
“Well… How scary? ”

“Lord Lorelei wants to fight all of them alone!”

“The giant statue of Guanyin has also begun to move, and the real battle has finally begun.”


The edge of Kamiya Island,

Young Kaido and Charlotte Lingling suppressed their excitement, looking at the central area that did not even dare to blink their eyes, afraid of missing out on some wonderful battle scene.

After all

Is this a battle on the sea as a top combat power?

On one side is the ancestor of the sea, Lord Lore, on the other side is the high-end combat strength of the Rox’s Pirate Regiment, the high-end combat strength of the Roger Pirate Regiment, and the high-end combat strength of the Navy;

If they had a good look, they would have benefited a lot.

As for participation, that’s okay? Young Kaido and Charlotte Lingling still know that they have a few pounds and a few pounds, and their participation in the war will only drag Lord Lore’s hind legs, and it is better to watch the battle here.


At the same time,

The central area of the island of Kamiya;

“On top… Buddha!! ”

After this sentence, thousands of giant arms of the true thousands of hands that had not been moving all moved, respectively, towards Kapu, Locks, Roger, Steel Bone Air and other people to bombard the past, the first to bear the brunt of the Kapu;

“Do you really look at me?”

Looking at the nearly one hundred giant wooden fists coming towards him, Kapu looked slightly changed, scolded and grinned, and said, “It’s just wood, even if it is entangled in armed color domineering and overlord color domineering, it can’t change the essence of wood, see I don’t blow you up.” ”

The next instant,

Kapu then swung his steel-like fist, and without fear, he bombarded the hundred giant wooden fists that were coming at him.


A deafening roar sounded

In the blink of an eye, Kapu’s fist collided with a giant wooden fist in front of it, and an extremely terrifying power shock wave erupted, causing the air to explode, and the entire island of Kamiya was trembling slightly.


Under the impact of such a powerful force,

A wisp of visible crack appeared on the giant wooden fist, but instead of shattering, it was repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“It didn’t shatter… How can it be? ”

Karp, who was already ready to attack again, changed his face and showed a look of disbelief.

Be aware

He was going all out with the punch he had just thrown

Ben thought of first blowing up a giant wooden fist, opening the door, and then blowing up the remaining ninety-nine giant wooden fists one by one.

Okay now

His all-out blow actually only made a crack in that giant wooden fist…

Swish…… Uh-huh…

Accompanied by a burst of empty sounds

When Kapu was stunned, the fists of the real thousands of hands would not stop, and the remaining ninety-nine giant wooden fists were like a fierce wind and rain, storming Kapu, directly covering the area where it was located indiscriminately.

“I’ve blown it all up!!”

Kapu returned to his senses, without hesitation, frantically swinging his fists, exerting his armed color domineering spirit to the fullest

Bang! Bang! Bang!!

A series of harsh and dull collisions rang out, fists and fists constantly collided, erupting into a shock wave that made the air explode, and more than a dozen giant wooden fists close to Kapu were cracked one after another, and the wood chips flew randomly!

Can…… The remaining eighty or so giant wooden fists came from a continuous bombardment.

After barely cracking more than twenty giant wooden fists, a giant wooden fist grabbed the gap in the defense and landed Kapu’s shoulder


A dull crashing sound sounded, and Kapu’s body paused, as if there was some disbelief, and then it flew backwards and flew out, smashing the ground hundreds of meters away, setting off a large amount of dust.

And as Karp was blown out,

Bang! Bang! Bang….

Twelve consecutive explosions sounded

Only to see that it was Locks · D. Gibbek, Golden Lion Stoney, Edward Newgate, Silver Axe, John, Wang Zhi, Gore D. Roger, Silbaz Reilly, Sbark? Jaba, Steel Bone Void, Sengoku, and Zefa were also knocked out in no particular order, like a meteorite falling, smashing on the ground, making the island of Kamiya shake continuously.

“What a lot of resilience and defense?”

“With the blessing of armed color domineering and overlord color domineering, these fist giant wooden fists are also too terrible!”

“How can this be, with many arms on their own, we can make countless mistakes, and we will be blown out as long as we make a mistake.”


A few minutes later, it was Rox who was blown away. D. Gibbek, Golden Lion Stoney, Edward Newgate, Silver Axe, John, Wang Zhi, Gore D. Roger, Silbaz Reilly, Sbark? Jaba, Steelbone, Sengoku, Kapu, and Zefa flew out of the pit in a flash, staring heavily at the giant Guanyin statue in front of them.

The first wave of collective attacks, they were all blown away.

The giant Guanyin statue in front of them was even more terrifying and powerful than they had imagined, especially with the blessing of the armed color domineering spirit and the overlord color domineering.

“What kind of perverted ninjutsu is this!!”

Locks S. D. Gibbek’s face was extremely gloomy, and he said coldly, “I haven’t exploded a hundred giant wooden fists.” ”

“Damn, why is that?”

Golden Lion Shiki clenched the Sakura Ten and Mu Ku in his hands and said in a deep voice, “The resilience and defense power are too perverted, eighty giant wooden fists, I have no way.” ”

“Although my concussive force can shatter the giant wooden fist, it cannot completely shock it.” Edward Newgate held Cong Yunche with a pestle, and his look was not very good, “I can’t do anything to attack my eighty giant wooden fists.” ”

“We too…”

The silver axe, John, and the king gritted their teeth and spoke one after another.

Perhaps because of their strength, the three of them were only attacked by forty giant wooden fists each, but… Still there is no way.

On the other side, Gore D. Roger, Silbaz Reilly, Sbark? Jabba, Steelbone, Sengoku, Kapu, and Zefa all fell silent, and like the Rox Pirates, they failed to blow a giant wooden fist.

Among them, Gore · D. Roger was the most speechless

He had already pushed the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing to the extreme, just to find a flaw, but underestimated the resilience and defense power of the giant wooden fist.

Even if he cracked the hundred giant wooden fists that attacked him, there was no egg.


Or was blown out.



(PS: Do you have any readers to read it? Kneel for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute, kneel and beg for the readers of the big guys. )

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