Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3833: Out of nothing

Because bandit itself is "nothing" and was born in nothingness, so the method of its use is naturally different from the Tao of many people, such as Qin Lang, but no one can deny the existence of "nothing". "Nothing is born, there is no return", that is, any existence, any matter will eventually be attributed to nothingness, then the invisible disappearance of the bandit can be explained.

What exactly exists in the "none"?

Qin Lang has always believed that everything in the zero universe is “nothingness”, but it is obviously too superficial. The zero universe is just a starting point of “from nothing”, but before this point, there is pure “nothing”. And there are some special existences in this pure "nothing", and banditry may be one of the special existences.

This is really weird!

‘The original robbery may be something that exists in nothing, but how did you come over? 'Qin Lang’s heart has begun to accept the origins of banditry. This guy may be from 'no', but if there is a 'no' world, then 'no' and 'have' should be like Different opposite sides, summer insects do not speak ice, how can banditry appear in the seventh level of the universe? Moreover, according to the information provided by the Kaitian, in other levels of the universe, there are also the existence of thieves, so there are also guys like bandits?

This is not a good thing!

Sure enough, the more things I know, the more I feel that the world is full of countless dangers, but the ignorant is fearless.

Originally thought that the open family is a mysterious boss that is difficult to deal with. Who knows that the origin of the bandit may be more than the Celestial, but this is still a guess by Qin Lang, and it cannot prove this, but it is so But it is quite troublesome.

Qin Lang can roughly know why his arm can not be restored, because his arm has been stolen and sent into the "nothing" world, then naturally can not be restored, but why Qin Lang can still feel it vaguely The existence of it?

correct! Because Qin Lang has dimensional fleas and blends into the zero universe, if there is a real world of "nothing", then the nearest place to the 'none' world should be zero universe, and the zero universe is the whole universe level that Qin Lang said. The starting point may also be one of the "nodes" of the intersection of "none" and "having".

"Well, the guy who stole you, it turned out to be so good, but I have already vaguely guessed your origins, then I know how to deal with you." Qin Lang thought so, since he could sense the arm The existence of the existence, then there should still be a way to restore it, after all, from nothing to nothing or not, the things that are born are also related to balance, and the supreme balance of Qin Lang's comprehension should be able to play some role.

In short, since bandit can bring Qin Lang’s arm into “no world”, then Qin Lang can still bring it back to “have a world”. Although Qin Lang is still not familiar with this process, he knows the truth. And knowing that through the zero universe should be able to deepen the induction of this arm with him, and bring this arm back by means of the consumption of life similar to bandit.

Once I figured out the truth, things became less of a clue. Qin Lang let himself enter the zero universe, and now his own feelings about that arm become clearer. The next step is through appropriate In the way, in exchange for the arm of Shouyuan, this is also a kind of balanced exchange. Qin Lang is actually able to touch some doorways.

The only difficulty is that Qin Lang’s current understanding of “no world” is almost zero, so even if he knows that he should exchange this arm through Shouyuan, it still takes some time to explore, but Qin Lang has seen the bandit. The shot, and the process of his shot is clear and unobtrusive, so he has to change his arm through Shouyuan, naturally he has to re-inspire from the battle of banditry, but there are In one direction, Qin Lang at least did not have a clue at all, and constantly derived from the process of banditry. Finally, Qin Lang captured the key points, and then applied his learned skills to his own life. Initiating, began to "retrieve" the arm he lost.

Indeed, Qin Lang’s previous judgment was correct. The bandit did not destroy his arm, but only sent it to “no world”. The bandit must have thought that there was no way for Qin Lang to find his arm from the "no world", but even if it was a bandit, there was something that could not be counted. It was natural that Qin Lang had already begun to understand the incompetence and had already seen it. Out of this mystery, although Qin Lang did not know much about the situation without the world, but by sensing his own arm, he consumed his life, and he found this arm back.

However, when the arm re-grows up little by little, Qin Lang thought carefully. He thought that he should continue to be "one-armed" for a while, thinking that if he did this, he could let him lie to him. The gratitude and guilty heart are more. If Qin Lang recovers so quickly, he may think that Qin Lang is deliberately playing tricks in front of her, or because Qin Lang did not tell the information about the bandits that he knew. She, isn’t that a good thing turned into a bad thing? Second, Qin Lang is also doing this to paralyze the bandits. If the bandits know that Qin Lang already knows some of its secrets, and even can recover his lost arm from the "no world", then the bandits will definitely focus on Qin Lang. In the case of blows, the firepower will inevitably be concentrated on a person in Qinlang, but Qin Lang only wants to steal the attention and firepower of the monks.

Therefore, although Qin Lang restored this arm, but deliberately concealed it, still retaining the one-armed posture, although this has some damage to the majesty of his big master, but it is good to be able to paralyze the opponent. select.

Nowadays, in the entire seventh-level universe, countless strong people have once again encircled the thieves. After all, the existence of the thief is not allowed by the mainstream values ​​of the seventh-level universe. Who does not hate the thief? Not only hate, but also hateful, so many of the strong people naturally spare no effort to chase the thief, although it can not bring direct losses to theft, but it cut off the guy’s birthday The source, forcing it to only smuggle Shouyuan by hand, can be described as a very shameful thing. It is also a behind-the-scenes brain for the thieves. Once the brain behind the scenes loses its mystery, it will naturally be revealed. Lost the corresponding deterrent.

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