrating.

The army of the Great Church retreats, and Qin Lang returns to the Chinese world together with Huaxia Shenlong, Jianmu, Longxianhe and Yan Wenji, preparing for the Chinese world to meet the final disaster.

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