Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3367: Please enter the 瓮

After accepting the education of Qin Lang, the member of the mountain Lingwang finally learned what is a random response. Once this member of the mountain, the network only liked to devour the spirituality of the soul, but now it has learned to enhance the cultivation by engulfing the spirit, just like other monks. Similarly, although the engulfing is not as convenient and refreshing as devouring spirituality, it is undoubtedly more universal, because the spiritual resources are more common than the spirituality of the living beings. In many worlds, there may not be living beings, but there will be vitality. presence.

Learn to devour the vitality to survive, at least let the 峤山灵网 survive in many places, not just in the ancient Kunlun world.

Now that the staff of Lushan Lingwang has been prepared, it is waiting for Qin Lang to implement the layout.

Qin Lang has also been prepared. At this time, Qin Lang has even let Gu Qingyu enter his microcosm, because he knows that he must do his best this time, and there must be no tie. In this ancient Kunlun world, in addition to Gu Qingyi, Qin Lang will not care about other people, so this place is the venue where Qin Lang fights the high-level Lingwang.

"Alan, the higher level of the spiritual network should be coming soon. Are you ready?" The member of the mountain spirit network could not help reminding Qin Lang, and now its cultivation has reached its peak, ready to go all out to deal with that high. Leveling the net.

"Ready is ready." Qin Lang said calmly. In fact, Qin Lang was not prepared at all, but he did not want to be discouraged by the mountain spirit network, so he directly told the reporter that he was fully prepared.

There are so many battles that Qin Lang has experienced. Even the battle of life and death is countless, so he knows that many times the plan can't keep up with the changes. No matter how well-planned things are, there are still many variables, and they want to be invincible. The only way is to adapt.

The member of Lushan Lingwang has finally established a strong confidence in Qinlang. Since Qin Lang said that he is ready, it is expected that there will be no problem. Perhaps it is really possible to quietly kill the mysterious high-level spiritual net creature.

Now that it is ready, then in the eyes of the member of the mountain, the net is waiting for the rabbit, waiting for the mysterious high-level spiritual network to patronize the ancient Kunlun world. Although the member of the mountain Lingwang has now learned to work, it believes that the higher level of the Linguin creature should still follow the fixed mindset of the Linguin, so it should appear in a fixed period of time. At this time, Qin Lang, like the old man, was completely hiding his own existence and atmosphere, because Qin Lang could not let the higher-level Ling Net creature know its existence.

The judgment of Yushan Lingwang is correct. The high-level Lingwang creature really came on schedule, and after this high-level spiritual net creature rewarded the world, it immediately asked the staff to “reap” There is no room for change in spirituality. This is because the two sides are not at one level at all. This high-level spiritual net creature has reached the level of the era hegemony, and the member of the mountain Lingling network is only the half-step era of the district. One step apart, it is like a scorpio.

However, the member of the mountain Lingwang did not "harvest" so much spirituality, it was only a part of the former Kunlun Lingwang harvest, and naturally failed to satisfy the high-level Ling Net creature, so that this high The level of the spirit net creatures with a strong will to the people of the mountain Lingwang said: "Stupid guy, you dare to deduct what I want! You are just my servant in the afternoon, what do you think you are! Any world Any spiritual entity, although in charge of a world, but you all know, you are nothing but a servant, the real power is my idiot!"

This high-level Ling Net creature, who is called Wuxi, has won the blood of the dog, but has not found the abnormality of the member of the mountain. Because the member of the mountain is playing the Kunlun Lingnet too. Success, it can be said that it is not bad. After all, the member of the mountain is also a spiritual net creature, and it has obtained the spirituality of Kunlun Lingwang from Qinlang, which means that Kunlun Lingwang knows things, it knows. In addition, as Qin Lang had speculated before, this high-level Ling Net creature simply did not think that there would be such a heterogeneous existence.

After being smothered and threatened by the will of this high-level spiritual network, the member of the mountain spirit network should naturally give the harvesting spirituality to this high-level spiritual net creature, and the staff of the mountain This is also the case. After it has been guilty of insulting, it has passed more spirituality to this high-level spiritual net creature, all of which seems to be under the control of the high-level Ling Net creature.

The huge spirituality has flooded toward the high-level spiritual net creatures. In fact, these spiritualities were obtained from the Kunlun Lingwang before Qin Lang. At this time, Qin Lang had already handed over to the mountain to go to the tribute, and at the same time, Qin Lang’s own spirituality also followed.

This high-level spiritual network simply did not think that the member of the mountain spirit network would "make a swindle", because a real age-level spiritual net creature will not put a half-step epoch overlord's spiritual net creature in the eye, The two sides are not at one level at all, and of course they will be worried about being counted by the spiritual net creatures of a half-step tyrant.

However, there are accidents in all things. Even though this high-level spiritual network has a high degree of intelligence and is very good at calculations, it cannot be counted as a variable of Qin Lang. Because Qin Lang exists in the high-level universe, it is a very small probability. Variables.

If they are single-body spiritual monks, they may believe in the intuitive, sixth sense of these things, perhaps considering some very small probability things, but for the spiritual net creatures, things that consider the minimum probability are meaningless things. Because the very small probability of things can be completely avoided by other means, especially this high-level Linguin creature has reached the level of the real era hegemony, it believes that even if there is a very small probability of occurrence, it can fully cope with it. .

However, when this high-level spiritual net creature, this guy named "Lu Wu" began to madly devouring the spirituality of the ancient Kunlun world, enjoying the "tribute" provided by the staff of Lushan Lingwang, let its unexpected things happen.

Part of Qinlang’s spirituality is mixed into the “tribute”!

For the understanding and application of spirituality, Qin Lang has reached a very high level, especially after Qin Lang's physicalization of the body, let him use the spiritual application to the point of supernatural, plus Qin Lang before the confrontation with Kunlun Lingwang I already have quite a deep experience, and various factors have made him dare to risk the calculation of this afternoon.

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