Juvenile Medical God

: The 389th mixed poison

"Mr. Qin’s words have made me wait for me to open up, just to let the poisons in the body blend harmoniously and harm them. This kind of means may not be done in the ordinary Lang." Tang Jinsheng said with emotion.

"I am naturally not a common Lang." Qin Lang smiled slightly, "Mr. Tang Yinhong, you are in the middle of the day. The poison of this devil, if I do not cure you, then let the little devils think that we are no one in China! Oh, this The poison used by the little devil is called 'Bone-Bone Poison'. After poisoning, it must be deep into the bone marrow, which is difficult to cure. However, this poison is not created by the little devils, but was introduced into the day when the Tang Dynasty. This, and then by their ninja killer to carry forward, this poison is very toxic, not only will erode the internal organs, but also corrode the human bones, you can persist until now, it is not easy. However, since I shot, This poison naturally cannot harm your body."

Qin Lang talked, it is a big expert who uses poison, but the fact is the same. He used to be a poisonous expert, so it is a breeze to detoxify Tang Yinhong, but in order to show his own means, but also to be invisible. In the middle of the deterrence of the devil, Qin Lang not only to solve the poison of Tang Yinhong, but also to make him better than ever!

Qin Lang first gave Tang Yinhong a poison pill. Yes, it was a poison pill instead of a detoxification pill. This poison pill is called the scorpion poisoning heart Dan. Although this poison pill is toxic, it has a very magical effect, that is, it can protect the heart and mind of the human body, so that it will not die and attack. Of course, the reason why the poisonous fangxin Dan was developed is not to save people. The reason why the poison sect has formulated such a poison is to "develop" poisonous people and develop various kinds of poisons.

The reason why the poison sect understands the poison is because of the strong heritage and inheritance of the poison sect. On the other hand, the poison sect has been conducting research and development. There are tests for research and development, and human trials. Even the geniuses in the poison sect, the poisons developed can not guarantee the imaginary effect, so in order to be sure of the effects of these poisons, human trials must be carried out, and the poison sects will naturally take some enemies to do human trials. . However, to do human trials, naturally, the experimental body can not easily die, so in order to observe the effect of the poison, it must be saved to life, so it is also a strange poison for the poisonous heart, this poison pill only protects Live the heart of the experimental body, ensure that its heart is full of vitality in the short term, to ensure that it will not immediately die, so that you can carefully observe the reaction of various poisons to the body of the experiment.

Although Qin Lang is a poisonous person, he also feels that it is not very good to use human to do living experiments. However, according to the old poison, the poisonous people use their own enemies to do living experiments, because they like to see their enemies being slowly tortured and killed in their hands.

The poisonous people have a lot of enemies on the rivers and lakes, so if you use them for living experiments, you will definitely not lack the experimental body. The experimental body is sufficient, the information on the toxicity and poisoning of various poisons is naturally very detailed, and the accumulation of the poisonous sects for thousands of years is naturally very comprehensive. Qin Lang's understanding of all kinds of poisons is based on the accumulation of poisonous sects for thousands of years.

As for why Qin Lang can remember so many things, it is forced by old poisons. When he just became an old poison disciple, Qin Lang was forced to memorize these things by old poisons. Once you can’t remember, the old poisons will Rewarding Qin Lang several poison pills, although these poison pills will not let Qin Lang die, but it will make Qin Lang hurt to live. In this case, Qin Lang can only raise his memory to the limit, and he is forced to be remembered by the old poison. Of course, the old poison also prepared some drugs for Qin Lang to stimulate the memory of the human body. This is to let Qin Lang inherit the poisonous inheritance very quickly.

People's abilities are often forced out.

The greater the pressure, the greater the potential.

In fact, many people are in a very difficult, difficult, and difficult time, and they are surprised to find that they have other potentials to use. In an environment of pampering and superiority, even if the body has potential, it does not have an opportunity to play. (ps, Xiaomi's major is applied mathematics. If it is not forced by life, Xiaomi does not know that he can write a book.)

The reason why Qin Lang inherited the inheritance of the poison sect so quickly, and the cultivation of kung fu to this point is largely due to the persecution of old poisons. It is certainly reasonable to say that the teacher is a high teacher. However, the old poison can be more than just a strict teacher. He is simply a strict teacher who is extremely poisonous, so it is difficult for Qin Lang to become a high-ranking person.

After many years of research and experiments by the poisonous sect, the role of the Qidu Xinxin Pill is naturally unquestionable. Therefore, after Tang Yinhong takes it, there is no need to worry about poisonous gas attack and poisoning. At this time, Qin Lang can safely display and begin to “conquer” Tang Yinhong. The bone poison.

Qinlang uses the five poison needles and the needles of the five poison needles. In fact, the full name is called the big five-line poison needle. This set of needles is unique to the poison, and only the true disciples can control the essence of it. The needle was originally used to refine the poisonous slaves. The poisonous slaves were also poisonous. They used to be one of the most powerful "secret weapons" of the poisonous sect, because once they became poisonous slaves, the skill would not only decline, but also Further stimulated by the toxins, the body of the poisonous slaves will also undergo magical changes, so that they will not be painful, the body becomes extremely powerful, and it is possible to sweep the strong people of the same realm.

Because of this, Tang Yinyue and Feng Kui have been tempted to take their own humiliation.

The Big Five Acupuncture Needle is named after the "five elements of each other." The five elements are in harmony with each other. All kinds of poisons are also mutually reinforcing and complement each other. The rumored "drug attack" on the rivers and lakes is actually two or more toxic grams, which are restrained by different toxicities. However, the use of poisoning has been the limit of understanding by many laymen. There are very few people who can be poisoned and poisoned, and if they want to "poison for profit" and "complement each other", then almost no one It can be done, but Qin Lang and old poison can do it.

Qin Lang can refine the poisonous slaves. Naturally, he has mastered the essence of the big five-line poisonous acupuncture. He has already understood the toxicity of each other. Therefore, it is easy for Qin Lang to detoxify Tang Yinhong. However, Qin Lang has already boasted of Haikou, not only to detoxify Tang Yinhong, but also to ensure that Tang Yinhong's skill is not lost, so at this moment, Qin Lang naturally exerts five poison needles and begins to transform the toxins in Tang Yinhong.

Of course, it is impossible for Qin Lang to make Tang Yinhong a poisonous slave, otherwise the Tangmen Chinese will definitely find him desperately.

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