
After being blessed with armed color domineering and overlord color domineering,

The huge Guanyin statue, which was already full of oppression, became even more terrifying and violent, erupting into a wave of almost suffocating oppression, sweeping out in all directions, invisibly making the island of Kamiya begin to shake.


See this scene,

Kapu, who had already entered a state of fighting, fell into a sluggish state

Not only Cap, but even Locks D. Gibbek, Golden Lion Stoney, Edward Newgate, Silver Axe, John, Wang Zhi, Gore D. Roger, Silbaz Reilly, Sbark? Jaba, Steel Bone Void, Sengoku, and Zefa also showed a surprised expression.

Obviously not thinking of that

This Luo Lei actually wrapped the armed color domineering qi and the overlord color domineering qi around the huge Guanyin statue in front of him;

As the top strong people of the sea, armed color domineering winding, external release, internal destruction, they can do it; Even a very small number of top strong people can achieve the domineering winding of the overlord color, and they all know it;

Can…… Or the first time to see that someone can use such a wide range;

Do you know that this huge statue of Guanyin in front of you is hundreds of meters high? Not to mention that it also has a thousand giant arms, and at the same time controls the armed color domineering and the overlord color domineering, and the winding coverage is still so wide, think about it, it makes people’s scalps tingle, and they can’t help themselves.

“Zhente is a monster, and it must be killed.”

A few seconds later, Locks D. Gibek suppressed his inner resignation and discomfort, and said somewhat angrily: “In just one year, Rore has grown to this point, and if he is allowed to develop, all our forces will bow down and surrender, and there will never be a day to emerge.” ”


A year ago Locks D. Gibber has begun to dominate the new world

However, he did not expect to meet the ninja god of the country of peace – Luo Lei, after a big battle, he was defeated, and his great ambition to become the king of the world was defeated, and he lived in the shadow of Luo Lei;

I thought I could kill Lore in the Valley of the Gods

But I didn’t think about it

Lore’s hole cards were even more terrifying than he had imagined.

“Luo Lei is too strong and must be sanctioned…”

Gore Locks, who suffers from the same disease as Locks. D. Roger showed a heavy expression and said empathetically: “Such uncertainties must be suppressed with all their might, otherwise the world government may kneel and sing conquest.” ”

“Let’s all do our best!”

Listening to this sentence, Steel Bone did not bother to refute Roger’s words, and said in a deep voice: “Only by killing Luo Lei can it be in the interests of all of us.” ”


“We must hate each other.”

“Only by stifling Lore, the navy and pirates can have a chance to breathe, and the sea can restore its former order.”


With Locks, Roger, the beginning of the Steel Bone Void, the Golden Lion Stoney, Edward Newgate, Silver Axe, John, Wang Zhi, Silbaz Reilly, Sbark into combat status? Jaba, Sengoku, and Zefa all nodded indifferently, completely letting go of the gaps and contradictions between each other, and entering a state of mutual hatred.

Everyone knows very well that the stronger the ancestor – Luo Lei, the more damned it is, and it is in everyone’s common interest to cooperate in stifling Luo Lei.

As for the pirate and naval cooperation to spread out, will there be an impact?

What a joke,

The Kamiya Island thing can’t spread out

As long as Luo Lei died, everything that happened about the island of Kamiya would be erased by the joint efforts of their major forces.

What’s more, everything about Luo Lei will be erased, and in a few years, what kind of ninja god, what sea ancestors will disappear, and no one will remember.

And in this oppressive atmosphere.


Karp flew out first, swinging his fist and bombarding the real thousands of hands.


The fist had just been thrown,

The air exploded, a crack appeared visible to the naked eye, and a furious fist wind filled the air, as if it was going to explode everything.

“up this giant statue of Guanyin in front of me.”

Seeing that Kapu had all struck, the golden giant Buddha of the Warring States incarnation was not willing to show weakness, and directly swung his fist forward, the powerful force made the air erupt into a fluorescence, turning into a circle of light and exploding, and the terrifying shock wave bombarded the real thousands of hands at a speed that could not cover his ears.

Swish! Swish!!

Two cracking noises sounded

Zefa and the Steel Bone Sky also flew towards the giant Guanyin Statue with a speed that could not cover their ears.

For a time,

The four top naval forces were in full swing and erupted with extremely terrifying energy fluctuations.

“Hands on!!”

Seeing that the Navy was unreservedly moving, Locks D. Gibek did not hesitate much, and the armed color domineering spirit and the overlord color domineering qi wrapped around the whole body, and the body turned black and rushed towards the giant Guanyin statue.

“Cong Yun Che Kong Zhen!!”

“Lion Senche Valley!!”

Edward Newgate and Golden Lion Shiki instantly activated the power of their respective Demon Fruits and launched an attack on the giant Guanyin statue, in which Edward Newgate struck a white concussive force, and everywhere he went, the air was cracked by the shock.

As for the Golden Lion Shi Ji who used the power of the Fluttering Fruit to float into the air, he shot out hundreds of golden sword qi.

And the silver axe, John, and Wang Zhi were not willing to show weakness, and after glancing at each other, each launched the strongest attack he could explode

“Hahaha, we do it too.” Gore · D. Roger laughed loudly, waved the saber in his hand that was entangled in the armed color domineering and the overlord color domineering, and said in a deep voice, “God avoid!! ”


Silbaz Reilly and Sbark? When Jabba saw this, he flew towards the giant Guanyin statue.

Suddenly, the thirteen top combat forces of the sea all launched an attack, and thirteen furious and incomparable momentum erupted, causing this sea area to shake slightly, as if to explode everything and crush everything.


In the face of the attacks of Cap, Locks, Roger, and others, Lore, who was standing on the head of the real thousands, did not say anything more, but gently shook his fist.

With his movements,

Thousands of giant arms in Zhen’s hands all clenched their fists, and then, like a fierce wind and rain, they bombarded towards the front.

“On top… Buddha!! ”



(PS: Do you have any readers to read it? Kneel for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute, kneel and beg for the readers of the big guys. )

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