Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3834: Lost mystery

The real power and horror lies in its mystery and power, mystery and power. Both are indispensable. If it is only powerful and loses mystery, then this powerful deterrent will gradually weaken or even disappear.

Many of the strong people were quite afraid of banditry, including the thieves in the thief organization. The thieves can feel that there is a very powerful and mysterious behind-the-scenes person behind the organization. They know its existence. But never seen it, so this mysterious deterrent has always existed. However, when the robbers appeared, although the strengths that were revealed were still strong, many of the thieves themselves were extremely vicious and violent, and the strength was not to be underestimated. These guys will inevitably think that "all the **** are two shoulders. With a head, why should I be instructed by you, and you will be called to call it? One day, if you have the opportunity, you will be replaced by you!"

There is no way for the bandit to be personally involved. After all, it has just returned to the seventh level of the universe. The accumulated life is not too much, and the life of the war with the Pan and Qin Lang is very large, and it is natural to add it immediately. Originally thought that after Qin Lang lost an arm, he should be honest, dare not fight with him, and dare not suppress the thief organization, then the bandit can easily obtain the huge Shouyuan, but where does the Qinlang guy actually know? Intensified, like a madman, ordered the monks of Huangquan Jiu Prison to encircle the thieves, and even Qin Lang moved the other powerful of the seventh-level universe to offer rewards to the thieves; at the same time, entrenched and open the heavenly The monks are not idle, relying on the powerful strength to carry out the encirclement of the thieves, so that most of the thieves themselves are difficult to protect, there is no chance to "tribute" to the bandits.

After all, today's pirate organizations are like "cults" in the seventh-level universe. Most of the thieves are fierce, although they are tyrannical, but they don't have The idea of ​​group warfare will not be considered by the companions, and even if possible, it will also stop the other thieves. Not to mention that some of the old people of Ume have already secretly lurked in the camp of the thieves, just to rebel at a critical moment, to make the situation more mixed, and now the effect has been reached, the entire thief The organization was once again beaten by a plate of sand, and the bandits have repeatedly taken their own hands. Although the power displayed by the bandits is indeed amazing, but it has lost its mystery, whether it is against the thieves or the other powerful of the seventh-level universe, the deterrent is much smaller, because most of the strong I don't know the true origin of banditry, I think it is more powerful than other monks. But it's just a strong one, not that it can't be defeated!

Qin Lang out of the Fengtian area, found a enthusiasm, and continued to discuss with her to deal with bandits, talking about the situation of the seventh level of the universe today, Pan Yi is quite admired for the layout of Qin Lang: "I don't think you are injured, but still Did not make the bandits better, the strongmen of the Huangquan nine prisons chased the thieves organization, so that they had almost no place to stay, and the organization of the thieves was so chaotic that the bandits had to take their own shots several times. Although this guy has the upper hand, but it has been confused by you, presumably there is no time to consider how to calculate our affairs. After all, this guy only has to exist in the seventh level of the universe, it must consume life, Although it can naturally be plundered to Shouyuan, but it does not seem like a person who does great things, its deterrence and mystery have been greatly reduced, exposed to the public's vision, no matter what its origin, always Will be seen in the secret!"

"The monks who opened the heavens are not idle. These days are not hard to deal with the bandits. Although they have not defeated or injured the bandits, but they have failed to achieve their goals, this is quite rare. I have been frustrated several times and I have not been able to reach my goal. Is this naturally quite annoyed by bandits? Moreover, the most important thing is that the mysterious and invincible image of this guy has been completely destroyed, isn’t it?” Qin Lang smiled at the slap. This shows that he is very familiar with the situation in the seventh-level universe, including the many actions taken by the Celestials. This naturally shows that he is still completely in control of the seventh-level universe, even though Qin Lang has only one arm.

"It looks like you are very optimistic." 兮 兮 said with a smile, "Why don't you mind throwing away an arm? Speaking, this thing makes me very embarrassed, but if you have completely let go, Then I am not so embarrassed, then consider how to take revenge, what do you think?"

"I think? Well, I think it's worth noting that I lost this arm. You don't seem to care much about my arm now. It seems that it is impossible to expect you to be in danger of saving your life." "There is something." Qin Lang said with a joking tone, "So, I can't have too much hope, or consider how to go to revenge, and count this account on the bandit. However, since you open the family There have been no injuries to the robbers in these few times. Is there a way to restrain it?"

"I don't think it's OK, but we have a lot of talents, and we have a lot of means. If we can't restrain it a little, then we have a foothold in the Tianzu. "The rumor said this, but did not disclose the specific details, it is not because she is not generous, but because it is related to the entire open family, not just between Qin Lang and her, if some secrets of the Tianzu will be opened If she reveals to Qin Lang, she will inevitably become the target of the entire Kaitian monk, so what can be said, what can not be said, her heart is naturally known, if even this is not clear, how can she become a day What is the leader of the family in the seventh level of the universe? Moreover, the last action was defeated, and the entanglement did not seem to have been replaced. It is also seen that it is deeply valued by the top of the Kaitian. "While I lost in the previous World War, I got some information about banditry that I have never heard before, and I saw it with my own eyes, so it is not completely unprofitable. Moreover, we know that the bandit Both existence and power are closely related to the plundering of Shouyuan, so it is only necessary to limit it to Shouyuan in exchange for what you want."

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