Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 558: Two words

Lin Yuhao feels that Qin Lang is bluffing, because he feels that this kid can block the two internal and external hits should have reached the limit, saying that there is no real effort, it must be bragging.

Lin Yuhao admits that Qin Lang has some doorways and won his approval, but he does not believe that Qin Lang has not made any real effort.

But soon Lin Yuhao was wrong, because Qin Lang's momentum has once again increased!

At this point, Qin Lang's blood operation has been raised to the limit, so the whole person's skin began to redden, especially a face, like drunk, but at this time, Qin Lang gives people a feeling that is not like a drunk Han, but more like a red-faced anger, Guan Gong, a powerful person.

Because of the temperament of blood circulation, Qin Lang suffered from blood vessels, although he was not very tall and burly, but at this time it also gave the impression of a wild and savage beast, carrying the undulating pressure.

Suddenly, Qin Lang slowly raised his right palm.

This is the posture of “breaking the car”.

Broken car, it should have been quick and direct, but this time the action of Qin Lang is very slow.

Slow, but incomparably dignified.

This kind of dignity is not only felt in Lin Yuhao who is in the game, but even other people watching the game feel it. Lin Shilong saw Qin Lang's hands, his eyes were full of dignified colors, and he began to worry about his grandson.

When Qin Lang's palm knife was lifted to the top of the head, Lin Yuhao suddenly felt that Qin Lang seemed to "disappear" in front of him. Standing in front of him seemed to be a huge blood color 螳螂, this sturdy knife seemed sharp. Can cut everything. What is even more incredible is that Lin Yuhao seems to have seen this giant **** anger. Once this anger breaks out, it will be invincible and sweeping everything!

"Qin brothers, I lost."

At this time, Lin Yuhao suddenly said, "I can't think of the Qin brothers' understanding of the martial arts so profoundly, let me admire the five bodies!"

Having said this, Lin Yuhao felt that the pressure on the whole body suddenly became loose, and the whole person was much more relaxed.

Lin Yuhao confessed to the loss, and the blood of Qin Lang naturally converges. The fierce momentum that has just been invincible has disappeared. Qin Lang smiled at Lin Yuhao: "It’s just a melee. It’s not a real knife. Where can I win or lose?”

People respect me a foot, I respect a man.

Since Lin Yuhao is on the road, Qin Lang naturally gave the other side a step.

Anyway, there is Lin Shilong's relationship. Qin Lang is not likely to kill Lin Yuhao. He knows that Lin Yuhao is here to fight with him here. He just wants to test the strength of the old club and see if the value is worth the support of the Lin family. In addition, Lin Yuhao also wants to "show" the strength of his Hongmen gold medal in front of these people, let the people of the mainland gang know that their Hongmen is so powerful, it will be much easier to do things in the mainland in the future.

In Qin Lang’s opinion, it’s really boring to get along with Lin Yuhao this time, because this is not really a battle. For both sides, it’s just a “show”. The difference is that Lin Yuhao’s show failed, and Qin Lang’s show was successful, winning the attention of Lin’s and other members of the Brotherhood.

In addition, Qin Lang has some other gains.

That is why Qin Lang’s understanding of “Wu Dao” has become more profound. His realm has not been improved, but the understanding of the "Tao" has touched a little edge, just as Lin Yuhao used the word "martial" for Qin Lang.

Martial arts and martial arts, the difference between words, has a completely different meaning. The word "dao" is all-encompassing, but in a nutshell, with some extremely profound, far-reaching and profound insights, it can be called "dao".

Martial arts can be explained by one stroke, but the martial arts can't. This kind of thing can only be said to be impossible.

For example, just now, Lin Yuhao added the word "martial arts" to Qin Lang's praise. It is not a general compliment, but a sincere admiration. Although Qin Lang’s last move did not have a chance to be shot, no matter whether it was Lin Yuhao or Lin Shilong, anyone who had some visions felt something strange from Qin Lang’s move.

But these people don't know that this "fancy" thing is actually realized by Qin Lang watching Jiang Xueqing's dance.

Experts know if they have a shot. A good-eyed person can only judge his level of comprehension and his understanding of martial arts by looking at his opponent's moves. The inferior military, the move is just a move, and it has its own shape; the middle-armed person can do both form and shape; the superior warrior can not only achieve both form and meaning, but also can play the marrow and play his own understanding of the martial arts. .

What Qin Lang realized is to integrate emotion into the move. Just now Qin Lang's smashing car started, it naturally released the "bloody anger", giving people an invisible pressure, making people feel that this move can not be resisted.

In fact, Lin Yuhao is also feeling that Qin Lang’s “weird trick” is extremely difficult to resist, so this is to admit defeat.

However, Lin Yuhao lost his conviction this time. He did not lose to the realm of Qin Lang, but lost to Qin Lang’s profound understanding of the martial arts.

Many martial artists understand the truth. Realms and cultivation can be accumulated through time, but things like "savvy" are not accumulated by time.

But the "savvy" of this point often determines how far a warrior can go on the road of martial arts in the future.

At this time, Qin Lang’s "savvy" was respected by Lin Yuhao and Lin Shilong. Subsequently, Lin Yuhao said that he was willing to provide the "Revival Fund" of HK$100 million to the Old Brothers, showing sufficient sincerity.

Everything went well, and it was surprisingly smooth.

Qin Lang had some concerns that the Ye family would come to trouble, but the strange thing is that the Ye family seems to completely give up control of Wolongtang and Wuyitang, and seems to be accepting the reality.

But is this really the case?

When Qin Lang and Lu Qingshan were busy opening the incense hall, Ye Shiqing personally went to the Qingcheng School.

Ye Shiqing went to the Qingcheng School, which is why the Ye family did not move.

Otherwise, the people of Ye Family will let Lu Qingshan so smooth and open the incense hall to sit on the scoop to the position of the boss.

The reason why Ye Shiqing went to the Qingcheng School was because he knew that it was just a matter of destruction. At the very least, Lu Qingshan’s opening of Xiangxiang Hall was not decent, but it did not help to regain control of Wolongtang and Wuyitang.

The rivers and lakes are rivers and lakes.

Ye Shiqing knows that the current situation can only be solved with the help of rivers and lakes, so this time he personally went to the Qingcheng School.

Qingcheng Mountain, there are countless peaks, but few people know what the gates of Qingcheng School are. Many people have heard the saying of "ask for Qingcheng Mountain", but they don't know where to ask.

Worried that the Bodhisattva burned the wrong incense, naturally it is impossible to smell the "Tao".

Ye Shiqing certainly will not enter the wrong temple to worship the Bodhisattva, because this time he is prepared.

Ye Shiqing asked people to use a mountain sedan to carry him to a small road that was rarely visited. Then he opened the Taoist temple and said to a small priest inside: "Working to inform the real people of the water mirror, they said that there is a Ye family. ""

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