Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 4080: Virtual life

There is no text or runes on the empty door, just like the bare stone door, but there is no such pressure and ability in any kind of stone door. This kind of Jedi is a kind of transcendental in the world. Existence, although most of the world's monks do not dismiss it, because this virtual life does not directly add any power to the monks without the world, so it is quite normal to say that it is ignored by the monks without the world. But Qin Lang can not ignore the existence of this emptiness, even in his view, this is the existence of the world without the eternal celestial wheel, because there is no life in the whole world, there is no so-called birth and death, only this There is no such thing as a monk who "spreads" the world. At this time, countless children are ejected from this vain door, about six to ten years old, all kinds of different, these are no small monks in the world. Originally, the feelings of children should be innocent, but these children ejected from the void are not innocent, but natural is evil.

It is said that the beginning of man is good, but the children of the world who are ejected from the void of the world are not kind in nature, but another opposite of goodness - evil!

Why are these children evil?

When they are ejected from the void, the battle and competition between them has begun. Some of these children have some basic spells and powers. They have begun to kill and plunder the power of other children. Wrong, it is red. Naked. Naked plunder and swallow, this scene is simply strange and bloody, no wonder the monks without the world do not like to pay attention to such scenes.

This feeling is like a group of newly born baboons. Although they are all born to a mother, they seem to be quite cute. But unconsciously, the cruel competition and stifling have begun. It has begun to bite and devour another cockroach, just to make it stronger now, and some babies become food for other brothers and sisters in fear and weakness...

The children of the world who have been ejected from the voids have begun their journey of cultivation, presumably for this reason, so the whole world has always run through the law of strength, no one can change. And breaking, because this is their innate law, it must run through until it disappears!

In any case, Qin Lang was still frightened by this scene, which made him have a new understanding of the world without a world. He knows why a monk without a world can't tolerate the existence of a living being in the world. It is just the meaning of this existence. They are all very different, let alone the monks without the world from the beginning of their birth, accompanied by killing and plundering.

However, in addition to seeing the cruel scene from the void, Qin Lang has other sentiments. He knows that this void is related to the origin of the world. In fact, who controls the void, it is equal to control. The entire world without the operation. Just, is there really such a guy there? Is there really someone who controls the void?

At least one hundred million children without the world have been ejected at the time, but Qin Lang knows that the number of such billions looks a lot, but after they have eliminated each other, only half of them will be left, and these half will face each a potential threat -

It is very likely to become another prey without adult monks in the world. Although for the adult monks without the world, the cultivation and strength of these children are actually nothing, and it is not ideal for making food, but after all, it is huge. And for those monks without world monks, the appearance of these children is like a feast, so they will definitely not miss such an opportunity. Qin Lang will see some monks who are low-minded at this time. Killing the ring, swallowed up a batch of children without the world.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Lang just felt that his heart was nausea. He had already made countless times of no world, but he did not think about such a scene, nor did he think that the monks without the world grew up like this. I didn't think that their struggles with each other were so fierce and cruel, so that even Qin Lang couldn't accept it. Qin Lang wanted to kill the monks who killed the children, but he stopped.

First, if Qin Lang does this, he is likely to be stared at by others. Because of his strong cultivation as a realm, how can he deliberately pay attention to the life and death of these little people? This is not a matter of supreme sanctity! Second, after all, this is no law of the world itself. Does Qinlang intervene, is it not ridiculous? Moreover, these children themselves are also swallowing and killing each other, how can they say that they are completely innocent?

Although Qin Lang has many reasons not to interfere in this matter, Qin Lang finally chose to shoot, because he is not a worldless monk after all, he is Qin Lang, and he has his own bottom line, so he will kill those children who are killing children. Direct bombardment into slag. And Qin Lang’s move really caused some attention from the world’s monks, but felt the strong powerlessness of Qin Lang’s body. The monks only looked at it and skipped it. It didn’t seem to want Qin Lang’s hostility, but it’s after all. The land of good deeds, so Qin Lang’s move still attracted the attention of good deeds. It used the knowledge of God to tell Qin Lang: “Why is this done by Daoyou? Could you care about the lives of some small people?”

"It's not about caring, it's just an eye-opener." Qin Lang responded with a good deed. "I just like to watch these little things devour and compete with each other. I don't want my own good play to be disturbed."

Knowing that he might attract the attention of other strong people, Qin Lang also thought about the countermeasures within a very short period of time. Well, there is no time in the world without a whole. In short, Qin Lang thinks that this is a fairly appropriate correspondence, showing his still cruel nature.

Sure enough, the good deeds agreed with Qin Lang’s behavior and said: “Well, the idea of ​​the Taoist friend is special, but it’s all about watching the drama. Naturally, you can see it yourself. However, I still have a way to make it This scene is even more exciting!"

At this time of good deeds, I suddenly did not know what method he used. It seemed to form an invisible cage, encircling countless children without the world in a cage, and then said to these children: "The children, You are welcome to enter the site of my good deeds. As the supreme and holy place here, I will give you a chance to choose. Among the many of you, I will choose three as my disciples, and later will fight for my good deeds. However, there are only three places! The rest of the little things are not eligible to continue to exist here!"

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