Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3366: Random strain

It’s not easy, even unimaginable, to calculate a spirit net creature at the level of an epoch. Although Qin Lang doesn’t have to do anything like the 峤山灵网, it’s a matter of precision. This does not mean that Qin Lang will not make careful planning. On the contrary, Qin Lang still has his own plan, and in the process of implementing the plan, Qin Lang is also quite cautious and well-arranged.

First of all, in order to calculate the higher level of the spiritual net creatures, it is necessary to turn the member of the mountain to become another Kunlun spirit net. This thing was difficult or impossible, because in the ancient Kunlun world, Kunlun Lingnet should be the only Linguin creature, and the only symbiotic body, and the rest of the ancient Kunlun world should be the same. Therefore, when the Kunlun Ling Net was counted, it was not expected that the existence of the Lingshan Lingwang, and the higher level of the Lingnet creature should not be expected, because the Lingnet creatures are rationally thinking about the problem. What is the probability of giving birth to another spiritual network in the ancient Kunlun world? One hundred millionth! Therefore, Lingwang Bio does not think that there is another Lingnet born, which is based on its rational thinking and analysis.

The odds of one in a billion, this is certainly not the scope of rational thinking. Moreover, for this high-level spiritual net creature, even if some of the spiritual net creatures were born in the ancient Kunlun world, it is certainly not the opponent of the high-level spiritual net creatures, or even the Kunlun spirit. The opponent of the net, because Kunlun Lingwang as the master of the world, how could it allow the birth and existence of another spiritual net creature?

This is the limitation of rational thinking. Before that, Kunlun Lingwang did not expect the existence of the 峤山灵网, and even did not expect the existence of Qin Lang, so the Kunlun Ling net failed. Similarly, this higher level of Ling Net creatures is unlikely to expect the existence of the 峤山灵网, naturally it is impossible to expect the existence of Qin Lang, because the probability of one in a million is not in its consideration, and even There is a problem, this high-level spiritual net creature can also be easily solved, so it is doomed that it may be calculated by Qin Lang and the member of the mountain.

Under the training of Qin Lang, the member of the Lushan Ling Net has completely replaced the Kunlun Ling Net, but the member of the Lushan Ling Net has not begun to harvest the spirituality of the ancient Kunlun world, because Qin Lang does not allow it to do so, this is related to Qin Lang. The style of acting is different.

"Alang, now I have replaced the Kunlun Spirit Network. I don't know why you don't let me learn spirituality from the world's living beings?" said the member of the mountain, "even if you don't need to be alive in this world." A big harvest, but taking some of the spirituality of the soul for us to use, this is a normal thing, and will not affect the reproduction of the world."

It is still a rational way of thinking about problems. This makes Qin Lang have some headaches. I don’t know how to say this guy. This member of the mountain will never consider the life and death of a single creature. It is at most considering the whole world. The life and death of the living beings, because for it, the existence of individual beings does not have much meaning. Only the existence and reproduction of a world, a racial soul has a little meaning. For example, now that the member of the mountain Lingwang feels that it is necessary to deal with the higher level of the Lingnet creature, then it must be prepared adequately enough, and the preparation of the fullness of course includes the accumulation of sufficient power, so it seems appropriate It is very normal to harvest some of the spirituality of this world, and there is nothing wrong with it. However, who knows Qin Lang does not agree with this.

"You guys are still unable to break their own embarrassment, you don't forget, you are also one of the creatures of this world. If you are harvesting the souls of this world, then sooner or later you will go on. The same road as the Kunlun Lingwang." Qin Lang said to the staff of the mountain Lingwang.

"If it is not because of you, how can Kunlun Lingnet be defeated by us. Now, as long as you are not enemies with me, how can I step into the old road of Kunlun Lingwang?" The staff is still not convinced.

Qin Langhehe smiled: "You are sure that you will not step into the old road of Kunlun Lingwang? Just now your thoughts have already embarked on the old road of Kunlun Lingwang. Yes, devour the spirituality of the world, your cultivation can be rapid It’s no doubt that you have been promoted, but you are also doing what Kunlun Lingwang did before. Even though I am not enemies with you, you continue to learn spirituality from this world, indulge in it, and finally not go to Kunlunling. The old road of the net?"

The member of Lushan Lingwang fell into a short silence and carefully understood the meaning of the Qinlang dialect. Then the member of the Lushan Lingwang wanted to understand the meaning of the Qinlang dialect, if it continued to follow the Kunlun Lingwang style of doing things. If it is, it will become another Kunlun spirit net. The member of Lushan Lingwang has now practiced at the level of Kunlun Lingwang. Even under the training of Qinlang, its power is almost the same as that of Kunlun Lingwang. If it can't get out of the previous Kunlun Lingwang's acting style, then true. It’s just another Kunlun Ling net.

"Yes, your reminder is correct." The staff of Lushan Lingwang finally agreed with Qin Lang's point of view. It is not Qin Lang who really decided that the development direction of Lushan Lingwang will be in the future, but if it has been According to the thinking mode of Kunlun Lingwang, if it considers the problem, then it can only be another Kunlun Lingnet. After all, it can't reach a higher level.

"That's it. As a spiritual net creature, you really have higher wisdom than individual creatures and monks. Your rational thinking mode is of course no problem, but if you stubbornly insist on rational inference and judgment, and use you The so-called higher-level spiritual vision of the world's living beings, you can fall into the subordinate. What is the purpose of any spiritual being, not to break the shackles of the world, to break the **** of the world, the universe However, if you always think that you are superior and refuse to change yourself, how can you improve, how can you break through yourself?" Qin Lang’s words are also bitter, if not because the staff is trained by Qin Lang. He is too lazy to say this to him, because the member of the mountain is simply too stubborn, or that these spiritual net creatures are too stubborn, and the way they look at problems and solve problems is so "rational." ".

The member of Lushan Lingwang is completely awakened. It has learned the word "strain" from Qin Lang here. At this time, it can understand why Qin Lang can cultivate from a human monk to such a realm, because Qin Lang is the best at it. Randomly strained.

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