Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 559: Asked about Qingcheng


The Taoist door was half open, and the little Taoist invited Ye Shiqing to go in alone.

The rest of the people can only wait outside.

No matter how prominent Ye Shiqing’s status is, there are really no advantages in front of these high-ranking people. What's more, now Ye Family is asking for people.

In the small hall of the Taoist Temple, Ye Shiqing saw the people he wanted to see.

This is an old Taoist, the hair beard is all white, and there is a white whisk on his hand. He can't see how many years old he is, but the white hair and the ruddy face are in stark contrast, giving a white-haired boy. The feeling of beauty.

This kind of person, at first glance, makes people feel that they are real people who have perfected their way.

"You are the descendant of General Ye Ye?" Crystal real people look at Ye Shiqing, seems to know the identity of Ye Shiqing.

Ye Shiqing nodded: "I am Ye Shiqing."

"Well, you are also a person with air transport, it seems that it should be the core character of Ye Family." Water Mirror really glanced at Ye Shiqing, "But I have a black cloud between you and my eyebrows. I want to come here recently. Some troubles, since you have asked for me today, look at the sentiment of General Ye Ye, the poor road can give you guidance."

"Since the real person already knows my origins, I will say it directly." Ye Shiqing said, "I am coming today, I want to ask the real person to come forward and say that the master of the Qingcheng School will go down the mountain and help me to recover the forces that belong to us."

"What do you mean by the rivers and lakes, is it Wolongtang?" Water Mirror said calmly, "As far as I know, the old general was the owner of Wolongtang, and later led the people uprising and became the founding general. This is also considered A good story."

Having said that, the water mirror is a real tone. "But - you must know that Wolongtang was not the surname of Ye. Since Lujia people have already taken back the things that belonged to them, I don't think you need to use them. Forced, and when it is the original return to the original."

"It turns out that the real people are very clear about the movements in the rivers and lakes." Ye Shiqing said, "However, the real person said that the things belonged to the original owner, and I can't agree with it. In the past, my Yejia uprising revolution, that is the name of the world. The predecessors of Yejia can achieve great cause, and it is considered to be the result of all expectations. I am the leader of the house, and it is also a matter of conformity with the righteousness. If today’s Taiping, the Lujia people jumped out to do things at this time, it is clearly for their own sake. Private destruction is very unfavorable in the current situation of a harmonious society!"

Ye Shiqing is not a strategist or a politician. This is really a "big righteousness". If it is someone else, or will be moved by Ye Shiqing's words, but the water mirror is real, the road number "water mirror" means the heart is like a water mirror, you can see all the mirrors and waters and get true. Therefore, how can the water mirror real people be impressed by Ye Shiqing's words, he just said a faint sentence: "What is the overall situation? What is the righteousness? The defeat of the king is the constant truth of the ages. If you win, it will take up Big righteousness; if you lose, then naturally it does not occupy the righteousness."

The water mirror is a real sentence, and it really breaks through the mystery.

In those days, the Yejia people were the winners. Naturally, they could use the words of justice, the overall situation, the heart, and the world to paint the actions of the Ye family in the past. When the people in the rivers and lakes forgot to renegade and ruin the descendants of the Lu family. fact. But now, the Ye family has already lost one sentence, but what is the meaning of the big picture and the righteousness?

Undoubtedly, now Lu Qingshan has become the new gang of the old age, so in the eyes of the gang, the Ye family has become the same as the ungrateful and chaotic thief. Where is the so-called righteousness? Moreover, against the descendants of the Lu family, the veterans who killed the Brotherhood... What can be done with the righteousness?

"Water mirror is real, listen to what you mean, it seems that you are not planning to help us Ye Jia?" Ye Shiqing's tone is somewhat dissatisfied. "As far as I know, it seems that someone in the Qingcheng faction has been injured?"

"Yes. However, I am only a guest of the Qingcheng School." The water mirror is humane. "Guqing, you don't need to participate in the sect's struggle for power, just concentrate on practice. Therefore, the grievances between the sects have nothing to do with me. Mr. Ye, if you want to use the radical method, it is of no use to the poor road. You should go to the front of the mountain to find the door of the Qingcheng faction."

This is already the case for Ye Shiqing.

But Ye Shiqing finally found this old Taoist, how could he return without success, and said: "Real people. Although you are a monk, you should also know the truth of the graciousness. Since you owe us the love of Ye Family. You should know that there is a day of resignation after all. If you don’t report it, you may have an impact on the heart of the real person."

"Hey!" The water mirror is a cold man. "The official man is really a snobber. Even if I owe the old general a favor, I will return it to his descendants today. Say, what are your requirements?" ”

"It's very simple, killing Lu Jia's descendants and his friends and friends! Wolongtang, must return to the hands of my family!" Ye Shiqing's face is full of hustle and bustle.

"No!" Water Mirror Really Resolutely said, "I have been in this mountain for decades. I have finally got rid of the **** revenge of the rivers and lakes. In exchange for my own freedom, can I kill you for the Ye family? What's more, when I owe it The old general was a human being, and he was taken care of, so that the wife and children of my colleague's brother were able to survive. However, before I went up the mountain, I worked for him many times. To say that this person's feelings should be almost the same. If it is other busy I will not refuse to do my best. But, let me go down the mountain to kill people, but it won't work!"

“No?” Ye Shiqing sneered. “You feel that the relationship is already almost the same, right? In the past few years, we have been taking care of your descendants for decades, but what do you say? Those of your brother’s People, it can be regarded as your descendants, and now they are full of food and clothing, it can be regarded as the care of our Ye family. Why, this account is not a human account? Real people, you can drink, do you want to reject me The requirements, and let your future generations suddenly transfer from the days of full-fledged food to the meal or the prisoner?"

Ye Shiqing is a politician, he knows how to add bargaining chips to himself.

"Do you dare to threaten me?" The true tone of the water mirror began to turn cold.

"I originally proposed a win-win proposal. Unfortunately, the real person did not accept it before. I can't do anything about it." Ye Shiqing sighed, "The rivers and lakes are in the rivers and lakes. You know, although I have the power, the things of Wolongtang are after all." It is a matter on the rivers and lakes. I can only rely on the forces on the rivers and lakes to completely end the grievances of Lujia. Real people, if you agree to my request, this is still a win-win result."

Ye Shiqing said this, the threatening tone is even stronger.

The water mirror is really staring at Ye Shiqing coldly, and the murderousness in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger: "While you have the power to hold it, have you not heard a word - the anger of the man is splashing five steps!"

The implication is that if the real person in the water mirror is now dealing with Ye Shiqing, no one can stop it.

"You can be angry with a man, but your descendants are not five steps of blood, but blood flows into the river!" Ye Shiqing's tone also turned cold. "You should have heard a word - one will I am not thinking that, as a general, I still dare not kill a few people!"

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