Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 4079: No world

In addition, no one in the world is a well-graded, low-ranking monk. It is like a slave. There is no such thing as freedom and choice. But when the level is clear, these guys can use their strength to improve their status at any time. It is a slave-like guy, and he has the opportunity to reach a higher position through practice. Everything is the strength of the final decision, there is no second criterion!

Strength is the only rule to measure everything. This is the way the world works. Although it is cruel, it is a fairly stable law. Even Qin Lang has to admit this, because this standard is equally applicable to anyone. Quite fair.

The good deeds are on his territory, and there are thousands of palaces. Although it is called the palace, it feels like a place to spend a lot of time, but it is not the same thing. In fact, these palaces are good. It is a stronghold, just like the nodes of the array. It is convenient and good to consolidate its position. In fact, there are no such monks in the world. Although there are men and women, there is basically no desire, except for practice is fighting. I don't understand, but this is the way that no world monk exists. Qin Lang can only accept it. As for where the monks without the world came from, it is said that there is no “nothing in the world” in the world. This portal may appear in any world without the universe, and then there will be a new generation without a world. The monk appeared, and as soon as he appeared, he was already a child, and he had basic viability. However, the strength of these children is still very weak, so it will inevitably try to eliminate a process of competition and cruelty. At that time, it will naturally be accompanied by the fall of countless young monks.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with Qin Lang. Even if there is no world and the enemy of the world, Qin Lang will still respect the way of existence and the way of life of the opponent. It does not add any comment. To do so well, it is to consolidate its status and Only to give a rule to Qin Lang, it is just to establish a good relationship with Qin Lang. It is probably that Qin Lang still has some value, because since the good deed is connected with the emperor, it is still positive. The eleventh level of the universe is infiltrated, and the ambition is still not small. Therefore, it is a good means to obtain some incompetent information from Qinlang and use Qinlang.

In addition, Qin Lang also knows the key to some problems, that is, the so-called “virtuality”. When it hears about this thing, the first feeling is that this thing seems to have the same existence as the eternal Tianlun disk of the world, because Nothing is nothing but the only place in the world that can create a new worldless monk. The "children" without the world are born from nothingness, and they are all different. It can be seen that the virtual life itself is quite important. Some things, even Qin Lang are quite attached. However, to the good deeds, it does not pay attention to the nihilistic door. It seems that the only useful use of this nirvana is “eating”, and the best concern is how to defeat the world.

Qin Lang did not ask the best behavior to defeat the world, because he knew that once this question was asked, then it might be revealed immediately, because this problem seems to be known to many superpowers without the world, at least as supreme and holy. I definitely know it.

Although Qin Lang wants to ask this question, it seems that it can only be closed for a while, and it avoids the deviation. After all, there is no world. Once Qin Lang’s identity is exposed, there is probably no chance to leave here. He What you see here is not only the vastness of the world without the world, but also the power of the world and the strong.

However, Qin Lang is on the line with the good deeds for the time being. However, I can learn more about the world without information and know how there is no specific operation in the world. As for the power of nothingness here, Qin Lang wanted to try to learn to practice, but in the end he dismissed the idea -

Since the monk without the world may be changed by the incompetence of the world, then Qin Lang may also be changed by something without the world. If it can't return to the world, then isn't Qin Lang a big loss? Although Qin Lang also hopes that his cultivation will take it to the next level, he does not want to turn himself into a worldless monk. It is so horrible.

Therefore, although Qin Lang is now a vain power in the whole body, its core is still incompetent. It is the use of the incompetent road to motivate these vain powers. Qin Lang can even extract the power of nothingness, but it does not intend to use nothingness. Power is to improve the cultivation, but it is to cover up the true identity.

However, entering the world without a lot of information about the world without a world, it is gradually clear. To be honest, Qin Lang feels "disappointed" about this world without a world. The feeling of Qin Lang here is just a place of death, no interest. I really don’t know why these guys hate the world so much that they want to destroy the world. Do they think that no world is better than the world, so that they are so exhausted that they want to destroy the world?

Anyway, Qin Lang can't see what is good in this world. Even Qin Lang feels like jail. If it is not to find out the real reason why there is no world invasion, and find a way to deal with them, Qin Lang doesn't even want to Stay here more.

However, the horror strength of the world-free monks in front of Qin Lang is quite amazing. It is only the good guy who has the power to destroy any level of the universe that has been in the tenth level of the universe, let alone good deeds. It’s just a small prince, it’s not even a real tyrant, so Qin Lang does not deny that no world can move if it’s done. It’s entirely possible to destroy the world. Qin Lang’s tyranny can’t resist this stock. Torrent.

How easy is it to turn the tide?

However, Qin Lang did not expect to enter the good land soon, I heard that the virtual door is in a certain universe, although many worldless monks are not curious about the virtual life, but Qin Lang is curious, so Qin Lang immediately went to the virtual door. The place to come, I plan to study this virtual life and see what kind of situation is in this place.

Qin Lang rushed to the place where the virtual life was in existence, and immediately sensed the powerful pressure of this thing. Even in the face of the strong people like non-dao, Qin Lang did not feel such a terrible pressure, and this kind of pressure is extremely ancient and origin. It is almost like a vast mountain with no existence in the ancient times, but the rest of the world without a monk does not seem to care much about the existence of this vain door. Although this thing is unusually huge, it is simply the existence of the heavens and highlands.

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