The next moment,

The white pillar of light that spread across the sky collided violently with the black fist formed by thousands of giant arms of the true thousands of hands.


Accompanied by a deafening roar

The already crumbling island of Kamiya completely collapsed, rolling up a series of terrifying energy waves, causing the sea to tremble!

“The battle begins…”


Seeing this scene, Locks D. Gibbek, Golden Lion Stoney, Edward Newgate, Silver Axe, John, Wang Zhi, Gore D. Roger, Silbaz Reilly, Sbark? Jaba, Steel Bone Void, Sengoku, Kapu, Zefa almost did not hesitate, and flew away in unison.

“It’s like a baby who will die if he stays here.” Suddenly, the already evacuated Gore D. Roger, who seemed to sense something, gritted his teeth and flew away in the other direction.

Now that he sensed it, he intended to save the baby’s life…


At the same time,

The white light pillar in the sky and the fists covered by the armed color domineering spirit of the real thousands of hands were constantly intertwined and collided, resulting in countless black thunderbolts, which invisibly caused the air to explode and there was a rift in the sky, as if it were the end of the world.

Look around,

The whole heaven and earth seemed to be invisibly divided into two parts, upper and lower

Above was the white light of the sky, but below was the real thousands of hands of countless black fists, which were fighting each other, and no one could help anyone.

At the junction of the giant wooden fist and the white pillar of light, a faint wisp of strange distortion appeared, and a black crack was clearly filled in the center.

This…… It’s a space rift!!

One second….

Ten seconds….

Three minutes….


As time goes by,


Ten minutes have passed,

Can……… The confrontation in the field did not weaken, but became more and more violent and irritable

At this time, the stage of confrontation with each other had ended, only to see the giant Guanyin statue waving countless fists, constantly blasting one white pillar of light after another

Thundered! Thundered!!

A series of earth-shaking sounds rang out

Along with the waves of explosive energy, the scene is extremely shocking and heart-palpitating.

“Such a battle is simply a ruin!”

“I didn’t expect that after fighting with us, Luo Lei could actually exert such a strong power, which is really a monster.”

“Too strong, too perverted!!”


Locks S. Kelly, who had been evacuated to the sea, D. Gibbek, Golden Lion Stoney, Edward Newgate, Silver Axe, John, Wang Zhi, Gore D. Roger, Silbaz Reilly, Sbark? Jaba, Steel Bone Hollow, Sengoku, Kapu, Zefa, looking at the center of the battle, all involuntarily emitted a sense of emotion.

To be fair,

They are all well-known strong men on the sea

I don’t want to admit it, but… Compared with the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei, there are still some gaps, and they still have some weaknesses.

“Roger, this little guy didn’t cry.”

At this time, Silbaz Reilly held a baby with red hair and said somewhat doubtfully, “Wouldn’t it be a problem?” ”

“No problem!”

Gore · D. Roger shook his head with a smile and said playfully: “This child is very special, he has felt the breath of so many strong people at a young age, and he may awaken the strongest bully color domineering spirit in the future, everyone must give him a face, the future is unlimited.” ”

All right!!

When the baby was found in the ruins

Gore · D. Roger was also worried, but after checking it out, he found nothing wrong and took the baby out of Kamiya Island.


Silbaz Reilly laughed and picked up the baby in his arms to watch the battle.

“Almost.” The next moment, Gore D. Roger’s domineering spirit seemed to sense something, and he said meaningfully: “Rore’s breath is beginning to weaken…”

“Has it weakened?”

The voice has not fallen

Everyone present released their own domineering spirit.

At first, I didn’t feel it yet, but… As time passed, Lore’s breath seemed to begin to wane.

“Is it over?”

Locks S. D. Gibbak’s eyes narrowed, and his body flashed with the steel bone empty, and Roger and the others pulled away.

Swish! Swish!!

Accompanied by Locks’s movements,

Golden Lion Stoney, Edward Newgate, Silver Axe, John, and Wang Zhi also followed; Silbaz Reilly and Sbark? Jabba also subconsciously approached Roger.

As for the steel bone air, the Sengoku, Zefa, and Kapu also gathered together.

Everyone is not a fool, and once Luo Lei dies, it means that there is no need for everyone to cooperate, and it must be prevented.


In the field,

As the battle continues,

A wisp of cold sweat had appeared on Lore’s forehead

That’s right

He already had some untenables.

Originally, after a big battle, his strength was no longer at its peak, but he was caught by Im of this dog day

It’s just that the system doesn’t have any hints? In fact, this time the world government set up a situation on the island of Kamiya, Luo Lei is vaguely aware, but… The system prompted him that there was a hammer machine that unlocked the template (peak state) between the first generation of Naruto and the Thousand Hands Pillar to 100%, and as long as the template between the First Generation Naruto and the Thousand Hand Pillar (peak state) could be unlocked and fused, the second template could be extracted.

The result is good, he is almost unable to hold on, the system has not yet prompted, this is especially not playing him?

“System, I’m going to look at the properties panel…”

As soon as he thought of this, Luo Lei gritted his teeth and silently said a word in his heart.

“Ding…. The host’s properties panel is being built!! ”

“Ding…. Properties panel generated complete!! ”

Host: Lore;

Age: 17 years old

Chakra Attributes: Fire, Wind, Thunder, Earth, Water, Yin, Yang;

Ability: Template between the first generation of Naruto and Senju Pillar (peak state) [unlock fusion 99.9%]; Navy VI [Mastery]; See and smell the color domineering [advanced]; Armed color domineering [advanced]; Overlord Color Domineering [Top] (Awaken exclusive ability Overlord Kill);

Number of times the template is extracted: 0 times;

“No change to the system, I’m XXXX!”

Taking a quick look at the attribute panel that he could only see, Luo Lei finally couldn’t hold back

If he could unlock the template (peak state) between the first generation of Naruto-Senju Pillar to 100%, then he would be able to extract the second template, and it would not be easy to strike back with a Jedi counterattack?

The result is good

At a critical moment, the system began to die.

Now what?




(PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute, kneeling and begging for all the readers of the big guys.) )

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