Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 639: Critical metamorphosis

Qin Lang was thinking about how to use this holy scar beetle to deal with those who were defending the cold, but did not expect that the scarred beetle that had just been in the palm of his hand suddenly fell. "I wipe! Life is running out!"

When Qin Lang looked carefully, he knew that the vitality of this holy scar beetle began to fail, and life came to an end. The appearance of the last life, perhaps just the last return.

It seems that this holy scar beetle was eroded by the poison when it was rotted and decayed.

If there is no solution, this holy scar beetle will die!

For Qin Lang, this is simply a joy!

It’s hard to get this scarred beetle to merge with the decaying poison. I haven’t waited for it to show its talents. As a result, it’s actually going to die, isn’t it the first to die?

The mood of Qin Lang’s classmates suddenly became depressed, and it’s a coincidence that it’s a secret.

However, this streak beetle has reached the point where the oil is dry, and the vitality has come to an end. Qin Lang is also helpless, because life is hard to be given. Even some elixir can not add vitality, only vitality. People who are exhausted have many days of lingering.

Even if it is a medicinal medicine, according to Qin Lang, there are very few people who can directly give a person a long life, and people become rich and strong. Directly let a dying person live for more than a hundred years, and it becomes as energetic as a young man. It is not a medicine, it is a fairy medicine. Anyway, Qin Lang has not been exposed to such elixir.

With the increase in life and the increase in vitality, it seems that there is only one way to change and improve the state of the body through practice.

The practice of martial arts and spiritual practice can change and enhance the physical and organ functions of the body. The physical fitness and organ function become stronger, the vitality is long, and the life expectancy is naturally long.

On the other hand, when vitality begins to run out, even the elixir cannot reverse the situation, only the slowdown of vitality can be slowed down, unless it can break through its own embarrassment at the last minute -

"Right! Break yourself! Green God Pei Yuan!"

At this time, Qin Lang’s brain suddenly flashed a flash of light, and thought of the Green God Pei Yuan Liquid. This kind of Peiyuan liquid was originally used by the Dragon Snake Force to cleanse the marrow and stimulate the body potential. However, the last time Qin Lang brought it to the study, but the blood was absorbed by the half tube, and the result was blood. The degree of power and strength of the embarrassment seems to have completed an "evolution."

Perhaps, Green God Pei Yuan liquid also has an effect on insects.

After thinking about it, Qin Lang did not hesitate to take out the remaining half of the green **** Peiyuan liquid and directly fell on the sting beetle, let it absorb it.

If you don't succeed, you will be married.

If this stigma beetle can't absorb or can't get rid of the efficacy of the green **** cultivating liquid, then it is not dead. After all, this half of the green **** cultivating liquid is worth millions of yuan.

This time Qin Lang gambled, this Green God Pei Yuan liquid really has an effect, and the St. Beetle seems to be very interested in this Pei Yuan liquid, so I sucked it a fine light.

After absorbing the green **** cultivating element liquid, this sacred beetle seems to have experienced a cleansing and cutting, and when the vitality is about to disappear completely, it has completed a metamorphosis and an evolution:


In the land, the scarred beetle's shell wings bounced off, and then a pair of transparent membrane **** folded under the carapace suddenly spread out.

"what's the situation!"

Qin Lang couldn't help but be surprised. He and the old poison have been studying this scar beetle for five years. He has never seen a beetle fly over. He didn't even see a scarred beetle stretching his wings, so Qin Lang and old poisons are both Think that this scar beetle is just a reptile beetle. Moreover, this scar beetle is too heavy to fly and it is normal.

But now, Qin Lang’s idea has been subverted.

After the sacred beetle absorbed the green **** cultivating liquid, it completed a key metamorphosis: from the reptile to the flying worm!

Qin Lang knows that many insects have undergone several metamorphosis, and they will almost undergo the process of transformation of eggs, larvae, adults and flying insects. For example, silkworms and dragonflies and butterflies, their flying insects and larvae are almost completely different, which is the magic of the species life genes.

At this point, the scarred beetle spread its wings, and this thin film wing is actually very long, about four or five times the length of its body.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! ~

The membrane wing of the scarred beetle flutters like a helicopter that is about to take off.


Tengdi, this stigma beetle finally flew out and turned into a golden light.

However, in this golden light, Qin Lang vaguely saw a reddish mysterious pattern. He knew that this was the texture on the wing of the scarred beetle. At the time of flight, these textures appeared when the wings fluttered. Come out with a mysterious pattern. It is a pity that Qin Lang is not a god. He does not recognize the patterns that have been formed by the evolution of thousands of years.

But at this time, Qin Lang was excited, because this stigma beetle not only improved its vitality, but also completed a key transformation. Flying beetles are naturally more valuable than beetles that only crawl faster.

The streak beetle did not fly away, but flew directly over the small sand dunes made up of golden sand.

When it appeared, just like the king came, the other saint beetles were centered on it, just like the king of the population, and the special saint beetle was guarded by the courtiers and soldiers.

However, Qin Lang soon became dumbfounded:

Because this stigma beetle is not a king at all, but a queen, because it actually spawned at this time!

Of course, it is not uncommon for insects to lay eggs. After the silkworms become moths, or after the caterpillars become butterflies, their ultimate goal is to lay eggs and hatch the next generation.

The continuation of the population is always a top priority.

After the critical transformation of this holy scar beetle, the first thing it did was to lay eggs.

However, the process of spawning this scar beetle is very fast. It is like a fertility machine, and it produces hundreds of eggs in an instant. It is similar to the size of the eggs produced by the previous scar beetles, but Qin Lang knows that after the eggs hatch, there will be a change in the quality of the germs, because the spawners themselves have completed a critical metamorphosis and evolution.

And the following facts make Qin Lang puzzled:

When the scarred beetle lays eggs, the rest of the scarred beetles actually move all the eggs they had previously produced in the gravel, and then completely swallow it! Subsequently, the eggs produced by the scar beetle were buried one by one under the gravel.

It seems that they all follow the same rules of ethnic continuity and power:

Only the blood of the strong will continue to match!

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