
See this scene

The pirates of the Flame Tank Pirate Regiment at the scene were stunned

Obviously, he did not expect that in the coffin was actually a wooden man like a real person, covered with the banner of the Hundred Beasts Pirates; There are also some dried demon fruits that have only one layer of skin left.

Take a closer look

The wooden man seems to be lifelike

But…… Can’t change the essence of a piece of wood, it’s just wood;

Those demon fruits that had dried up knew at a glance that the energy inside had been absorbed and had been destroyed.


The scene fell into a silence!!

For a time, the pirates of the Flame Tank Pirates did not even dare to breathe in the atmosphere, fearing that Capone Becky would be angry with everyone.


“How can that be?”

“How could the Hundred Beasts Kaido bury a wooden man in a golden coffin in this place where birds don’t?” And put so many ruined demon fruits? ”


Capone Becky muttered to himself, the cigar in his hand had fallen to the ground, looking a little dazed and incredulous

He had never imagined that what he had painstakingly found was a coffin, which contained no imagined treasure, only a wooden man, and some discarded demon fruits.

If the Demon Fruit hadn’t been destroyed, so many Demon Fruits would have been a great treasure!

The result?

Only this golden coffin has value

Is this what Charlotte Lingling said about Kaido leaving a great treasure in the West Sea?

Treasure a hammer? What treasure is a wooden man? However, Capone Becky did not know that in the hearts of the Hundred Beasts Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, Luo Lei was really the greatest treasure, as long as Lord Luo Lei could be resurrected, and the ancestors of the sea would come to the sea, they could also do whatever they wanted, and they would never care about anything again.

“This must be fake, Kaido deliberately misled us here.”

I don’t know how long later, Capone Becky clenched his fists and ordered angrily: “Give me a closer look, even if I dig three feet into the ground, I will find the real treasure.” ”


Listen to this sentence

Without hesitation, the Flame Tank Pirates went their separate ways, fearing the displeasure of the angry Godfather.

“Wooden man?”

At this time, Capone Becky took a cold look at the wooden man lying in the coffin, showing a cruel expression, he wanted to cut the wooden man into thousands of pieces to dispel the hatred in his heart.

However, just when Capone Becky wanted to do it, he seemed to sense something and looked up at the sea level in the distance.

Only to see the sea in the distance


Silently, a black shadow suddenly appeared.

The black shadow was fast, as if it were flying towards this desert island where birds don’t.

“This is?”

Capone Becky was a little confused

Some of the pirates of the Flame Tank Pirate Regiment also sensed the anomaly, and also followed the direction of Capone Becky’s look, taking a slight look, and when they saw a black shadow, they also showed a look of shock.


This black shadow seemed to be flying, and the speed was still very fast.

As this black shadow got closer and closer to the desert island, the outline gradually became clear, and it was a bird creature.

One second….

Three seconds….

Twenty seconds….

When a minute later,

The whole picture of this bird creature has been incomparably clear, and it is a toothless pterosaur;

“How could it be, it was…”


Capone Becky’s eyes widened, and a wisp of cold sweat appeared on his forehead


It was the sound of cold sweat dripping

At the same time,

The pirates of the Flame Tank Pirate Regiment also showed a frightened color, only feeling a chill in their backs and panic in their hearts.

The Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment Big Kanban, the first of the “Three Great Disasters”, the embers nicknamed “Fire Disaster” actually came to the West Sea, and more importantly, it was exactly when they dug up this golden coffin!


Although the embers of the “Heat Disaster” had not yet arrived, nor did they exude any momentum, the pirates of the Flame Tank Pirate Regiment who were present could not help but tremble and subconsciously retreated backwards when they looked at the figures that flew by.


As the embers of the “Plague of Heat” flew by,

The seemingly clear sky has become extremely depressed

Obviously there is only one person,

But it gave Capone Becky and others a sense of heaviness and oppression that seemed to be unable to breathe

“Hahaha, how dare you dig up the treasure buried by Boss Kaido?” Accompanied by a very cold laughter, the body of the “Burning Disaster” ember fell from the sky and landed directly on the front of the golden coffin, and the cheeks under the mask were very ugly.

If only to come a step later

Lord Lore’s grave was almost dug up, so wouldn’t he have become a sinner?

In fact, before the Flame Celebration, Elder Kaido seemed to have a premonition, so he summoned him separately and said something about the treasure hidden in the West Sea and the location of the hiding, and said that in order not to attract the attention of the world government, he placed the sea ancestor – Luo Lei on a desert island in the West Sea, and only the last five demon fruits could be resurrected.

After hearing this appalling news

Ember’s head was blank, and as the head of the “Three Plagues”, he certainly knew something about the ninja god – Lore’s Misin

But I didn’t think about it

Boss Kaido is secretly resurrecting the legendary man – Lore;

At the same time, he also understood why when developing the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, Kaido Elder Assembly took out some other demon fruits.

Therefore, after leaving the country of peace like a lost dog, he set out for the West Sea at a very fast speed, but he was chased and intercepted by a team of navy, saying that he would be caught and imprisoned in the Advance City, and it took a lot of effort to escape to the West Sea, but he saw such an angry scene;

It’s intolerable….

“Cough cough…”

However…… The long-distance attack coupled with the Navy’s obstruction made the exhausted embers cough a few times, and their bodies trembled a few times.


And it was this coughing sound

Let the nervous and mentally broken Capone Becky have a glint of essence in his eyes

The ember at the head of this “three major disasters” seems to be at the peak of its strength, and then thinking of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment that has been destroyed, Capone Becky immediately knew that the ember should have been chased by someone and escaped to the West Sea, in order to be the treasure of the West Sea.

It must be so!!

“I didn’t expect you to escape?”

After a few seconds, Capone Becky took a deep breath and said tentatively, “Are you here for the treasure of the West Sea?” ”


Ember glanced at Capone Becky with an idiot-like look

If it was at its peak, such a small role, he did not put it in his eyes, now, or resurrect Lord Luo Lei, as long as Lord Luo Lei can be resurrected, then the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group will not be finished.

When I think about it,

Ember didn’t bother to pay attention to Capone Becky, reached out and removed the burden on his back, and took out five demon fruits of different shapes from it, and placed them in the coffin very respectfully.

“Dare to look down on me?”

Capone Becky’s gloomy face, and then he saw that the ember took out five demon fruits, and a wisp of killing intent quickly appeared in his eyes, taking advantage of his illness and asking for his life, the state of this ember was obviously wrong, and there was not necessarily no chance of fighting.


Just as Capone Becky wanted to signal his men to do it

I saw a scene that made people’s scalps tingle, and the five demon fruits placed in the square seemed to have been absorbed by people with water and energy, and only one layer of skin was left in an instant.


This is the sound of a wooden heart beating

The sound was very slight, but it made the embers look happy, and Capone Becky and the others showed a look of horror.


The next instant,

With a wave of horror fluctuates,

The wooden man actually began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally became a lifelike person, lying in a coffin.

A faint air penetrated into Luo Lei’s nose, as if he had fallen asleep, and Luo Lei slowly opened his eyes, just in time to see a white cloud in the sky.

“I’m back!!”



(PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute, kneeling and begging for all the readers of the big guys.) )

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