Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 737: Don't underestimate the wisdom of the beast

There is no phase poison, and there is restraint and deterrent effect on many poisons. This is beyond doubt. However, Qin Lang's non-phase toxic body has not yet reached Dacheng, so his deterrence against other poisons is not absolute. In the face of this heterogeneous phoenix, Qin Lang's incompetent venom deterrence seems to be insufficient. .

This is like the law has deterrence against criminals, but if the law enforcement is weak, then the deterrence of some vicious criminals is not enough. Even these fierce and evil guys will openly challenge the legal authority.

This phoenix in front of Qin Lang is undoubtedly the "poor and evil" among the poisons.

Even in the face of the deterrent of Qin Lang's incompetent poison, this scaly does not seem to yield or retreat. Instead, it reveals a greedy look to Qin Lang, and seems to want to turn Qin Lang into its food.

Qin Lang was angered by the greedy eyes of the phoenix, and screamed at it coldly: "The beast! I want to eat the meat of Laozi, I am afraid that you have no such ability!"

It seems to understand the words of Qin Lang, the Jin scales slowly approaching Qin Lang.

Qin Lang certainly knows that many snakes can fight in amphibious life. Even if he is on the shore now and the scales are in the water, it does not mean that he can take advantage of it.

However, in any case, Qin Lang did not think that the water would fight with this phoenix. This scaly may not be affected by amphibious operations, but Qin Lang did not have this ability. After entering the water, Qin Lang’s speed of action will be greatly reduced.

The scales are close to the shore, and the depth of the water is of course getting shallower. Its huge body is completely exposed in front of Qin Lang. Seeing the huge body of this scale, Qin Lang could not help but scream "grass! ".

He finally knows why the king's arrogance that he released without the poison of the body can't deter the phoenix, because the goods are too big, and they are definitely the king of the phoenix, so they are also some of the kings. It’s no wonder that I dare to compete with Qin Lang’s non-compatible poison, probably because it feels that it has two axes.

Indeed, the huge body of more than ten meters long, the waist of the bucket is as thick as the waist, it seems that there is a capital with Qin Lang. Of course, the most important thing is that the tail of this cargo is very slender, and the top of the tail is like a silver steel needle. It is very small and glitters in the sunlight.

"It seems that the tail of this goods is really hooked." Qin Lang is almost 100% certain.

Although Qin Lang’s ability is no problem in itself, he is also somewhat curious about what this handsome hook will look like.

However, when Qin Lang’s imagination was in vain, the hero suddenly made a mistake, and he even shot the first to Qin Lang:

Jin scales swept the tail in the diving area, and a large piece of water was swept up by its tail. The water screamed and screamed at the face of Qin Lang, which seemed to be imposing and preoccupied.

Although this phoenix does not understand kung fu, but for a long time, there have been some ingenuity, and the experience of fighting is more abundant, so it is definitely not so easy to deal with.

The large splash of water came out obviously, in order to influence the sight of Qin Lang. The real killer of this scale is its tail. At this time, its tail has already shaken, like a rifle, facing the head of Qin Lang. The spurt came, the attack method was extremely vicious, and it was a strange "killer" who was alive and kicked.

If Qin Lang Kung Fu is a little worse, I am afraid that this will be given to the ko by the phoenix, but Qin Lang has long expected that this scaly is not easy to deal with, so there is no contempt for it, just stabbed in the tail of the phoenix. At that time, Qin Lang’s “smashing the car” was hard and hard, and it was cut on the tail of Jinxian’s.


Qin Lang's knives and knives were accurately cut on the tail of the phoenix phoenix, and the inside of the palm was squirming, giving a dull slamming sound. The tail of the phoenix was swept away by Qin Lang, but Qin Lang felt his The palm of the hand is a little faint, and my heart sighs the power of this scaly.

Although Qin Lang's current inner diameter is only 20 years of skill, but with his Fu Long pile and Tantric handprint, Qin Lang can concentrate the internal strength and external strength of the whole body to a point, the power is comparable to the skill of sixty years. He thought that this time he could interrupt the tailbone of the squama. Who knows that this scaly scorpion is so thick and thick, even the bones are so hard, and Qin Lang’s full blow did not cause the animal to be injured.

However, Qin Lang was not completely ruthless. Although Jin Jinzhen was not injured, he was undoubtedly hurt by Qin Lang because the anger in his eyes was more prosperous.

Perhaps it is the feeling of Qin Lang's uncomfortable. After the smashing of the squadron, the squadron did not follow the attack. Instead, the huge body was circled in shallow water. The fierce snake body, the end of the connection, this is a gesture that can be attacked and defended, probably after realizing that Qin Lang is not irritating, this phoenix gave up the attack method of the raid and changed to steadily.

"I don't think that a beast actually understands the strategy." Qin Lang rushed to the head of the scales and said, "Unfortunately, the beast is a beast, do you think you can win the Laozi?"

Although Jinxianyu is somewhat spiritual, it certainly can't fully understand what Qin Lang is saying. Maybe it only knows that Qin Lang is provoking it, so it looks even more angry, constantly spurting the letter, and making a low "squeaky" sound. This is the voice that represents its extreme anger.

However, despite the anger of this scale, it did not take the initiative to attack, it seems that it also knows that on the shore with Qin Lang, its speed may be affected.

"Bee, do you want to continue to play with Laozi?" Qin Lang sneered, "If you can't even play with this animal, I still mix a fart. You want to wait for the rabbit to wait for my initiative to attack, I will not let you Wishfulness - seeing this fruit is not? You don't want me to pick it, I just want to pick it."

Said, Qin Lang suddenly retreated to the side of the small tree, and reached out and picked up a red fruit.

The red fruit grew very steady on the branch. Qin Lang picked it up from the branch with a little force, but when the handle and the branch were separated, there were some white grouts sprayed from the branches and splashed. On the palm of Qin Lang.

When Qin Lang picked the red fruit, the scaly was very angry, but did not attack him as Qin Lang expected. However, at the moment when Qin Lang harvested the fruit, Qin Lang clearly saw that the look of this phoenix appeared a few minutes.

That's right, that's it!

To be honest, Qin Lang rarely sees the reptiles have such a rich expression.

But after a while, Qin Lang felt some numbness in his palm, and he immediately understood why the phoenix would reveal his expression. Perhaps he really underestimated the wisdom of this animal.

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