Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 736: 蚺

The black snow crow is inserted into the water to attack, as fast as lightning; when the water is swept over the surface, the flesh of the snake fish is caught, and it is so astounding, especially the moment when the claws are caught on the surface of the water, it is a kind of "stunning" "a feeling of.

The snakefish under the water, curling and swimming in the water, almost perfectly utilized the water flow, so that they can maintain the fastest speed at the moment of attack, giving the black crow stabbing in the water a critical strike.

The action of the black snow crow is light and concealed; the movement of the snake fish is flexible.

As a result, these two methods naturally formed a prototype in the mind of Qin Lang.

However, although Qin Lang’s ability to comprehend kung fu is very strong, he did not immediately create one or two new martial arts. At this time, his mind has only some martial arts, and these kung fu moves are perfect. It is also necessary to slowly comprehend in the future, especially after the actual combat with people, after all the hard work, these moves can be really near perfect.

But there is no doubt that the scene in front of the scene gave Qin Lang too much shock, but also deepened his understanding of Kung Fu, which is beneficial to his martial arts practice.

After a while, perhaps because both sides were full, the killing stopped. The black crows flew back into the mountains, and the snakes sank into the still deep waters.

At this time, Qin Lang’s attention was placed around.

The first thing that caught the attention of Qin Lang was the huge Buddha image, because he had to determine if he had successfully reached the back of the giant Buddha. Undoubtedly, Qin Lang succeeded, and the huge black stone Buddha stood in front of him.

But what is very strange is that Qin Lang clearly sees the back of the giant Buddha, but there is a very strange feeling in his heart: he feels that the back of this giant Buddha should be the "front" of the Buddha!

This feeling is really strange, but Qin Lang is such a feeling. He feels that he is now standing on the "positive" Buddha of the giant Buddha, and he clearly feels the inexplicable momentum that the giant Buddha brought to him. Pressure.

This black big Buddha must be weird, this is unquestionable. Subsequently, Qin Lang focused his attention on other places. On the back of this black giant Buddha, the space has become more open, the valley has become deeper, and the plants have become more lush and ancient. Qin Lang thought that the formation of this valley would not be too long, but when he saw these ancient trees, Qin Lang denied his opinion.

However, Qin Lang is most concerned about the red fruit that Fu Chunsheng said.

Although it is midsummer, perhaps not until the fruit matures, but the fruit is the fruit, their growth cycle is certainly not the same as ordinary plants, and even if there is not a full-fledged fruit, there are many uses.

After a glimpse of the circle, Qin Lang’s gaze fell to the heel of the stone Buddha, where Qin Lang saw some red, but it was just covered by the foot of the giant Buddha, so that he did not see it.

Qin Lang was overjoyed and walked over to the heel of the giant Buddha.

Red is getting more and more... Sure enough, in the rock next to the heel of the giant Buddha, there is a tree that is more than one meter tall. It is said to be a tree. In fact, Qin Lang is not sure, because there is no such a tree. The leaves, only the bare white branches, followed by some red fruits of goose-sized eggs, look far away, like a string of coral beads.

Qin Lang suppressed the ecstasy of his heart and approached this small tree.

As a son of the poison, as a son of a scientist, Qin Lang found that he did not know what a tree was. However, the more it goes beyond cognition, the more likely it is to be a fruit. Moreover, before Fu Chunsheng had taken a fruit and got unexpected benefits, it proved that the red fruit should be a fruit.

Qin Lang’s footsteps are faster and closer to the red fruit.

Finally, Qin Lang came to the red fruit tree. He stepped on the uneven gravel and was about to pick a fruit. When Qin Lang’s hand was less than a foot away from the red fruit, he suddenly Shrunk back, then **** back, while violently boosting the internal strength to the extreme -

Qin Lang’s reaction is like feeling the animal of the crisis, and will present his strongest defense or attack posture in an instant!

Of course, Qin Lang naturally runs secretly without a sense of heart, releasing the momentum of no toxic work without reservation.

All this is because Qin Lang feels the strongest crisis!

And just as Qin Lang turned back, he saw the source of the crisis: a huge piebald python!

No, not a python, but a kind of cockroach - 蚺 蚺!

In the eyes of the ancients, cockroaches are the largest snakes, and according to rumors, cockroaches are a very **** and evil species, and the action is very fast. Once a woman is entangled in a male cockroach, the male cockroach will stab its tail. Under the women, under the yin, after the marriage, women will die, so there are also people who call it "a **** dragon." In addition, the male tailbone can be used as medicine, and it is called "Ruyi hook". It is a strong and difficult medicine that is hard to find. It is rumored to have the effect of "dry wood and spring". The rumor contains the "Ruyi hook" house, which can be tireless. I can imagine how hard it is to find this thing.

"Hey... how do you think of these things." Seeing this phoenix, Qin Lang’s mind actually thought of a lot of miscellaneous things, and even almost ignored the danger in front of him.

Yes, the tailbone of the male squama is known as the hook, and it is hard to find a thousand gold. But not all the males will be born with a wishful hook. Only the males who have matured for many years and absorbed the aura of the heavens and the earth will become the real wish. hook.

Of course, there is no doubt that this huge scaly cockroach is inevitably qualified. In particular, this squad has just tried to attack Qin Lang.

Qin Lang suddenly thought of the huge body that had been inadvertently encountered underwater, and there is no doubt that this giant scale is smashed. If Qin Lang is not running in a critical moment, I am afraid that he has been swallowed by this one. He is obviously a bit of a poisonous body.

After all, this squama is also a poison.

Of course, it is also a very powerful poison, and this squama is already a heterogeneous species of its kind, both toxic and fierce, which are extraordinary. Otherwise, when Qin Lang shows the momentum of no phase poison, it should surrender or look at the wind and escape, and simply do not dare to confront Qin Lang here.

"Nima's, feelings are met with thorns today!" From this sly look, Qin Lang saw its strong fierceness.

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