When the five poison needles pierced the wounds of Tang Yinhong, the poison gas near his wound seemed to be more intense, the skin became darker, and it seemed to be covered with black gas, but after a while, the black gas was Suddenly weakened some, and then the black gas increased again, so repeated several times, giving people the feeling that several kinds of poisonous "sports" in the wounds of Tang Yinhong. As a wounded, Tang Yinhong was slain and died, and he was sweating, but he was also a silver medal killer in Tangmen. The strongman of the inner realm would not cry so much.

Tang Jinsheng looked at Qin Lang Shiwei intently. At this time, he had completely put away his contempt. Before listening to Qin Lang’s "mixing poison", Tang Jinsheng still did not believe it. He felt that this theory is feasible, but it is true. To do this, it is almost impossible. After all, the technique of mixing poison is to add several poisons to the injured person's body. Once it is not well mastered, I am afraid that the life of the injured person will be immediately When it is time to save people, it becomes a victim.

However, after seeing Qin Lang’s actual operation, Tang Jinsheng really admired the five-body cast, because he could see that when Qin Lang displayed the five poison needles, the silver needles used were highly toxic, and they still saw the blood. The real poison of the sealing throat, Qin Lang can pierce these poisonous needles into Tang Jinsheng's body and make them poisonous and dead. This is quite remarkable!

However, the means of Qin Lang certainly does not stop there. After a while, the black gas near the wound of Tang Yinhong has disappeared almost, the color of the black skin has begun to fade, and it has begun to become normal, and the flesh near the wound has begun to swell and looks It has begun to transform to a good one.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, Tang Zhenggang and Tang Qianyuan can't believe that Qin Lang's medical skills are so brilliant. Tang Jinsheng is even more surprised. Although there are also healing drugs in Tangmen, the effect is also good, but the way that Qin Lang reveals is Compared, it is really a big gap.

Although Qin Lang did not look back, he felt the surprised and admired eyes of these people, so he explained: "In my opinion, the drug is only an aid. Mr. Tang Yinhong is a strong person in the inner realm, vitality and resilience. They are much stronger than ordinary people. I just harmonize and blend the bones in his body, making his toxicity a medicinal property that stimulates his vitality and body potential. As a result, the recovery rate of Mr. Tang Yinhong will naturally be very fast. ”

"Turning toxicity into medicine, it sounds easy, it's hard to do it..." Tang Jinsheng couldn't help but feel a sigh, because Qin Lang's concept of using poison and medication not only far exceeded his understanding, but also gave people The ability to detoxify and heal is even higher than a level! Even more than that!

The black abscess near Tang Yinhong's wound has gradually subsided. Qin Lang knows that this is a poisonous needle that suppresses the toxicity of his body, and after the fusion of several toxins, it has become a drug that stimulates its vitality and potential, so Qin Lang to Tang Yinhong Said: "Mr. Tang Yinhong, you start to slow down, let the body absorb the toxins from these needles, get them into your internal organs and bone marrow, clean up the poison in your body, and turn these poisons into stimulating you. Physical potential and vitality drugs."

The benefits of martial arts in the inner world can be to slow down the onset of toxicity, and secondly, to speed up the absorption of antidote, because they can properly control their heart rate and blood flow rate, etc., of course, can affect the absorption of the drug. If Tang Yinhong is not a martial artist in the inner realm, Qin Lang can still heal him in this way, but the speed will not be so fast.

Doctors treat patients, this is different from person to person, the same disease, the same medicine, some patients take it after half a day, some can take several days to be effective, this is the patient's physique and body It is not the doctor's fault caused by factors such as different resistance. However, a truly brilliant doctor can adjust the formula according to the patient's physique, so that it can be tailored.

Qin Lang's treatment of Tang Yinhong is not only the right medicine, but also the medicine for people, so the effect is so remarkable. According to Qin Lang’s instructions, Tang Yinhong slowly moved his work to infiltrate the toxins from the Qinlang needle into the internal organs and bone marrow. Although these toxins are highly toxic, they blend miraculously from poisons. It became a "good medicine" and even some of the characteristics of the elixir. Under the influence of the medicinal properties of these drugs, the toxins in Tang Yinhong gradually faded, and eventually became the medicine that stimulated his body's potential and vitality.

This change is amazing!

As a party, Tang Yinhong can clearly feel this change. He can't believe that his body has gradually recovered his energy and his internal interest has begun to become stronger. Before that, it was like a bone poison that would have killed him!

"Mr. Tang Yinhong, you can sit up now." After a while, Qin Lang told Tang Yinhong.

Although the silver needle is inserted on the back, it will hurt if you move it, but this pain is not a problem for Tang Yinhong. Before he could only lie on the bed, but now he can move. For Tang Yinhong, this is incredible. !

Tang Zhengang and Tang Qianyuan’s eyes are all light. On the one hand, they are happy for the improvement of Tang Yinhong’s injury. On the other hand, they can finally be sure that Qin Lang is really a “songwriter” and a drug sect. If you can further develop a relationship with Qin Lang, the benefits of the two fathers and sons must be very large!

工具hanyin, it was more than half an hour after he got up.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one will believe that Qin Lang's medical skills are so brilliant to this point!

Of course, these people in the house do not know the true identity of Qin Lang. As a poison sect, he is naturally very good at detoxification and poisoning. If Tang Yinhong is not poisoned, but other diseases, Qin Lang may not be so capable. However, since Tang Yinhong is poisoned, it is naturally a piece of cake for Qin Lang.

From dying, to actually standing up, Qin Lang only spent more than an hour.

"God doctor! Mr. Qin is really a **** doctor!" Tang Yinhong was grateful. Qin Lang not only detoxified him, but also retained his work. For Tang Yinhong, this is simply the reinvention.

Da En Dade, nature is unforgettable.

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