
It’s impossible!


It is even more impossible, just do it and you’re done…


After determining that the system did not react at all

Luo Lei didn’t tie his hands either, and the Immortal Cha Ton La of his whole body surged again, causing Zhen Qian’s thousands of hands to frantically swing their giant wooden fists, exploding all the white pillars of light that poured out.

At the same time,

“Give me death!”

Im, who was far away in the Holy Land of Mary Joy, seemed to be unable to attack for a long time, which made her have a rare hint of worry, and coldly let out a harsh word.

She still didn’t believe that she couldn’t sanction this Luo Lei.

The voice has not fallen


Above the island of Kamiya,

Countless white pillars of light poured out, bursting out the white light of the shining sun, illuminating this sea.


It was the sound of a giant wooden fist being shattered

Poof!! Poof!!

And this trance was like a fuse, causing a series of chain reactions, only to see the giant wooden fists of the true thousands of hands being exploded one by one, and finally, countless brilliant white light pillars enveloped the true thousands of hands and Luo Lei.

“Ding… Congratulations to the host, completed the system’s hidden task, the system deliberately rewarded 0.01% of the experience points. ”

“Ding… Congratulations to the host, unlocking the template (peak state) between the original Naruto and Senju pillar to 100%! ”

“Ding… Congratulations to the host, get the opportunity to extract the second template, whether to extract …”


Listening to the long-lost system prompt in his head, Luo Lei really wanted to cry, Nyima’s, not coming early or late, but to complete it when he was going to die, is there any mistake!


Think so

The broken jar of Loree still gritted his teeth and made one last sound


“Ding!! Extracting… Extraction……”

“Ding!! Congratulations to the host, drawing the template for the supervillain in the comic strip “Black Robe Pickets” and its TV adaptation – the peak state of the Motherlander……”

“Ding!! The template for the peak state of the motherland has been opened and is being loaded…”


The system’s prompt sound is not finished

Luo Lei’s body was blasted into the abyss of the sea by the white light, and completely disappeared;

“Is it actually a template for the motherland?”

And at the last moment of falling into the abyss under the sea, Luo Lei’s cheek revealed a wisp of Azu’s smile, he will come back, and when the time, no matter who it is, he will have to kneel on the ground, and that Im, waiting for Lao Tzu’s crescent moon to rush up!


I hope you don’t let me down…


After more than ten minutes,

The brilliant white pillar of light gradually disappeared

Looking around, the sky is clear, and the dark clouds in the sky have disappeared

The scene just now, it was like an illusion, when… Seeing the disappearing island of Kamiya and the vortex formed by the inverted water in the central area can prove that everything is not an illusion, it is really real.

“This… Is this the power of world government to rule the world? ”

Looking at this shocking scene, Locks Lee, who had been evacuated far away, D. Gibbek, Golden Lion Stoney, Edward Newgate, Silver Axe, John, Wang Zhi, Gore D. Roger, Silbaz Reilly, Sbark? Jaba, Steelbone, Sengoku, Kapu, Zefa stood on the deck, their minds blank

Among them, the silver axe, John, and Wang Zhi even took a breath of cold air, obviously frightened and some of them were not confident.


The power of the last moment erupted

It is clearly beyond the limits of human mastery and seems to be able to erase everything.

“I now know roughly what happened in the blank hundred years!” I don’t know how long it took, Locks · D. Gibek looked at the vanished island of Kamiya in the distance and sighed.

“I also know why the world government can rule the world.”

Golden Lion Shiki took a deep breath, suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and said in a deep voice, “With such a strong power, isn’t it easy to rule the world?” ”

“Gollum, I know how to go in the future…”

Edward Newgate shook his head freely, let out his own unique laughter, and a deep thought in his heart became firm, since the world government is so strong, then he should go to find a “home”.


“Finally killed this sea ancestor Luo Lei.”

“It’s over, it’s all over!!”


The silver axe, John, and Wang Zhi all fell to the deck when they came back, and there was a faint joy in their hearts for the rest of their lives.

“Roger, is Roley dead?”

At this time, the steel bone air hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Roger, who had the ability to listen to the sounds of all things, and asked uncertainly.

Swish! Swish!!

After this sentence,

Everyone on the deck looked at Roger

Although they all sensed the complete disappearance of Luo Lei’s breath with their eyes and smells, but… There was still some lack of self-confidence, and if Lorelei hadn’t died yet, it would have been uncomfortable.

“Lore’s breath has completely disappeared.” Sensing everyone’s gaze, Gore D. Roger sensed it for a moment before he said in a firm tone, “Roley should have fallen into the abyss of the seabed and died without a body.” ”

“Good, great!!”

Hearing these words, Steel Bone Kong shook his fist excitedly and said in a deep voice: “Once Luo Lei dies, the sea can finally restore its previous calm…”

Wait, isn’t that right?

As long as the Rox Pirates and Roger Pirates remain, the sea will certainly not be calm.

After speaking, the steel bone was a little embarrassed, and could only stare at Rox with a wary look. D. Gibbek, Gore M. D. Roger and others, in case these two guys get together, things are a little hard to handle.

So, huh

In such a situation, the atmosphere of the scene has changed somewhat;

On one side is the Navy, on the other side is the Rox Pirate Regiment, the Roger Pirate Regiment, once the two sides join forces, the other side will be very uncomfortable, and even in danger of annihilation!!



(PS: Do you have any readers to read it? Kneel for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute, kneel and beg for the readers of the big guys. )

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