Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 640: Blood tiger

The law between heaven and earth is actually very cruel. This is the most vivid interpretation of the world of animals, plants and even insects. The so-called cruelty is that only the strong can survive, and only the strong are qualified to breed and continue the blood.

For example, in the world of lions, some weak lion cubs will be abandoned when they first came out. Only strong cubs can get the care and cultivation of the group. And when these lion cubs are adults, only the most ferocious lions can enjoy vast, fertile territory, and the living space of the weak is small or even absent.

Of course, this is also true among the apes who are close relatives to humans. For example, among the monkeys, only the most fierce monkey kings have the right to mate. The other male monkeys in the monkey group can only stay long nights every night. Then I fell asleep in the excitement of the Monkey King and the Monkey.

Qin Lang has seen an interesting comment in the online commentary, saying that there is also a special kind of ape in humans. They also want to eat more than the monkey king in the monkey. This is the so-called high-level official business. This commentary is a joke, but in a sense, these people's actions are not much different from the ancient apes population.

Therefore, although Qin Lang was somewhat surprised by the behavior of these stupid beetles, it is not doubtful.

Because the world of insects is based on the entire ethnic group, their behavior is not understandable by humans. For example, ants, worker ants in the bee population, worker bees, humans will never understand what they are tired of from birth to death.

After the spawning, the scarred beetle returned to Qin Lang again.

After completing this crucial metamorphosis, this flying scarlet beetle not only became the king of their race, but also established a wonderful connection with Qin Lang, even if Qin Lang did not have the smell of a poisonous body. To suppress it, it will not resist or violate the command of Qin Lang.

For Qin Lang, today is really a harvest night. After studying and cultivating the five-year-old scar beetle, I finally made a breakthrough in this time. He knows that after this evening, these strange beetles will become his real Big killer.

Qin Lang put this "variant" streak beetle into the poison bag, and then prepared to go to Xu Shiping's covenant.

Although there was no help from Xu Shiping, there was no escorting of old poisons, but Qin Lang was still full of confidence, because he had another killer in his hand.

From the South China United University, Qin Lang’s cell phone rang.

The phone was called by Xu Shiping. He asked Qin Lang with concern: "Xiao Qin, is it a traffic jam? Otherwise I will let Xiao Wei pick you up. Where are you?"

"I don't need my big brother to pick me up, I am on the road. It may be a little trouble, but it should not be delayed for a long time." The face must always face, Qin Lang does not want to drag Xu Shiping's driver into the water.

Out of the school gate, just less than a hundred meters away, Qin Lang’s mobile phone rang again, but this time it was a strange number. After he pressed the answer button, there was a strange voice inside: “Qin Lang, this It’s the last chance. Give up the naive thoughts that are right with Ye Jia, and hand over the information about Ye Family in your hands. You and your family can live well. Otherwise, we guarantee that you can’t see the sun of tomorrow. !"

"Maybe some people will not see the sun of tomorrow, but it is definitely not me. It will not be my family!" Qin Lang was unmoved, and did not want to talk to Yejia people about the conditions, directly hang up the phone, then big Step to the place where Xu Shiping is.

After a while, the monk appeared behind Qin Lang, because Qin Lang knows what people are going to face this evening. Even if the monk is deliberately hiding, I am afraid it is difficult to deceive the eyes and ears of these people. It is better to be straightforward. The ground is behind Qin Lang.

Qin Lang did not choose to ride, because he did not want to encounter another tragic car accident.

After all, he doesn't have nine lives, and he can't guarantee that he can escape every time.

It takes a long time to eat a meal. This time, Qin Lang’s wounds have not fully recovered. He naturally will not forget the lessons.

However, if you don't take a taxi, it's just not how fast you walk. This means that the murderers who Ye Jia hires can intercept him more easily.

Of course, since these people have made up their minds to intercept him, whether he chooses to walk or ride, he will certainly encounter these people’s interception.

I have to say that Ye Jia's people are also very patient, until this time, the thunder of the situation is to deal with Qin Lang. Because now killing Qin Lang, they can not only know how many Ye Family's crimes have been mastered by Qin Lang, but also can draw a salary at the bottom, giving Xu Shiping a heavy blow.

Summer nights are always so hot.

After a while, Qin Lang felt that he was sweating all over his body.

Therefore, Qin Lang decided to walk under the overpass.

Because there is not only a cool night wind blowing, but there are no other citizens here, Qin Lang does not have to worry about accidental injury.

Of course, these murderers employed by Ye Family do not care about accidentally injuring others, but Qin Lang can't care.

Old poisons think that this is the woman's benevolence, but Qin Lang feels that this is the principle of being a man, and nothing more.

When Qin Lang and the monk were seen under the bridge pier of the overpass, a figure slid down from the huge pier like a bat and appeared about ten meters away from Qin Lang.

The vehicles under the bridge are flying fast, and no one will notice Qin Lang and others under the dim light.

"You are not defending the cold?" Qin Lang took the initiative to ask this person, because this person is an old man who looks like he is about sixty or seventy. However, although it is the old man, it gives people a stronger and fierce momentum than many young warriors.

The old man must be long and chaotic, and it looks like an old madman, but underneath the gray kung fu clothes, it seems that there is an amazing horrible explosive force, so that Qin Lang feels that the old man is simply a casual person. The beast.

"Kid, do you only have the cold in your eyes?" The old man snorted. "Old man Cao Longquan! People in the rivers and lakes call ‘blood tigers!’ When you are famous in the rivers and lakes, you are still wearing trousers!”

"Master, I know this person." The monk on the side of the whisper whispered to Qin Langdao. "This Cao Longquan, the cultivation of the ancestral tiger's golden bell, this is not a general hard work, but the depth of both internal and external repairs. Kung Fu. This Cao Longquan, a famous Jiangyang thief in the Bayu area for decades, kills countless people, so he has the **** title of 'Blood Tiger'."

"Oh, I can't think of you. This vulture still knows the origin of Laozi!" Cao Longquan snorted at the monk, apparently hearing what the monk said to Qin Lang.

"What blood tiger...the tigress, I seem to tell you that this old man is just to make soy sauce, you think he is a master." Qin Lang said with disdain, who makes this old guy so arrogant? .

"Kid, you are looking for death!" Cao Longquan roared.

"The real master, who will be the first to appear, and only jumped the clown, will be the first to jump out." Qin Lang this sentence, suddenly let Cao Longquan dumb, speechless, almost cerebral hemorrhage.

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