Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 2721: Sansheng Buddha

The army of the Great Church world retired. It was thought that it could be quiet for a period of time and fully prepared to deal with the disaster. Who knows that the door has not been so smooth, the Chinese world is destined to be more disaster-ridden, and the army of the Holy World has just retreated. Half a day, the messenger of the Buddha world reappeared.

Speaking of it, Qin Lang and the Buddha world can be regarded as having some origins. The goddess of the Buddha and the Buddha of the Buddha are actually the monks of the Buddhist world, and Qin Lang has also entered the Buddhist world, and some of the Buddhist monks also It is relatively understandable.

Although the monks of the Buddha world are known as the Pudu sentient beings, if they are to cope with the last disaster, the Buddha world will not care to sacrifice the sentient beings. Since the beginning of the world, the Buddha world has been preparing for the robbery. The so-called preparation is actually plundering resources.

The monks of the Buddhist world have begun to suppress the monks of other races. They are also unambiguous, and they are still suppressing the monks of other races with the slogan of the common people. It is nothing to do with the celestial world. same.

Of course, from the perspective of Qin Lang today, what the Buddha world is doing is also understandable, because the universe and even the world outside the universe believe in the laws of the weak and the strong, so if the Buddha world plunders all kinds for its own survival. It is also understandable to practice resources.

Of course, the more things like vitality and spiritual resources, the better, because once the universe is shattered and the **** void is entered, the vitality and spiritual resources will be very precious. If you can’t prepare enough before the universe is shattered, Then even if you can escape the disaster of the destruction of the universe, you can't live in the **** void for a long time.

Before Qin Lang only knew that the world of fairyland, Buddhism, Devil and many other worlds had been preparing for the robbery, and the preparation process was very long and took a lot of time, but Qin Lang never understood why they used such a long time. Time to prepare, until Qin Lang entered the **** void, he understood the truth of this -

In order to cope with the final disaster, no matter how long it takes to prepare is worth it!

Whether it is the fairy world, the Buddha world or the devil world, or the apocalyptic empire or the sacred world, their races have experienced the disaster of the destruction of the universe, but it does not mean that they have full grasp of the disaster. In the end, for them, there is still a lot of risk.

Qin Lang can foresee that once the universe is shattered, even if it is a fairyland, 99% of the immortals will be annihilated. Even if they can hold the destructive power of the universe, they will certainly become the predators of the **** void. Food, what really survives, must be those who are overlord and attached to the hegemon of the era.

Well, now Qin Lang also understands why the messengers of the Buddha world will appear here, they are nothing more than to obtain more resources.

"Mr. Qin--" The emissary of the Buddha world introduced himself. "The deity is the Buddha of the Buddha in the world of Buddhism. Mr. Qin is also a good friend of our Buddhist world. I don't know if I can talk to my deity?"

The tone of the three Buddhas is very polite, but this kind of politeness has a strong pressure. In fact, when this big Buddha appeared, almost the entire dragon star was shaking, obviously it could not bear one The coming of the Buddha.

Qin Lang has heard the name of the Sansheng Buddha from the mouth of the Buddhist monk many times. He knows that this supernatural power, especially Qin Lang, has heard of the Sansheng Buddha in the mouth of the god-given Buddha, although in the Buddha world. There are many ancient Buddhas, but the name of the Sansheng Buddha is extremely loud. Because many monks have entered the level of the epoch of the epoch, they rarely show up, they are all practicing, and so are many Buddhas in the Buddha world. Once at the level of the era hegemony, it will almost never show up unless the entire Buddha world has suffered a devastating blow.

However, this three-born Buddha is different. He is the Buddha with the highest appearance rate in the whole Buddha world. Because he has three avatars, each of them has an epoch to repair. These three avatars often appear in Buddhism. Within the sphere of influence, the Sansheng Buddha has many followers, which is not the same as several other Buddhas.

At this time, the three Buddhas appeared here as the messenger of the Buddha, and Qin Lang felt that something was not quite right.

Of course, although Qin Lang felt that he was not quite right, he could not shut it out, so Qin Lang immediately appeared in front of the other party. He said with no humbleness: "I have heard the name of the three Buddhas for a long time. I don't know that the three Buddhas came to China this time. What is the world?"

"I came to show the way out for the Chinese world." The tone of the Sansheng Buddha reveals some compassion. "You and I know that this universe is about to burst. The Chinese world can rise from the black iron world. It has been until now. It is already It is commendable, so the deity is willing to point you to a path that will enable you to find new affiliations after the universe is destroyed."

"Hey? If this is the case, then please ask the Buddha for one or two." If the Buddha really came to point the way for the Chinese world, then Qin Lang is naturally very welcome. After all, Qin Lang can not surely ensure that the Chinese world is After the universe is shattered, it will continue to survive. It is necessary to know that Qin Lang cannot guarantee that he can escape the predators in the absolute void.

"The way the deity pointed out to Mr. Qin is there -" The three Buddhas reached out and suddenly appeared a black hole in the void, but through this black hole, you can see a golden world, golden light. The vagueness of the center is a huge "卍", and Qin Lang knows that this huge "卍" is one of the original words, which represents the origin of the Buddha.

"Buddha?" Qin Lang knows where the word is located, and it must be where the Buddha is. Although the Buddha world is more than a hundred thousand miles away from the Chinese world, the three Buddhas can break the boundaries of this space. However, Qin Lang does not know what the tri-sheng Buddha is playing, why should Qin Lang see the Buddha world?

"Yes, the Buddha world is your only way out!" Sansheng Buddhism, "The deity knows that your Chinese world now has four epochs and hegemons, which is considered to be more powerful. Therefore, the deity hopes that you can convert to Buddhism. Become a member of the Buddhist world and work together to deal with the destruction of the heavens and jointly create the next cosmic era."

"Cooperation?" Qin Lang asked.

"No, it is conversion." Sansheng Buddhism, "Buddha never cooperated with paganism, but we welcome pagans to convert to Buddhism. Mr. Qin, if the Chinese world converts to the Buddha world, then the deity can promise you a Buddha's respect. !"

"Ha ha! ~ So it seems that many rumors about Buddhism really are not fake!" After listening to the words of the three Buddhas, Qin Lang suddenly laughed.

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